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  • Book : 50 Tech Tools For School Counselors How To Be More...
    Precio:  $121,229.00

    Book : 50 Tech Tools For School Counselors How To Be More...

    -Titulo Original : 50 Tech Tools For School Counselors How To Be More Engaging, Efficient, And Effective-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Digital tools that can transform your practice Educating students in the 21st century is about more than preparing them for work in the digital age; it?s also about connecting with the whole student and transcending barriers. 50 Tech Tools for the 21st Century School Counselors provides insightful descriptions of tools that can be used to not only enrich intervention and instruction but also guide decision making, streamline work, enhance communication, and promote happier students. Readers will find: a framework for leadership and advocacy through the lens of technology vignettes demonstrating implementation and quotes from students and other stakeholders step-by-step guides and checklists Perspectives from counselors around the country that provide a peer-to-peer feel narratives, technical descriptions, and diagrams Review 50 Tech Tools for School Counselors is a much-needed resource for experienced school counselors who want new tools as well as for counselors who are just beginning to use technology to deliver their school counseling programs. We are at a turning point in the profession, where school counselors understand the importance of being tech-savvy but sometimes don’t know where to start. 50 Tech Tools provides program delivery, data collection, and organizational tools and resources. This book is a must for every school counselor’s bookshelf! -- Carol Kaffenberger, PhD Published On: 2018-12-10 School counselors have long needed access to quality technology tools in their vital roles supporting students. This book provides them the opportunity to use data and tech tools to more efficiently and effectively implement the design, delivery, and evaluation of comprehensive school counseling programs aligned with the ASCA National Model. -- Trish Hatch, President and CEO Published On: 2018-12-10 In order for school counselors to meet the diverse, evolving needs of students as they traverse their educational paths, technological literacy is essential. This book is not only needed but also essential for supporting school counselors and school counselor educators’ technological literacy. It is a valuable resource for intentional technology integration in school counseling and school counselor education and written in a user-friendly manner. -- Molly Strear, Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Published On: 2018-11-15 As school counselors we have an ethical obligation to demonstrate appropriate use of technology. For those who are new to integrating technology into their work, this book offers great insight, including what some of those tech tools are, why you should use them, and exactly how to get started. And for those who are more familiar with using technology, you just might find a new tool to help you become more effective, efficient, and engaging. -- Franciene Sabens, School Counselor Published On: 2018-11-15 Our job as school counselors is based on relationships, and our youth rely more and more on technology as a way to connect and communicate. This book is a quick reference guide for educators to browse and quickly determine which application best fit their needs. It provides user-friendly overviews of many tech tools along with step-by-step guidance for how to get them set up. -- Jeffrey Gielow, Middle School Counselor Published On: 2018-11-15 This book is coming out at just the right time! We need to use more technology and become more digitally-oriented in order to keep our students interested and provide the most up-to-date, effective information to our parents, staff. and communities. It definitely gives me ideas about tools that can help my job (and life) become easier if I use them. -- Kara Proctor-Dunn, School Counselor Published On: 2018-11-15 Technology is a growing industry and is frequently used in the school setting. While there are many websites that provide information about technology, the process of searching for...
  • Book : Awakening The Sleeping Giant Helping Teachers Develop
    Precio:  $155,689.00

    Book : Awakening The Sleeping Giant Helping Teachers Develop

    -Titulo Original : Awakening The Sleeping Giant Helping Teachers Develop As Leaders-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Empower teachers as leaders to improve student learning and performance! With updated research and new teacher inventories and surveys, this third edition of a bestseller draws on the authors’ two decades of experience studying and observing the work of teacher leaders. Katzenmeyer and Moller examine the importance of teacher leadership in improving outcomes in schools, and cover the development of teacher leaders from preservice preparation to careerlong support. The book discusses the challenges that many teacher leaders face, including: Deciding to accept a leadership role Building principal-teacher leader relationships Working with peers Facilitating professional learning for themselves and others Review The ultimate for those who promote teacher leadership and those who would be teacher leaders. -- Roland S. Barth, Educational Consultant Published On: 2009-01-09 This seminal text left me nothing short of energized when I first picked it up almost ten years ago. Drawing from their continued experience developing and defining teacher leadership, Katzenmeyer and Moller bring additional transparency to a widely recognized concept that remains poorly understood. Filled with new surveys, tools, and suggestions for today’s teacher leader, the newest edition is simply a must-read for anyone driving meaningful change in the classrooms of our country. -- Bill Ferriter, Senior Fellow Published On: 2009-01-09 Katzenmeyer and Moller usher in a new age of teacher leadership, an age of mutuality in learning and leading, broad-based participation, and shared responsibility. Their work is based on the powerful assumption that all of us especially teachers have the right, capacity, and responsibility to lead. -- Linda Lambert, Professor Emeritus Published On: 2009-01-26 From the Back Cover This third edition of a bestseller draws on the authors two decades of experience in studying and observing the work of teacher leaders. About the Author Marilyn Katzenmeyer is president of Professional Development Center, Inc., and she currently engages in consultation, instructional design, and professional writing. She most recently served as a faculty administrator at the University of South Florida, where she was responsible for the development and implementation of the Executive Leaders Program, a leadership development opportunity for school-based administrators and teacher leaders who were transitioning into district-level leadership roles, and for the coordination of a Transition to Teaching project with a local school district. She was formerly executive director of the West Central Educational Leadership Network, which provided leadership training and school improvement assistance to educators throughout 13 school districts in southwest Florida. She has been a human resource development professional throughout her career, and she was the first director of the Broward County School District (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) Human Resource Development Department. Katzenmeyer worked in Ohio and Florida as a secondary school teacher. She received her doctorate in adult education from The Florida State Uni¬versity. Her research focused on effective strategies for measuring the impact of leadership training programs on the behavior of school administrators. Gayle Moller recently retired as associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina. She was formerly executive director of the South Florida Center for Educational Leaders. The Center served large, urban school systems in South Florida that provided staff development for school leaders. Moller worked in the Broward County Public Schools (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) for 19 years as a teacher, school administrator, and staff development administrator. She received her doctorate from Teachers College/Columbia University. Teacher leadership an...
  • Libro : Como Aprende El Cerebro  - Sousa, David A.
    Precio:  $157,509.00

    Libro : Como Aprende El Cerebro - Sousa, David A.

    -Titulo Original : Como Aprende El Cerebro -Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Segunda Edicion The powerful best-seller on brain research and education is available in a Spanish Language Edition. Como Aprende el Cerebro siempre se ha concentrado en brindar informacion que puede ayudar a los educadores a tomar los descubrimientos sobre las funciones cerebrales y transformarlos en lecciones y actividades practicas para la clase. La nueva segunda edicion sigue incluyendo datos basicos acerca del cerebro que pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender, brinda informacion sobre la manera en que el cerebro procesa informacion y da sugerencias para maximizar la retencion, usando los momentos de minima retencion. siempre se ha concentrado en brindar informacion que puede ayudar a los educadores a tomar los descubrimientos sobre las funciones cerebrales y transformarlos en lecciones y actividades practicas para la clase. La nueva segunda edicion sigue incluyendo datos basicos acerca del cerebro que pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender, brinda informacion sobre la manera en que el cerebro procesa informacion y da sugerencias para maximizar la retencion, usando los momentos de minima retencion. About the Author David A. Sousa, EdD, is an international consultant in educational neuroscience and author of more than a dozen books that translate brain research into strategies for improving learning. He has presented to more than 200,000 educators across the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. He has taught high school chemistry and served in administrative positions, including superintendent of schools. He was an adjunct professor of education at Seton Hall University and a visiting lecturer at Rutgers University. Dr. Sousa has edited science books and published dozens of articles in leading journals. His books have been published in French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, and several other languages. He is past president of the National Staff Development Council (now Learning Forward) and has received honorary degrees and awards for his commitment to research, professional development, and science education. He has appeared on NBC’s Today Show and National Public Radio to discuss his work with schools using brain research. ...
  • Book : Building Thinking Classrooms In Mathematics, Grades..
    Precio:  $148,749.00
    Expira: 12/06/2022

    Book : Building Thinking Classrooms In Mathematics, Grades..

    -Titulo Original : Building Thinking Classrooms In Mathematics, Grades K-12 14 Teaching Practices For Enhancing Learning (corwin Mathematics Series)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Review Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics exudes enthusiasm for students, how they think, and how those thoughts coalesce into powerful thinking classrooms. It?s also deeply practical, describing how everything from the teacher?s questions to the arrangement of the furniture can add to your students? learning. -- Dan MeyerIf your students are not the ones doing the thinking in your classroom, then this book is for you! Peter Liljedahl provides concrete advice on each of 14 research-based practices, along with answers to frequently asked questions and suggestions for getting started, which will help you build a classroom where student thinking is the norm. -- Peg SmithPeter Liljedahl’s Thinking Classroom framework transformed my mathematics classroom overnight. I was frustrated that despite my best teaching efforts, some of my students still couldn’t solve simple problems by their final exam. This framework gave me a starting point that I started implementing the very next day and next steps to continue incorporating as my practice evolved. Students began to talk to each other, think through complex problems, rely less on me and more on each other and best of all had better success in the courses I taught. The Thinking Classroom framework was exactly what my students and I needed! -- Laura WheelerPeter refers to his research as ?mucking about,? and that is the key thing for me, that he goes into actual classrooms, and does math with students. We learn the most from being in actual classrooms, talking to students, and figuring out how they think about mathematics tasks. We need our students to be better thinkers, and to see mathematics for what it is: a beautiful way of thinking. We need them to see that they, too, can have powerful insights into interesting mathematics problems. -- Matthew OldridgeAn in-depth action plan backed with significant research and data, Liljedahl’s plan is one that can improve every classroom for the better, and he foresees and addresses any questions or concerns you may have regarding implementation. It is clear Liljedahl understands the students I teach in his list of student behaviors and this book outlines methods to increase the thinking and engagement of all my students. I was able to implement many of the methods the very next day. -- Leslie MohlmanPeter Liljedahl’s work is accessible, inspired by research, and embedded in classroom practice. He digs deeply and concisely into what it means to teach, learn, and assess in a thinking mathematics classroom. Elementary teachers, especially, will recognize themselves in this resource. Peter makes visible the often intuitive moves of elementary classroom teachers, describing what it is we are doing when it all just works, and how to meaningfully shift our practice when it doesn’t. From the way the furniture is arranged to how mathematical questions are posed, from who holds the pen to how to foster productive struggle and resilience, Peter sets the stage for genuine mathematical engagement in learners of all ages. -- Carole FullertonResearch in education that turns right around and informs our practice is invaluable in today’s schools and classrooms. Peter uses evidence gathered in mathematics classrooms to directly inform how we make changes to our teaching and learning that enhances learning. This is the essence of evidence-based practice, practice based on evidence from the very classrooms we seek to influence. -- John AlmarodeAfter years of leading lessons in an ‘I do, we do, you do’ format, I found that my students lacked a productive disposition towards mathematics and would give up on problems easily. I knew something had to change, but what was I going to change in my teaching practice and how was I going to get there? After 10 years of experimenting with different pedagogical approaches, classroom environment setups, and developing my own content knowledge, I realize that this book is the resource that could...
  • Book : A Fresh Look At Phonics, Grades K-2 Common Causes Of.
    Precio:  $127,979.00

    Book : A Fresh Look At Phonics, Grades K-2 Common Causes Of.

    -Titulo Original : A Fresh Look At Phonics, Grades K-2 Common Causes Of Failure And 7 Ingredients For Success (corwin Literacy)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Review When Wiley Blevins wrote his first book on teaching phonics 20 years ago I thought that it was one of the most practical approaches to teaching this foundational reading competency. It may seem like a cliche, but Wiley has outdone himself with this book!. In A Fresh Look at Phonics he provides teachers and others interested in effective phonics instruction with a comprehensive and practical guide to making phonics instruction work for all students, all year. Just as the title promises, Wiley provides us with a truly fresh way of thinking about how phonics plays out in classrooms. -- TIMOTHY RASINKSIWiley combines the latest research and his own years of trusted know-how to provide educators with a timely trove of high impact tools they can readily use to deliver world-class phonics instruction. A Fresh Look at Phonics is sure to be another must-have, well-worn classic. -- JANIEL WAGSTAFFI devoured this book! Who would have thought that a book on phonics would be a page-turner? It’s quick, practical, and teacher friendly and yet comprehensive enough to be a refresher course for experienced teachers and the needed foundation for teachers new to teaching beginning readers. I can’t wait to share this with teachers with whom I work in professional development they are going to love the clear links to reading, writing, and spelling. My favorite feature? The broad scope and sequence that pairs with guided reading instruction and provides links back to phonics lessons. -- JUDY LYNCHWiley Blevins’ fresh take on phonics is a must-read for anyone looking to improve phonics instruction. He boils phonics down into critical ingredients and supports teachers in the ever-important process of reflection. The book gives professional learning communities the tools needed to turn common instructional failures into effective, timeless practices. -- CAROLYN BANUELOS, DANIELLE JAMES, AND ELISE LUND In a Fresh Look at Phonics, Wiley Blevins, author of the blockbuster Phonics from A Z, explains the 7 ingredients of phonics instruction that lead to the greatest student gains, based on two decades of research in classrooms. For each of these seven must haves, Wiley shares lessons, routines, word lists, tips for ELL and advanced learners, and advice on pitfalls to avoid regarding pacing, decodable texts, transition time, and more. A Fresh Look at Phonics is the evidence based solution you have been seeking that ensures all students develop a solid foundation for reading. About the Author Wiley Blevins has taught elementary school in both the United States and South America. A graduate of Harvard Graduate School of Education, he has written over 15 books for teachers including Phonics from A to Z, Building Fluency, Teaching Students to Read Nonfiction, and most recently, A Fresh Look at Phonics, (Corwin Literacy 2016). He has authored elementary reading programs, conducted research on topics ranging from fluency to using decodable text, and regularly trains teachers throughout the U.S. and Asia. His current interests include using adaptive technology and working with districts to correct instructional and material deficits. Wiley lives in New York City and also writes children’s books...
  • Book : Street Data A Next-generation Model For Equity,...
    Precio:  $147,499.00
    Expira: 02/01/2024

    Book : Street Data A Next-generation Model For Equity,...

    -Titulo Original : Street Data A Next-generation Model For Equity, Pedagogy, And School Transformation-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Review Street Data calls upon readers to ?flip the dashboard? from a focus on big data to a focus on the voices at the margins - those learners and their families who have been most affected by deep-rooted systemic inequities. When we listen closely to these voices with curiosity, courage, and humility, we gain a greater understanding of the meaning and root causes of these inequities, as well as how they can be addressed in ways that transform and heal. Policymakers and educators at every level of the system need this book to forge a path to genuine equity. -- Linda Darling-Hammond Published On: 2020-10-12 For far too long, education leaders have implemented reform strategies without engaging and centering those most impacted - the students. Shane Safir provides an energizing, anti-racist, actionable framework that centers the voices of the most marginalized students as the experts and co-conspirators that we need to create an education system worthy of their brilliance. Read this, share it, and be a part of ushering in this ?new normal? of street-level data to unlock racial justice in our schools. -- Taryn Ishida, Youth Organizer and Executive Director Published On: 2020-11-03 With Street Data, Shane and Jamila have built a conversation more than a framework, wherein students, their communities, teachers, leaders and systems are interconnected parts of a family unit. As a Professor and Psychologist, I found myself drawn to the work’s human and family centered focus. Throughout the work, these are linked to an emphasis on building approaches to the art of teaching grounded in listening, making and holding room for all members of the learning family, and setting goals and evolving approaches that begin with the student as their core. Shane and Jamila are engaging us all in a critically important conversation, where the data we gather and share around learning spaces is shaped and centered on the voices and beings of students. It is family systems centered teaching and learning. It is holistic, and it is necessary. -- Napoleon Wells , Ph.D. Published On: 2020-10-06 Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan have given us a vivid and immensely readable account of what public education could and should be. Rather than quick fixes, the book is rich with real-life examples and immediately actionable equity practices that educators and leaders can use to tackle root causes. The authors have also issued an unspoken but clear challenge to all of us who care about children?s learning and development: ?What if policy decisions were anchored in the lived experiences of students, their families, and their educators?? Their call to action is clear and urgent: we must reverse-engineer and radically reimagine our resources, policies, and practices to support the broad conditions in which students can authentically thrive, and most particularly students who are the most marginalized by the current system. The vision of educational justice laid out in the book will not be more widely practiced if we simply rely on individual teachers and principals to push forward alone into the headwinds. It must be supported at systems and state levels, so that it becomes the rule and not the exception. -- Sophie Fanelli, President Published On: 2020-11-06 Street Data issues an urgent, timely provocation to listen to, honor, and be informed by the experiences, wisdom, fears, and aspirations of children and families who have been forced to the margins by our schools and institutions. Rich with stories that affirm our shared humanity and connectedness, Safir and Dugan offer a humanistic approach and practical guidance for embedding love, equity, curiosity, and courage in our efforts to manifest learning spaces where every young person learns, develops, and thrives. Safir and Dugan call on us to free ourselves from old constructs about data for improvement that are rooted in Whiteness as normative and, instead, model ways to integrate concepts of wholeness, ...
  • Book : Grading For Equity What It Is, Why It Matters, And...
    Precio:  $146,569.00

    Book : Grading For Equity What It Is, Why It Matters, And...

    -Titulo Original : Grading For Equity What It Is, Why It Matters, And How It Can Transform Schools And Classrooms-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Review This book will stop educators who want to improve their practices with underserved students right in their tracks. Feldman offers an insightful invitation to teachers who dare change the ways in which we have been taught to grade students’ products. He demonstrates how our grading practices are grossly under-substantiated and too often unquestioned, and he challenges educators to build equitable assessment tools and mechanisms to support learning and development of all students. Grading for Equity penetrates macro-level grading policies to transform micro-level teaching practices that embrace the cultural and the contextual. A must read for justice-centered educators. -- Rich Milner, Co-Author of “?These Kids are Out of Control:? Why We Must Reimagine Classroom Management for Equity Published On: 2018-05-08 Wow, Wow Wow!!! This book hooked me as a not-to-be-missed read right from the Prologue. Joe Feldman makes a strong case for shared grading practices to overcome the inequity of traditional grading, with solid reasoning, well-chosen research evidence, and perhaps most significantly, the powerful and frequent use of teacher voice. The chapters’ organizing structure encourages thoughtful and reflective reading, and will be particularly beneficial for book study within PLCs. . . . The main message of the book for me is summed up in this quote, ?We teachers cannot continue to sacrifice the integrity and reliability of our grades at the altar of professional autonomy.? -- Ken O?Connor, Author and Consultant, How to Grade for Learning Published On: 2018-05-21 There is growing awareness within the industry of education that traditional grading practices have become a barrier to meaningful student learning. One dilemma is that there is a lack of resources to support educators who want to adopt new grading practices that are both accurate and equitable. Joe Feldman addresses this need with his book, Grading for Equity. Joe skillfully makes a compelling argument for change and offers specific ways educators can make profound differences to their grading practices. Students become intrinsically motivated to learn when their grades accurately measure where they are in the learning process. Students who typically give up any hope of success can now approach learning with a positive growth mindset. Grading for Equity will provide clarity and tools for an individual instructor or as a book study for an entire organization. -- Jeffrey Tooker, Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services, Placer Union High School District Published On: 2018-05-21 Joe Feldman peels back the curtain and shows the many flaws of our traditional grading system. His arguments are convincing - and the alternatives he proposes are both practical and powerful. Reading this book will make you re-think the way you assess students and will inspire you to enact a system that encourages revision and redemption instead of compliance and corruption. -- Denise Pope, Senior Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Education, and Co-Founder, Challenge Success Published On: 2018-06-01 We don’t usually think of grading when talking about equity, but in Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms, Joe Feldman helps us see why grading is an integral part of an equity agenda. He shows us how we can use grading to help students become the leaders of their own learning and lift the veil on how to succeed. He reminds us that authentic assessment and transparent grading are essential parts of a culturally responsive classroom. This must-have book will help teachers learn to implement improved, equity-focused grading for impact. -- Zaretta Hammond, Education Consultant and Author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain Published On: 2018-06-19 Joe Feldman shows us how we can use grading to help students become the leaders of their own learning and lift the veil on how to succeed...
  • Book : The Dissertation Journey A Practical And...
    Precio:  $193,969.00

    Book : The Dissertation Journey A Practical And...

    -Titulo Original : The Dissertation Journey A Practical And Comprehensive Guide To Planning, Writing, And Defending Your Dissertation (updated)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Review The Dissertation Journey has been a valuable read for graduate and doctoral students for more than a decade, providing an accessible and practical guidebook for the journey of research. Dr. Roberts and Dr. Hyatt bring years of doctoral teaching and dissertation advising experience to this essential book. My students’ comments and my own experiences with referring to the book for my dissertation seminars reinforce the value of this highly recommended text. -- Stuart Allen, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Organizational Leadership, Robert Morris University Published On: 2018-05-07 This book offers an excellent practical guide for doctoral students working on their dissertations. Dr. Roberts and Dr. Hyatt’s work ensures the student will have a rigorous,yet rewarding dissertation experience. The book contains sound academic research advice in an easy to understand and follow format. The book is thorough and its benefits extend beyond the dissertation to any subsequent scholarship that the reader undertakes. -- Dr. Farzin Madjidi, Associate Dean, Education Division and Professor of Leadership, Pepperdine University Published On: 2018-05-11 How to reach the pinnacle of academic achievement The dissertation is a tough mountain to climb; half of all doctoral students never make it to the top. To overcome the practical, social, and psychological obstacles along the way, you need a knowledgeable guide and the right tools. This comprehensive how-to guide to developing and writing a quality dissertation provides: Expanded and updated coverage of crucial topics such as conducting a literature review, dissertation support groups, and harnessing technology to conduct research Progress tracking tools, sample forms, resource lists, and other user-friendly elements Thoroughly updated and revised chapters with the most current need-to-know information About the Author Carol Roberts is a professor at the University of La Verne, where she teaches in the Organizational Leadership Doctoral Program. She advises doctoral students, chairs dissertations, and teaches a variety of leadership courses, primarily in personal leadership, communication, conflict, and coaching. Carol is a speaker, consultant, and seminar leader specializing in organizational and team development, strategic planning, conflict resolution, coaching, and personal mastery. She has been a consultant and trainer for the Administrator Trainer Center and Effective Schools Program, the California School Leadership Academy, and the California School Boards Association. She received her doctoral degree in planning, policy, and administration from the University of Southern California. Carol served on the executive board for the Southern Counties Women in Educational Management and was awarded its Woman of the Year award. Laura Hyatt is a professor at the University of La Verne, where she served as department chair and teaches in the Organizational Leadership Doctoral Program. She is an associate of an international think tank, participated as an advisor to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., and was appointed to a White House Policy Conference by the President of the United States. Prior to teaching, she was vice president of education for a production company and part of a collaborative effort that won several awards in the entertainment industry. She earned her doctorate degree from Pepperdine University. Dr. Hyatt has published books, book chapters, and journal articles and serves on editorial boards for peer-reviewed journals. She has developed contemporary research methods utilized by researchers in the United States and in Europe, including the Dynamic Narrative Approach and the Case Story research method. Dr. Hyatt has received recognition and grants for her research, which focuses on the intersections of learning, neuroscience, change, and the po...
  • Book : Bundle Liljedahl Building Thinking Classrooms In...
    Precio:  $196,489.00

    Book : Bundle Liljedahl Building Thinking Classrooms In...

    -Titulo Original : Bundle Liljedahl Building Thinking Classrooms In Mathematics, Grades K-12 Liljedahl Modifying Your Thinking Classroom For Different Settings (corwin Mathematics Series)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: This bundle includes Liljedahl?s bestselling anchor book Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12 and his new supplement title Modifying Your Thinking Classroom for Different Settings. Much of what happens in math classrooms today is guided by institutional norms laid down at the inception of an industrial-age model of public education. These norms have enabled a culture of teaching and learning that is often devoid of student thinking. Building Thinking Classrooms presents the results of over 15 years of research into which teaching practices are effective for getting students to think and which ones do not. This book takes you through a step-by-step approach that you can use to transform your classroom from a space where students mimic to a space where students think. But how do these practices work in a classroom with social distancing or in settings that are not always face-to-face? The follow-up supplement, Modifying Your Thinking Classroom for Different Settings, will answer those questions, and more. It walks teachers through how to adapt the 14 practices for 12 distinct settings, some of which came about as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic...
  • Book : Modifying Your Thinking Classroom For Different...
    Precio:  $62,179.00

    Book : Modifying Your Thinking Classroom For Different...

    -Titulo Original : Modifying Your Thinking Classroom For Different Settings A Supplement To Building Thinking Classrooms In Mathematics (corwin Mathematics Series)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Keep thinking…keep learning in different settings In Peter Liljedahl’s bestselling Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning, readers discovered that thinking is a precursor to learning. Translating 15 years of research, the anchor book introduced 14 practices that have the most potential to increase student thinking in the classroom and can work for any teacher in any setting. But how do these practices work in a classroom with social distancing or in settings that are not always face-to-face? This follow-up supplement will answer those questions, and more. It walks teachers through how to adapt the 14 practices for 12 distinct settings, some of which came about as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide: Provides the what, why, and how to adapt each practice in face-to-face settings that require social distancing, fixed seating, or small class sizes; synchronous and asynchronous virtual settings; synchronous and asynchronous hybrid settings; independent learning; and homeschooling. Includes guidance on using thinking classroom practices to support students in unfinished learning in small groups and one-on-one teaching or tutoring. Offers updated toolkits and a recommended order for the implementation of the practices for each of the settings. This supplement allows teachers to dip in as needed and continually modify the practices as their own classroom situations change and evolve, always keeping the thinking at the forefront of their mathematics teaching and learning...
  • Accesorio de piezas de punta y mandril de pistola M6
    Precio:  $81,539.00

    Accesorio de piezas de punta y mandril de pistola M6

    -Titulo Original : A Series Hand Rivet Nut Gun Mandrel And Nose Pieces Accessary(M6 2 Pack)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: - Alta dureza - Varios tamaños disponibles - Caja de almacenaje - Compatible con muchas herramientas para remachar tuercas - Punta de tuerca remachable M...
  • accesorios de punta de repuesto, mandril M6 x2
    Precio:  $51,739.00

    accesorios de punta de repuesto, mandril M6 x2

    -Titulo Original : CORWIN CLM310/310B Rivet Nut Gun Mandrel And Nose Pieces Replacement Tip Accessaries M6 Mtric Mandrel=2 Nose Piece=1-Fabricante : CORWIN-Descripcion Original: - Accesorio para taladro inalámbrico - Paquete de 2 mandriles - Funciona con CLM310 y el mismo adaptador de taladro para tuercas remachables de otras marcas. - Mandriles métricos y SAE de 10 tamaños disponibles CLM310 Pieza de mandril del adaptador de taladro de pistola para tuercas de remache (M6-2mandrel-1nose...
  • Book : Mathematics Tasks For The Thinking Classroom, Grades.
    Precio:  $172,159.00

    Book : Mathematics Tasks For The Thinking Classroom, Grades.

    -Titulo Original : Mathematics Tasks For The Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5 (corwin Mathematics Series)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Practical and proven math tasks to maximize student thinking and learning Building upon the blockbuster success of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Peter Liljedahl has joined forces with co-author Maegan Giroux to bring the Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC) framework to life in this new book, Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5. But this book is so much more than simply a collection of good thinking tasks. It delves deeper into the implementation of the 14 practices from the BTC framework by updating the practices with the newest research, and focusing on the practice through the lens of rich math tasks that address specific mathematical learning outcomes or standards. Across the 20 non-curricular tasks and 30 curricular tasks used as models, this book: Helps you choose tasks to fit your particular math standards, goals, and the competencies you want your students to build Walks you through all the steps and scripts to launch, facilitate, and consolidate each task Shares examples of possible student solutions along with hints you might offer to help their thinking along Offers tasks for consolidation, example notes to my future forgetful self, and mild, medium, and spicy check-your-understanding questions (CYUs) for every thin sliced sequences of curricular tasks Imparts reflections from the authors on each task The book closes with specific guidance on how to find more tasks or craft your own non-curricular and curricular tasks, along with answers to educators’ frequently asked questions. It includes access to a companion website that includes downloadables and a task template for creating your own tasks. Whether you are new to BTC or a seasoned user, Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5 will help teachers, coaches, and specialists transform traditional math classrooms into dynamic and thought-provoking learning spaces...
  • Book : Just Read It Unlocking The Magic Of Independent...
    Precio:  $157,139.00

    Book : Just Read It Unlocking The Magic Of Independent...

    -Titulo Original : Just Read It Unlocking The Magic Of Independent Reading In Middle And High School Classrooms (corwin Literacy)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Read widely and read often - create a classroom environment where independent reading thrives Independent reading is more than just drop everything and read - it is a gateway to writing, critical thinking, discussion, and deeper learning. Author Jarred Amato, an accomplished middle and high school English teacher and founder of Project LIT Community, believes in the power of independent reading not only to turn around the reading attitudes of students but also to help them achieve huge gains in all areas of literacy, learning, and civic engagement. Many teachers have pushed aside independent reading in the time crunch to teach all the content and skills in the curriculum or because of pressure to stay true to a traditional literary canon. Instead of looking at it as either/or, Just Read It shows teachers how to make independent reading yes, and. Dr. Amato’s Read and WRAP (write, reflect, analyze, participate) framework helps teachers cultivate meaningful learning experiences with daily dedication of independent reading time, followed by writing, reflection, conversation, and community-building lessons and activities. With thoughtful, student-centered structures and strategies to sustain independent reading success, this book Provides detailed insights on transforming the principles of access, choice, time, and community into actions Shows how to support student interests and varied reading levels Offers ready-to-go activities to initiate Read and WRAP routines at the start of the school year, keep momentum going, and finish the year strong to ensure continued literacy growth Demonstrates how to leverage student feedback to fine-tune the Read and WRAP routines Discusses various options for incorporating independent and whole-class novels into the curriculum Offers a game plan to level up IR, including how to launch and lead a Project LIT chapter We live in a time when choosing what we read is critically important, and this book offers all the tools teachers need to guide students along the path to true literacy. Just Read It is perfect for anyone who believes in the power of books to change students’ lives and nurture a life-long love for reading...
  • Book : Daily Routines To Jump-start Math Class, Elementary.
    Precio:  $128,779.00

    Book : Daily Routines To Jump-start Math Class, Elementary.

    -Titulo Original : Daily Routines To Jump-start Math Class, Elementary School Engage Students, Improve Number Sense, And Practice Reasoning (corwin Mathematics Series)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Give math routines a makeover in your classroom and make every minute count. Captivate your elementary students with these new, innovative, and ready-to-go mathematics routines! Trusted math expert John J. SanGiovanni details 20 classroom-proven practice routines to help you ignite student engagement, reinforce learning, and prepare students for the lesson ahead. Each quick and lively activity spurs mathematics discussion and provides a structure for talking about numbers, number concepts, and number sense. Designed to jump-start mathematics reasoning in any elementary classroom, the routines become your go-to materials for a year’s work of daily plug-and-play short-burst reasoning and fluency instruction...
  • Book : Productive Math Struggle A 6-point Action Plan For...
    Precio:  $121,419.00

    Book : Productive Math Struggle A 6-point Action Plan For...

    -Titulo Original : Productive Math Struggle A 6-point Action Plan For Fostering Perseverance (corwin Mathematics Series)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: All students face struggle, and they should it is how they learn and grow. The teacher’s job is not to remove struggle, but rather to value and harness it, helping students develop good habits of productive struggle. But what’s missing for many educators is an action plan for how to achieve this, especially when it comes to math. This book guides teachers through six specific actions including valuing, fostering, building, planning, supporting, and reflecting on struggle to create a game plan for overcoming obstacles by sharing - Actionable steps, activities, and tools for implementation - Instructional tasks representative of each grade level - Real-world examples showcasing classroom photos and student wor...
  • Book : Differentiating Phonics Instruction For Maximum...
    Precio:  $137,339.00

    Book : Differentiating Phonics Instruction For Maximum...

    -Titulo Original : Differentiating Phonics Instruction For Maximum Impact How To Scaffold Whole-group Instruction So All Students Can Access Grade-level Content (corwin Literacy)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Teacher be nimble, teacher be quick the routines in this book make phonics learning stick. Author Wiley Blevins is renowned for changing the way educators think about teaching children to read, helping thousands of teachers implement effective phonics instruction. Now, Blevins gets us to think in powerful new ways about differentiating whole-class phonics lessons, so students at every skill level can engage. With Blevins’ trademark clarity, Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact provides: High-impact routines that focus on the skills known to develop students’ literacy best. Differentiated application of these routines with fun multi-modal games and variations for students working on- below-, and above grade-level expectations, and for multilingual learners Guidelines for creating skills-based small groups for more intensive work Look-fors for teachers and supervisors, to know when instruction is working or needs to be adjusted Several reproducible phonics and spelling assessments for placement, progress monitoring, and formative assessments to keep every learner growing as readers and writers. Differentiation needs to be in the DNA of every instructional plan so all students′ skills progress every day. That’s a tall order, but with this resource, teachers discover that over time, doing the routines gives them a nimble, global sense of their learners and makes teaching more impactful and learning to read more joyful...
  • Book : Teaching Reading A Playbook For Developing Skilled...
    Precio:  $152,349.00

    Book : Teaching Reading A Playbook For Developing Skilled...

    -Titulo Original : Teaching Reading A Playbook For Developing Skilled Readers Through Word Recognition And Language Comprehension (corwin Literacy)-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Renowned educators Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Diane Lapp saw it was high time classroom teachers had an encyclopedia’s worth of practical, research-based ideas organized into concise modules. You will love the lively tone, the contemporary research findings, and the abundance of activities that help children become skilled readers. This resource goes deep, it goes wide and yet most brilliantly, it reveals the crucial connections that make for high-impact instruction...
  • Book : These Kids Are Out Of Control Why We Must Reimagine..
    Precio:  $129,239.00

    Book : These Kids Are Out Of Control Why We Must Reimagine..

    -Titulo Original : These Kids Are Out Of Control Why We Must Reimagine Classroom Management For Equity-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Today’s classrooms reimagined If you’re looking for a book on how to control your students, this isn’t it! Instead, this is a book on what classroom learning could be if we aspire to co-create more culturally responsive and equitable environments environments that are safe, affirming, learner-centered, intellectually challenging, and engaging. If we create the kind of places where our students want to be . . . A critically important resource for teachers and administrators alike, These Kids Are Out of Control details the specific practices, tools, beliefs, dispositions, and mindsets that are essential to better serving the complex needs of our diverse learners, especially our marginalized students. Gain expert insight on: What it means to be culturally responsive in today’s classroom environments, even in schools at large How to decide what to teach, understand the curriculum, build relationships in and outside of school, and assess student development and learning The four best practices for building a classroom culture that is both nurturing and rigorous, and where all students are seen, heard, and respected Alternatives to punitive disciplinary action that too often sustains the cradle-to-prison pipeline Classroom management takes care of itself when you engage students, help them see links and alignment of the curriculum to their lives, build on and from student identity and culture, and recognize the many ways instructional practices can shift. These Kids Are Out of Control is your opportunity to get started right away...
  • Book : The Literature Review Six Steps To Success - Machi,.
    Precio:  $134,789.00

    Book : The Literature Review Six Steps To Success - Machi,.

    -Titulo Original : The Literature Review Six Steps To Success-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: The essential guide updated, expanded, and easier to use than ever. This pioneering book has provided countless graduate students and researchers with a road map to a quality literature review. Using its six-step model, you’ll narrow your research topic, focus your literature search, negotiate the myriad of books, periodicals, and reports about your topic and, of course, write the review. The fourth edition features: New and improved graphics ideal for visualizing the process More explanations and tips, especially for writing in the early stages An expanded range of learning tools Additional reflection sections to direct metacognitive activities Four new reference supplement...
  • Book : World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entre...
    Precio:  $145,379.00

    Book : World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entre...

    -Titulo Original : World Class Learners: Educating Creative And Entrepreneurial Students-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: To succeed in the global economy, students need to function as entrepreneurs: resourceful, flexible and creative. Researcher and Professor Yong Zhao unlocks the secrets to cultivating independent thinkers who are willing and able to create jobs and contribute positively to the globalized society. This book shows how teachers, administrators and even parents can: Understand the entrepreneurial spirit and harness it Foster student autonomy and leadership Champion inventive learners with necessary resources Develop global partners and resources...
  • Book : Culturally Responsive Teaching And The Brain...
    Precio:  $141,029.00
    Expira: 08/03/2022

    Book : Culturally Responsive Teaching And The Brain...

    -Titulo Original : Culturally Responsive Teaching And The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement And Rigor Among Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Students-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: A bold, brain based teaching approach to culturally responsive instruction To close the achievement gap, diverse classrooms need a proven framework for optimizing student engagement. Culturally responsive instruction has shown promise, but many teachers have struggled with its implementation until now. In this book, Zaretta Hammond draws on cutting edge neuroscience research to offer an innovative approach for designing and implementing brain compatible culturally responsive instruction. The book includes: Information on how one’s culture programs the brain to process data and affects learning relationships Ten key moves to build students’ learner operating systems and prepare them to become independent learners Prompts for action and valuable self reflection Review An essential, compelling and practical examination of the relationship between culture and cognition that will forever transform how we think about our role facilitating the learning of other people’s children - and our own children! Zaretta Hammond forcefully traverses the socio-political landscape of race and learning, smashing our misconceptions and bias about the educability of black, brown and low-income students; setting us free to take a more thoughtful, deliberate approach to creating classroom practices and environments that result in true learning partnerships with our students. The framework Hammond offers skillfully weaves together cultural knowledge (students’ cultural identities and how they see and make meaning of the world) with neuroscience (what we now know about how the brain processes and retains information) - the real artistry of culturally responsive pedagogy. This book demonstrates high regard for the complexity of teaching and delivers an even higher regard for the promise and academic potential of the students we’ve made most vulnerable in our school systems if we, as educators, choose to act on what we know. This book should be required reading for every teacher education program in the country! -- LaShawn Route Chatmon, Executive Director Published On: 2014-08-12 All students can and will learn at high levels when provided the type of instruction described in this book. This work calls us to action by mandating that we move beyond looking for student outcomes that rely heavily on the regurgitation of memorized facts to applying the information learned to new situations. Each child’s life outcomes are dependent on their ability to think critically. Dr. Hammond does just that in this book. She uses her mind well, writes effectively and provides analysis on the connection between brain-based science and culturally responsive instruction. This is a must read for those wishing to have a mindset shift and aptly implement rigorous instructional practices to support all students. -- Kendra Ferguson, Chief of Schools Published On: 2014-08-26 Drawing on the research form neuroscience Zaretta Hammond explains what we should have known all along - all children are capable of higher order thinking and capable of producing intellectually advanced work if provided the opportunity to learn by caring and capable adults. Hammond dose more than explain the research. Drawing on years of experience in schools as an educator and trainer, she shows how this can be done even in schools that have grown accustomed to failure. At a time when the nation is searching to find ways to close the racial achievement gap, this book will be an invaluable resource. -- Pedro Noguera, Professor, NYU About the Author Zaretta Hammond is a former classroom English teacher who has been doing instructional design, school coaching, and professional development around the issues of equity, literacy, and culturally responsive teaching for the past 18 years. She teaches as a lecturer at St. Mary’s College’s Kalmanovitz School of in Moraga, California. In addition to consulting and professional develo...
  • Book : Brief Counseling That Works A Solution-focused...
    Precio:  $137,329.00
    Expira: 22/03/2024

    Book : Brief Counseling That Works A Solution-focused...

    -Titulo Original : Brief Counseling That Works A Solution-focused Therapy Approach For School Counselors And Other Mental Health Professionals-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Everything you need for maximum counseling results in less time! Expert Gerald Sklare provides fresh insights and new applications for solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC). Learn to: * Conduct brief, short-term sessions that lead to rapid, observable change * Create well-defined client goals * Enable clients to envision and take steps toward a more hopeful future * Maximize your time for rapid, observable student progress * Use the solution-focused principles with reluctant clients * Conduct positive, goal-oriented parent conferences * Work with individuals in school and community settings You’ll find helpful flow charts and note sheets, and invaluable practice exercises. Review Simple yet spectacular, my students and I LOVE Brief Counseling that Works. It presents a user-friendly, time-efficient, and very effective approach to counseling school-aged youth (and adults)! -- Bradley T. Erford, ProfessorEvery once in a while I come upon a text that is so clear, so explicit, and so practical that I hear students recommending it to other counseling students who are not in the class. Gerald Sklare’s Brief Counseling That Works: A Solution-Focused Approach for School Counselors and Administrators is one such book. I have used the first two editions in my secondary school internship course for several years, and have had universally positive feedback from the interns. Even though they have all been introduced to SFBC in their theories and group classes and many have applied it in to their work in practicum, they are excited about how it helps them with Connecting the Pieces. While I appreciate the ways that the book addresses the application of SFBC to the school setting, I feel that it is a valuable resource for anyone working with children and adolescents regardless of the setting. -- Virginia S. Dansby, ProfessorThe solution-focused counseling approach is teaching us that strengths and resources are already available and dormant within students, parents, and the school. This book is a highly readable and practical guide for harnessing the power of problem-free talk and exception-seeking to support and empower our students. -- Stephanos P. Vassilopoulos, Assistant Professor About the Author Gerald B. Sklare, EdD, LPCC (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor), NCC (Nationally Certified Counselor), is a profes-sor in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Both his master’s degree and doctorate are in counselor education from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. He has served as a teacher and counselor in elementary, junior high, and high schools; he has conducted workshops around the United States on SFBC; and he has practiced in school settings and in private practice using this approach.Hear from the author himself here...
  • Book : High-impact Instruction A Framework For Great...
    Precio:  $164,609.00
    Expira: 21/03/2024

    Book : High-impact Instruction A Framework For Great...

    -Titulo Original : High-impact Instruction A Framework For Great Teaching-Fabricante : Corwin-Descripcion Original: Review Jim Knight?s High Impact Instruction honors teachers as intelligent, complex, and dedicated people. While many have attempted to identify the attributes of effective instruction, Knight?s work singularly acknowledges the basic human need to be our best selves. A wonderful addition to the literature! -- Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director Published On: 2012-11-05Jim Knight?s book, High-Impact Instruction, absolutely delivers on the promise of its subtitle ?A Framework for Great Teaching.? It is breathtaking in its comprehensiveness and heartening in its practicality and detail. This is a must-read for teachers, coaches, administrators, and anyone interested in furthering what is known about effective teaching. -- Robert J. Marzano, CEO Published On: 2012-11-05Jim Knight has the capacity to be crystal clear at both the micro and the macro levels a rare talent. High-Impact Instruction goes deep and it goes comprehensive. Planning, instruction, and community building become interwoven in a powerful manifesto for fundamental instructional and system change a treasure trove of clear concepts, great ideas for action, and the tools to implement them. -- Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus Published On: 2012-11-05Seasoned author Jim Knight provides a masterful resource for teachers and other stakeholders to improve student achievement through a host of clearly defined instructional practices. The tools, resources, and examples he provides enable educators to easily implement his framework which comprise the key ingredients for effective instruction. Furthermore, his writing style makes it an engaging read. -- Kathy Glass, consultant and author of Curriculum Mapping: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Curriculum Year Overviews Published On: 2012-09-27It is really important to me that I am kind of getting the full circle view of my classroom and seeing these are things that matter and these are things that could be better, and things that I can do to hopefully make things better by watching my class. -- Beth Sanders, Teacher Small changes can lead to big results!Best-selling author Jim Knight presents the high-leverage strategies that make the biggest difference in student learning. Featuring checklists, numerous observation tools, and online videos of teachers implementing the practices, this revolutionary book focuses on the three areas of high-impact instruction:Content planning, including using guiding questions, learning maps, and formative assessment Instructional practices such as the use of thinking prompts, effective questions, challenging assignments, and experiential learning Community building, in which you shape a classroom culture that promotes well-being, creativity, learning, and high expectations From the Back Cover Small changes can lead to big results. About the Author Jim Knight has spent more than two decades studying professional learning, effective teaching, and instructional coaching. He is a Research Associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning and the President of the Instructional Coaching Group. Jim wrote the first article on the topic of instructional coaching for The Journal of Staff Development, and his book Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction (Corwin, 2007) popularized the idea. Jim edited Coaching: Approaches and Perspectives (Corwin, 2009) and co-authored Coaching Classroom Management (Pacific Northwest Publishing, 2010). Jim’s other books include Unmistakable Impact: A Partnership Approach to Dramatically Improving Instruction (Corwin, 2011), High-Impact Instruction: A Framework or Great Teaching (Corwin, 2013), and Focus on Teaching: Using Video for High-Impact Instruction (Corwin, 2014).Jim’s articles on professional learning, teaching, and instructional coaching have appeared in journals such as The Journal of Staff Development, Principal Leadership, The School Administr...
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