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  • Book : Lola Plants A Garden (lola Reads) - McQuinn, Anna
    Precio:  $28,689.00

    Book : Lola Plants A Garden (lola Reads) - McQuinn, Anna

    -Titulo Original : Lola Plants A Garden (lola Reads)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: How does your garden grow? Book-loving Lola is inspired by a collection of garden poems that she reads with her mommy. She wants to plant her own garden of beautiful flowers, so she and Mommy go to the library to check out books about gardening. They choose their flowers and buy their seeds. They dig and plant. And then they wait. Lola finds it hard to wait for her flowers to grow, but she spends the time creating her own flower book. Soon she has a garden full of sunflowers and invites all of her friends for cakes and punch and a story amongst the flowers. Lola is a beloved character that continues to shine for young readers. Her curiosity and love of books is infectious. Parents and children love sharing Lolas stories. Rosalind Beardshaws beautiful illustrations highlight Lolas close-knit family and how they use stories and books to interact with their world. Lolas brightly colored and growing garden is the perfect surrounding for this bright little girl...
  • Libro : Lola En La Biblioteca (lola Reads)  - McQuinn, Anna
    Precio:  $35,529.00

    Libro : Lola En La Biblioteca (lola Reads) - McQuinn, Anna

    -Titulo Original : Lola En La Biblioteca (lola Reads) -Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Spanish language edition. Lola has a big smile on her face. Why? Because its Tuesday--and on Tuesdays, Lola and her mommy go to the library. Join Lola in this cozy celebration of books and the people who love them...
  • Book : Lia Y Luis ¿quien Tiene Mas? / Lia & Luis Who Has...
    Precio:  $55,269.00

    Book : Lia Y Luis ¿quien Tiene Mas? / Lia & Luis Who Has...

    -Titulo Original : Lia Y Luis ¿quien Tiene Mas? / Lia & Luis Who Has More? (storytelling Math)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡Celebremos la diversidad, las matematicas y el poder del cuento! Celebrate diversity, math, and the power of storytelling! ¡Ahora en edicion bilingue ingles-español! Los mellizos Lia y Luis siempre discuten para ver quien tiene mas de su merienda favorita. ¿Podran estos hermanos usar las matematicas y compartir un poco para saber quien tiene razon? Una exploracion divertida sobre la medicion, el conteo y la estimacion, con personajes brasileño-estadounidenses y un glosario de palabras en portugues. Los libros de la serie Cuentos matematicos celebran las aventuras diarias de niños que usan las matematicas mientras juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que los rodea. Historias divertidas y actividades practicas facilitan que tanto los niños como los adultos exploren juntos las matematicas de la vida diaria. Fue desarrollada junto a expertos en el curriculum STEM, pertenecientes a TERC Inc., organizacion sin fines de lucro, bajo una subvencion otorgada por Heising-Simons Foundation. Now in a Spanish bilingual edition! Twins Lia and Luis argue over who has more of their favorite snacks. Can the siblings use math--and a little sharing--to pick the winner? A playful exploration of measurement, counting, and estimation, featuring Brazilian American characters and a glossary of Brazilian Portuguese words. Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education non-profit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation. Review A classic sibling debate sets the stage for this effective, child-led exploration of measurement methods. After Lia and Luis visit their family’s store to get their favorite Brazilian snacks, they wonder: is Luis’s one bag of tapioca biscuits “more” than Lia’s two chicken croquettes? In text sprinkled with Portuguese words (a glossary with a pronunciation guide is included at the end), the two children go back and forth, counting, comparing, and measuring: “She has two croquettes. Luis has only one bag of biscuits. Maybe Lia does have more.// Or maybe not... Luis has... 98, 99, 100 biscuits.” Eventually, Lia discovers who has more by weight and finds a way for each child to have an equal amount. Medeiros’s cheery, colorful digital illustrations capture the children’s frustration, concentration, and joy. Includes four additional adult-led activities to encourage children to think more about measurement and comparison. -Publishers Weekly About the Author Ana Crespo nacio en Brasil y se mudo a Estados Unidos para obtener su maestria en educacion. Aqui se enamoro de los cuentos para niños cuando empezo a leerselos a su hija, pero queria ver libros de autores brasileños, ¡con personajes brasileños! Cuando nacio su hijo comenzo a escribir sus propios cuentos. Es autora de The Sock Thief: A Soccer Story, ganador del International Latino Book Award, y de la serie My Emotions & Me. Originally from Brazil, Ana Crespo moved to the United States to pursue a master of education. She fell in love with childrens books when she began reading them to her daughter. But she wanted to see books by Brazilian authors, featuring Brazilian characters! After her son was born, she decided to write her own stories. Ana is the author of The Sock Thief: A Soccer Story, which won an International Latino Book Award, and the My Emotions & Me series. Giovana Medeiros nacio en Brasil. Actualmente vive en Lisboa, Portugal, donde trabaja como ilustradora independiente. Ilustro Running on Sunshine, In the Garden, y otros libros para niños de diferentes partes del mundo. Originally from Brazil, Giovana Medeiros is now a freelance illustrator based in Lisbon, Portugal. She is the illustrator of Running on Sunshine, In the Garden, and several other children...
  • Book : Que Nervios! El Primer Dia De Escuela - Danneberg,...
    Precio:  $39,439.00

    Book : Que Nervios! El Primer Dia De Escuela - Danneberg,...

    -Titulo Original : Que Nervios! El Primer Dia De Escuela-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Spanish language edition. Everyone knows that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach just before diving into a new situation. Sarah Jane Hartwell is scared and doesnt want to start over at a new school. She doesnt know anybody, and nobody knows her. It will be awful. She just knows it. With much prodding from Mr. Hartwell, Sarah Jane reluctantly pulls herself together and goes to school. She is quickly befriended by Mrs. Burton, who helps smooth her jittery transition. This charming and familiar story will delight readers with its surprise ending...
  • Book : ¡al Bebe Le Encantan Los Quarks! / Baby Loves...
    Precio:  $46,739.00

    Book : ¡al Bebe Le Encantan Los Quarks! / Baby Loves...

    -Titulo Original : ¡al Bebe Le Encantan Los Quarks! / Baby Loves Quarks! (baby Loves Science)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Disponible en edicion bilingue ingles-español, esta exitosa serie ofrece importantes e interesantes temas cientificos para hacer pensar a los mas pequeños. Con la exactitud de un experto y la sencillez para que lo entienda un niño, Quarks explica los principios fisicos y quimicos basicos de las particulas (quarks, protones, neutrones, atomos y moleculas) y los relaciona con el mundo del bebe. Contiene atractivas ilustraciones que se complementan con un lenguaje apropiado para que el bebe se maraville. Y no solo el bebe... ¡padres y cuidadores tambien pueden aprender mucho! Now available in Spanish bilingual editions, this best-selling series offers big, brainy science for the littlest listeners. Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for Baby, Quarks explores the basics of particle physics and chemistry - quarks, protons, neutrons, atoms and molecules - and ties it all to Babys world. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate language to encourage a babys sense of wonder. Parents and caregivers may learn a thing or two as well...
  • Book : Big Test Jitters (the Jitters Series) - Danneberg,...
    Precio:  $43,179.00

    Book : Big Test Jitters (the Jitters Series) - Danneberg,...

    -Titulo Original : Big Test Jitters (the Jitters Series)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Everyone gets the jitters--especially before the big test. New from the best-selling series that brought you First Day Jitters, Mrs. Hartwell takes on a new, nervy adventure as she prepares her class to take the Big Test. Knowing they have studied and are well-prepared, she helps the students practice how to sit quietly, fill in the bubbles, and follow the directions. As her students grow increasingly anxious about the Big Test, Mrs. Hartwell realizes she has to teach the most valuable test-taking skill of all: learning to relax...
  • Book : Babys First Book Of Birds & Colors - Tildes, Phyllis.
    Precio:  $44,989.00

    Book : Babys First Book Of Birds & Colors - Tildes, Phyllis.

    -Titulo Original : Babys First Book Of Birds & Colors-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: The colorful world of birds! Birds come in all different shapes, sizes, and yes, colors, too! From the eastern bluebird and blue jay to the scarlet tanager and northern cardinal, little ones will discover the natural world and learn the names and colors of Phyllis Limbacher Tildes’s exquisitely illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The color word appears large and bold, and each bird is labeled by name, as are owers, fruits, and foliage. Each bird is color coded and has a name and gender for children to easily identify...
  • Book : ¡essie! ¿otra Vez? / Again, Essie? (storytelling...
    Precio:  $36,769.00

    Book : ¡essie! ¿otra Vez? / Again, Essie? (storytelling...

    -Titulo Original : ¡essie! ¿otra Vez? / Again, Essie? (storytelling Math)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Celebrate diversity, math, and the power of storytelling! ¡Celebremos la diversidad, las matematicas y el poder del cuento! Rafael wants to protect his toys from his little sister, Essie. Gathering materials from around the house, he builds a wall tall enough and wide enough to keep her out. But will it be strong enough? And what does Essie really want? A playful exploration of physical space and geometry, featuring Chicanx (Mexican American) characters and a glossary of Spanish words. Rafael quiere proteger sus juguetes de Essie, su hermanita. Para eso busca materiales en su casa para construir un muro que sea lo suficientemente alto y ancho como para que Essie no pase. ¿Pero ese muro sera lo suficientemente fuerte? ¿Y que quiere Essie realmente? Esta es una exploracion divertida del espacio fisico y de la geometria, la cual presenta personajes chicanos (mexicoamericanos) e incluye un glosario de palabras en español. Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education nonprofit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation. Los libros de la serie Cuentos matematicos celebran las aventuras diarias de niños que usan las matematicas mientras juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que los rodea. Historias divertidas y actividades practicas facilitan que tanto los niños como los adultos exploren juntos las matematicas de la vida diaria. Fue desarrollada junto a expertos en el curriculum STEM, pertenecientes a TERC Inc., organizacion sin fines de lucro, bajo una subvencion otorgada por Heising-Simons Foundation. Review ? Rafael’s little sister, Essie, is always running after him and knocking over his toys. While she naps, Rafael gets the idea to make a wall high enough so Essie can’t pass to where he and his toys are. Rafael collects numerous boxes of different sizes-cereal and puzzle boxes, shipping and Kleenex boxes, file organizers and a cooler-and gets to work. Rafael arranges and rearranges the boxes until he finally has a good-sized wall, and just in time as Essie wakes up! As she approaches, Essie easily knocks over the wall. Rafael realizes all she wants is to play with him, and soon they are working together to make a new wall. Colorful digital illustrations welcome readers into Essie and Rafael’s comfortable and loving home, while English and Spanish text narrates each step of Rafael’s careful plan. Essie’s presence is known as the text becomes larger with each crash Essie brings. A glossary and suggestions for exploring math are included. VERDICT Featuring two Chicanx siblings, and their family in the background, this bilingual picture book provides a fun view of how math and problem-solving skills can be applied in the everyday. -School Library Journal, starred review A young Latine boy builds a wall out of a shoe box and other items to protect his toys from his toddler sister. Two “No Pasar” signs hang outside both entrances into the living room. In the center, Rafael pins a sheet around his toys to shield them. But it doesn’t stop his sister, Essie, who comes barreling in with a mighty “¡CRASH!” An idea strikes Rafael to build a wall “wide enough and tall enough to keep Essie out.” Picking a favorable spot in his bedroom, Rafael initiates his new plan while Essie takes a siesta. He collects a packing box, a shoe box, a puzzle box, a cooler, and more to construct his Essie-proof wall. His goal: to fit, flip, and turn each item into a makeshift barrier. Easy in theory, tough in practice. As Essie stirs and fusses out of her nap, Rafael tries to puzzle out each shape into a wall before time runs out. With a dash of humor, Lacika’s Spanish and English text-translated by Calvo-serves a low-key urgent scenario familiar to olde...
  • Book : ¡mira, Abuela! / Look, Grandma! / Ni, Elisi!...
    Precio:  $37,379.00

    Book : ¡mira, Abuela! / Look, Grandma! / Ni, Elisi!...

    -Titulo Original : ¡mira, Abuela! / Look, Grandma! / Ni, Elisi! (storytelling Math)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡Celebremos la diversidad, las matematicas y el poder del cuento! Celebrating diversity, math, and the power of storytelling in Spanish bilingual editions! Bo quiere encontrar el recipiente perfecto para mostrar sus canicas tradicionales en la Fiesta Nacional Cheroqui. El recipiente debe tener el tamaño justo: lo suficientemente grande como para que quepan todas las canicas y lo suficientemente pequeño como para caber en el puesto de venta que su familia tendra en el festival cheroqui. ¡Ademas debe ser bonito! Con la ayuda de su abuela, Bo encuentra lo que necesita. Este cuento es una exploracion divertida sobre los conceptos de capacidad y volumen, que incluye personajes nativos americanos y un glosario de palabras cheroquis. La serie Storytelling Math (Cuentos Matematicos) celebra el uso de las matematicas en las aventuras diarias de niños y niñas, a medida que juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que los rodea. La serie contiene historias divertidas y actividades para que niños y adultos compartan las matematicas de la vida diaria. Fue desarrollada junto a expertos en el curriculum STEM, pertenecientes a TERC Inc., organizacion sin fines de lucro, bajo una subvencion otorgada por Heising-Simons Foundation. Bo wants to find the perfect container to show off his traditional marbles for the Cherokee National Holiday. It needs to be just the right size: big enough to fit all the marbles, but not too big to fit in his familys booth at the festival. And it needs to look good! A playful exploration of volume and capacity featuring Native characters and a glossary of Cherokee words. Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education nonprofit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation...
  • Libro : Lola Le Lee Al Pequeno Leo (leo Can!)  - McQuinn,...
    Precio:  $40,129.00

    Libro : Lola Le Lee Al Pequeno Leo (leo Can!) - McQuinn,...

    -Titulo Original : Lola Le Lee Al Pequeno Leo (leo Can!) -Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Spanish language edition. Lola can’t wait to share her love of reading with her baby brother, Leo. From potty time to nap time, Lola finds just the right book. Life is busy with a baby around, but spunky Lola helps her mom and dad out as she learns to embrace her new role as big sister...
  • Libro : Cuenta Los Insectos  - Pallotta, Jerry
    Precio:  $59,889.00

    Libro : Cuenta Los Insectos - Pallotta, Jerry

    -Titulo Original : Cuenta Los Insectos -Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Spanish language edition. This extraordinary counting book is full of astonishing illustrations and amazing facts about the fascinating world of insects. Once again, Jerry Pallottas perfect blend of information and humor has created a favorite for children and adults...
  • Book : Fractions In Disguise A Math Adventure (charlesbridge
    Precio:  $37,539.00

    Book : Fractions In Disguise A Math Adventure (charlesbridge

    -Titulo Original : Fractions In Disguise A Math Adventure (charlesbridge Math Adventures)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: “No question-a large fraction of parents and teachers will be reaching for this” entertaining math adventure that introduces simplified and reduced fractions with intrigue and humor (Kirkus) When a valuable fraction goes missing, George Cornelius Factor (a.k.a. GCF) vows to track it down. Knowing that the villainous Dr. Brok likes to disguise his ill-gotten fractions, G.C.F. invents a Reducer-half ray gun, half calculator- that strips away the disguise, reducing the fraction to its lowest common denominator and revealing its true form. With the Reducer in hand, George seeks out Dr. Brok in hopes of retrieving the missing fraction. Equal parts action and humor add up to a wholly entertaining introduction to simplifying fractions. David Clark’s illustrations are packed with humorous details as well as clearly defined fractions and their corresponding reduction equations...
  • Book : Mario Y El Agujero En El Cielo / Mario And The Hole..
    Precio:  $41,759.00

    Book : Mario Y El Agujero En El Cielo / Mario And The Hole..

    -Titulo Original : Mario Y El Agujero En El Cielo / Mario And The Hole In The Sky Como Un Quimico Salvo Nuestro Planeta-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Una historia real sobre un cientifico contemporaneo que salvo la capa de ozono y el planeta, evitando un desastre en el medioambiente. Mario Molina es un cientifico mexicoamericano y un heroe de nuestros dias que ayudo a resolver la crisis de la capa de ozono de la decada de 1980. Se crio en la Ciudad de Mexico y desde niño sintio curiosidad por los mundos ocultos que estudiaba a traves de un microscopio. De joven, ya viviendo en California, descubrio que el clorofluorocarbono, o CFC, que se usa en millones de refrigeradores y aerosoles, estaba haciendo un agujero en la capa de ozono que protege la Tierra. Mario tuvo que alertar al mundo... ¡y rapido! Mario fue galardonado con el premio Nobel y con la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad. Su inspiradora historia es una esperanza en la lucha contra el calentamiento global. Review This is the story of Mario Molina, a Mexican chemist who was responsible, with his colleagues F. Sherwood Rowland and Paul J. Crutzen, for the discovery of the hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica. Readers learn how Mario’s parents converted an old bathroom into a laboratory for their son and how his aunt, Esther Molina, also a chemist, helped and challenged him. The story follows Mario’s trajectory as he continues his medical studies abroad and ends up in California studying the chlorofluorocarbons that had been amassing and damaging the atmosphere. Engaging illustrations and information presented in an easy-to-read format make this title an excellent addition to any Spanish-language nonfiction collection. An epilogue, compare-contrast chart, bibliography, time line, and an author’s note are included. -Booklist About the Author Elizabeth Rusch es autora de muchos libros de no ficcion para niños. Algunos de sus titulos premiados son Volcano Rising y Electrical Wizard: How Nikola Tesla Lit Up the World. De la aclamada serie de libros Scientists in the Field se destacan The Mighty Mars Rovers, Eruption!, galardonado con la mencion Orbis Pictus, y The Next Wave. Teresa Martinez nacio en Mexico. De niña era muy timida y dibujar le servia para relacionarse con sus compañeros de escuela. De adulta estudio diseño grafico y comenzo a ilustrar libros. Ahora vive en Puerto Vallarta haciendo dibujos para niños, tal como lo hacia en la escuela, lo cual la hace muy feliz. teresa-mtz Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Mario Molina nacio en la Ciudad de Mexico, el 19 de marzo de 1943. Cuando tenia seis años, el mundo gozaba de nuevos y maravillosos productos comerciales fabricados con nuevos y sorprendentes productos quimicos. ¡Ffftt! ¡Ffftt! La madre de Mario se rocia perfume en la muñeca. Jjjjtt, jjjjtt. Alguien limpia una ventana. Pssst. Pssst. Con solo presionar un boton, se esparce liquido limpiador sobre un mostrador, pintura en una cerca y espray para mantener los rizos del cabello. Pero uno de esos nuevos productos quimicos, utilizado en millones de aerosoles y refrigeradores, tenia un efecto secundario peligroso que nadie habia descubierto hasta entonces… -¡Feliz cumpleaños, Mario!-. El dia que Mario cumplio diez años, sus padres le regalaron un microscopio. Mario miro a traves del lente y observo una gota de agua. -Que aburrido-, penso. Y, a continuacion, se pregunto: -¿Y que pasaria si el agua estuviera sucia?- Mario puso unas hojas de lechuga en agua y dejo que se pudrieran. Dias despues, esa asquerosidad babosa, verdosa y amarronada, olia terrible. Mario se tapo la nariz, y utilizando un gotero extrajo un poco de esa agua y dejo caer una gota en una platina. Entonces, miro a traves del lente y solto un grito ahogado. -¡Increible! ¡Tantas asombrosas criaturas en una sola gota de agua!- A partir de entonces, Mario observaba todo lo que podia en el microscopio: cristales de sal, tomates, cebollas, chiles en salsa y hasta pasta de dientes. Mario sentia curiosidad por observar otras cosas. -¿Puedo usar este baño como laboratorio? -les pregunto a s...
  • Book : Lola Goes To School (lola Reads) - McQuinn, Anna
    Precio:  $40,129.00

    Book : Lola Goes To School (lola Reads) - McQuinn, Anna

    -Titulo Original : Lola Goes To School (lola Reads)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Spunky Lola embarks on a new adventure--the first day of school! A comforting, cheerful read that demystifies the school day for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Lola and her family prepare for the first day of school the night before, then get up early, take pictures, and head to class. Lola puts her things in her cubby, chooses her activities, reads, plays, and has a snack. Before she knows it, its time to sing the good-bye song and rush into Mommys arms for a warm reunion...
  • Book : Baby Animals Black And White - Tildes, Phyllis...
    Precio:  $25,179.00

    Book : Baby Animals Black And White - Tildes, Phyllis...

    -Titulo Original : Baby Animals Black And White-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: This charming, best-selling board book introduces eight adorable baby animals, featuring high-contrast black-and-white illustrations perfect for babies from birth to age two. Research has shown that infants respond more readily to contrasting black and white images, making this book an ideal choice for the youngest of eyes. Up-close images of a playful Dalmatian puppy, a cuddly panda cub, a striped zebra, and other loveable animals grace each page. A final two-page spread completes this charming book with a clever surprise...
  • Book : The Lobster Lady - Hinrichs, Alexandra S.D.
    Precio:  $58,169.00

    Book : The Lobster Lady - Hinrichs, Alexandra S.D.

    -Titulo Original : The Lobster Lady-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: This intriguing picture-book biography tells the true story of Virginia Oliver-the Lobster Lady-who at 102 years old is the oldest person lobstering in Maine. Still hauling lobsters at over 100 years old, Virginia Oliver is admired in the state of Maine and beyond. She has been lobstering on and off for over 93 years and is fondly known as the Lobster Lady among locals. Virginia is a native of Rockland, Maine. The Lobster Lady chronicles a day in Virginias life while illuminating all that she remembers from growing up and starting a family on the mainland in Maine and on her family’s island, called the Neck. Readers get a sense of Virginia’s life and an idea of all that goes into lobster harvesting. Lyrically told and beautifully illustrated, The Lobster Lady is a tribute to the incredible life of a Maine icon and female pioneer...
  • Book : First Day Jitters (the Jitters Series) - Danneberg,..
    Precio:  $54,499.00

    Book : First Day Jitters (the Jitters Series) - Danneberg,..

    -Titulo Original : First Day Jitters (the Jitters Series)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Head back to school with the bestselling picture book classic! The perennial classroom read-aloud favorite for students and teachers, reminding us we all get the jitters sometimes. A perfect new school year pick for kindergarteners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders who are feeling nervous or anxious about starting their first day. Sarah Jane Hartwell has that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach-shes nervous and doesnt want to start a new school year. She doesnt know anybody, and nobody knows her. It will be awful. She just knows it. With a little convicing from Mr. Hartwell, Sarah Jane reluctantly heads to class. Shy at first, shes quickly befriended by Mrs. Burton and is reminded that everyone at school gets the jitters sometimes. A beloved and bestselling back to school staple, Sarah Janes relatable story and its surprise ending will delight seasoned students and new faces alike who are anxious about their first day. * Includes a Certificate of Courage for First Day Completion and a First Day Memories Sheet...
  • Libro : Nuestro Techo Es Azul - Echenique, Sara E.
    Precio:  $55,019.00

    Libro : Nuestro Techo Es Azul - Echenique, Sara E.

    -Titulo Original : Nuestro Techo Es Azul -Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: This heartfelt story of resilience follows two siblings as they work to recover and rebuild after Hurricane Maria destroys their home in Puerto Rico. Esta emotiva historia de resiliencia sigue a dos hermanos en su proceso de recuperacion luego de que el huracan Maria destruyera su casa en Puerto Rico. Before an intense hurricane hits their home in Puerto Rico, Antonio told his sister vibrant stories each night. During the storm, they huddled with their parents in a closet and hear the storm blow the roof right off their home. After the storm, their family uses a temporary blue tarp for a roof, and Antonio stops speaking. Gradually the siblings imagine their blue roof playfully-as the ocean above them or a parachute helping them fall from the sky. As the narrator helps her little brother feel safe once more--and after the family and community build a new roof--the little boy begins to speak again. Antes de que un fuerte huracan dañara su casa en Puerto Rico, todas las noches Antonio contaba a su hermana animadas historias. Durante la tormenta, se acurrucaron con sus padres en un closet desde donde escucharon como la tormenta hizo volar el techo de su hogar. Luego de la tormenta, la familia utiliza un toldo azul provisorio como techo, y Antonio deja de hablar. Poco a poco, los hermanos comienzan a pensar en su techo azul de maneras divertidas: imaginan que es el oceano sobre sus cabezas o un paracaidas para lanzarse desde el cielo. A medida que la narradora ayuda al hermanito a recuperar su seguridad -y luego de que la familia y la comunidad construyen un nuevo techo- el pequeñito comienza a hablar otra vez...
  • Libro : No Es Un Frijol  - Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe
    Precio:  $58,169.00

    Libro : No Es Un Frijol - Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe

    -Titulo Original : No Es Un Frijol -Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡AHORA EN ESPAÑOL! Un frijol saltarin mexicano no es un frijol en absoluto. ¡Es un fascinante hogar y fuente de alimento para un tipo especial de oruga! NOW IN SPANISH! A Mexican jumping bean isnt a bean at all. Its a fascinating home and food source for a special kind of caterpillar! Este cuento poetico comparte el ciclo de vida de un frijol saltarin mexicano. Este curioso insecto saltarin es en realidad una vaina de semilla de un arbusto llamado yerba de la flecha, en la cual una oruga se adentra, viviendo dentro de la vaina hasta que construye un capullo y emerge como una polilla. Perfecto para preescolares y niños que aun no leen, este creativo libro ilustrado explora la vida diaria del frijol saltarin mexicano y su eventual transformacion y escape de la vaina. This poetic story shares the life cycle of a Mexican jumping bean. This curious jumping insect is actually a seedpod from a shrub called yerba de la flecha, into which a caterpillar burrows, living inside the pod until it builds a cocoon and breaks out as a moth. Perfect for preschoolers and prereaders, this creative picture book explores the Mexican jumping beans daily life and eventual transformation and escape from the pod...
  • Libro : No Es Un Monstruo  - Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe
    Precio:  $57,379.00

    Libro : No Es Un Monstruo - Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe

    -Titulo Original : No Es Un Monstruo -Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡AHORA ES ESPAÑOL! Con un concepto de color ingenioso, este poetico libro ilustrado muestra el ciclo de vida del amado anfibio, el ajolote, en su habitat natural. NOW IN SPANISH! With a clever color concept, this poetic picture book shares the life cycle of beloved amphibian-the axolotl-in its natural habitat. Un ajolote pudiera parecerlo, pero definitivamente No es un monstruo. Esta curiosa criatura, popularizada por Minecraft, es en realidad una salamandra que nunca perdera sus branquias o aletas. No es un monstruo explora las caracteristicas del ajolote, el origen mitico de los aztecas sobre la especie y el modo en que la contaminacion afecta su habitat natural: los canales de Xochimilco en la Ciudad de Mexico. Divertido y cautivador, este libro jugueton e informativo presenta a sus lectores curiosos un personaje fantastico que... ¡NO es un monstruo! An axolotl may look like one, but it is certainly Not a Monster. This curious creature, made popular by Minecraft, is actually a salamander that will never lose its gills or fins. Not a Monster explores the traits of the axolotl, the Aztec origin myth about the species, and the way pollution is affecting its natural habitat: the canals of Xochimilco in Mexico City. Fun and engaging, this playful and informative read-aloud introduces curious readers on one cool character who is NOT a monster...
  • Book : The Very Berry Counting Book (jerry Pallottas...
    Precio:  $36,399.00

    Book : The Very Berry Counting Book (jerry Pallottas...

    -Titulo Original : The Very Berry Counting Book (jerry Pallottas Counting Books)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: Children can learn to count from one to 10 in a berry appetizing way. This lovely counting book, reminiscent of old-fashioned botanical illustrations, introduces children to a variety of berries. -Kirkus Reviews Best-selling author Jerry Pallotta’s latest counting book is for the youngest readers to devour. Covering familiar North American berries like blueberries and strawberries, as well as lesser-known ones such as mul-berries and salmonberries, this fruity board book combines evocative adjectives with berry names, numbers, and colors in a sweet and simple way. Joy Newton’s botanical illustrations bring a vintage farm-stand feel to each page. Berries are a healthy nger food toddlers are familiar with. Learning their names and the numbers from one to ten is sure to delight...
  • Book : Una Hermosa Casa Para Pjaros / A Beautiful House For.
    Precio:  $28,429.00

    Book : Una Hermosa Casa Para Pjaros / A Beautiful House For.

    -Titulo Original : Una Hermosa Casa Para Pjaros / A Beautiful House For Birds (storytelling Math)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡Libro de carton grueso ahora disponible en español-ingles bilingue! La ganadora del Honor de Caldecott, Grace Lin, celebra las matematicas para todos los niños, ¡en todas partes! Board book now available in bilingual Spanish-English! Caldecott Honor winner Grace Lin celebrates math for every kid, everywhere! Olivia quiere hacer una colorida casa para pajaros para el verano. Ella comienza a pintar un patron de rayas en el techo, pero ¡uy!-comete un error. ¿Y ahora que? Explora los patrones en esta historia juguetona sobre la resolucion creativa de problemas. Storytelling Math celebra a los niños usando las matematicas en sus aventuras diarias mientras juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que les rodea. Historias alegres y actividades manuales hacen que sea facil para los niños y sus adultos explorar las matematicas cotidianas juntos. Desarrollado en colaboracion con expertos en matematicas de TERC, una organizacion educativa con enfoque en ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria y matematicas (STEM, por sus siglas en ingles), bajo una subvencion de la Fundacion Heising-Simons. Olivia wants to make a colorful birdhouse for summer. She starts painting a pattern of stripes on the roof but then oops!-messes up. Now what? Explore patterns in this playful story about creative problem-solving. Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education nonprofit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation...
  • Book : Quin Salta Ms? / Who Jumps More? (storytelling Math).
    Precio:  $28,429.00

    Book : Quin Salta Ms? / Who Jumps More? (storytelling Math).

    -Titulo Original : Quin Salta Ms? / Who Jumps More? (storytelling Math)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡Libro de carton grueso ahora disponible en español-ingles bilingue! La ganadora del Honor de Caldecott, Grace Lin, celebra las matematicas para todos los niños, ¡en todas partes! Board book now available in bilingual Spanish-English! Caldecott Honor winner Grace Lin celebrates math for every kid, everywhere! Olivia y Mei saltan en la nieve hasta llegar al arbol alto. Mei da unos saltos grandes como un reno. Olivia da muchos saltitos mas pequeños como un conejo. Cada una salta mas de manera diferente. Una exploracion juguetona de la medicion, la proporcion y la amistad. Storytelling Math celebra a los niños usando las matematicas en sus aventuras diarias mientras juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que les rodea. Historias alegres y actividades manuales hacen que sea facil para los niños y sus adultos explorar las matematicas cotidianas juntos. Desarrollado en colaboracion con expertos en matematicas de TERC, una organizacion educativa con enfoque en ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria y matematicas (STEM, por sus siglas en ingles), bajo una subvencion de la Fundacion Heising-Simons. Olivia and Mei jump in the snow all the way to the tall tree. Mei takes a few big leaps like a deer. Olivia makes lots of smaller hops like a bunny. Each jumps “more” in a different way. A playful exploration of measurement, proportion, and friendship. Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education nonprofit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation...
  • Book : Nuestras Manzanas Favoritas / Our Favorite Apples...
    Precio:  $28,429.00

    Book : Nuestras Manzanas Favoritas / Our Favorite Apples...

    -Titulo Original : Nuestras Manzanas Favoritas / Our Favorite Apples (storytelling Math)-Fabricante : Charlesbridge-Descripcion Original: ¡Libro de carton grueso ahora disponible en español-ingles bilingue! La ganadora del Honor de Caldecott, Grace Lin, celebra las matematicas para todos los niños, ¡en todas partes! Board book now available in bilingual Spanish-English! Caldecott Honor winner Grace Lin celebrates math for every kid, everywhere! Manny, Olivia y Mei van a recoger manzanas y clasifican sus manzanas rojas, verdes y amarillas por colores. Pero luego encuentran una manzana que tiene los tres colores. ¿Que deberian hacer? Una exploracion juguetona de la clasificacion, la categorizacion y la amistad. Storytelling Math celebra a los niños usando las matematicas en sus aventuras diarias mientras juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que les rodea. Historias alegres y actividades manuales hacen que sea facil para los niños y sus adultos explorar las matematicas cotidianas juntos. Desarrollado en colaboracion con expertos en matematicas de TERC, una organizacion educativa con enfoque en ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria y matematicas (STEM, por sus siglas en ingles), bajo una subvencion de la Fundacion Heising-Simons. Manny, Olivia, and Mei go apple picking and sort their red, green, and yellow apples by color. But then they find an apple that’s all three colors. What should they do? A playful exploration of sorting, classifying, and friendship. Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education nonprofit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation...
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