
Destiny Image Publishers

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  • Libro : La Presencia Develando La Agenda Del Cielo  -...
    Precio:  $71,649.00

    Libro : La Presencia Develando La Agenda Del Cielo -...

    -Titulo Original : La Presencia Develando La Agenda Del Cielo -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: LAS 7 LEYES UNIVERSALES DEL DESARROLLO PERSONAL: Edicion 5º Aniversario para el año 2023 Al conocer estas leyes, descubriras como puedes tener, ser o hacer cualquier cosa que desees. Descubriras quien eres realmente. Descubriras la verdadera magnificencia que esta a tu alcance. - Dr. Joe Dispenza Este pequeño libro nos ofrece tanto los milagros que abren la puerta a una nueva forma de ver el mundo como la ciencia que nos dice como son posibles los milagros. - Gregg Braden Basado en las grandes verdades reveladas por Los Antiguos Maestros, tu conocimiento de las leyes que gobiernan el Universo esta a punto de adquirir proporciones inimaginables al empaparte de este libro. Si aprendes estas leyes y las aplicas, tu vida estara marcada por una mayor alegria, abundancia y esplendor - Deepak Chopra Si quieres que funcione para ti como lo ha hecho para nuestros miles de estudiantes en todo el mundo, entonces aplica la ley de la repeticion: Para que se produzca la transformacion, debes ser capaz de repetir cualquier informacion nueva, de hacerlo una y otra vez, debes memorizarla. Debes condicionar neuroquimicamente tu mente y tu cuerpo hasta el punto de que tu cuerpo sepa tanto como tu cerebro. - Joe Dispenza LAS 7 LEYES UNIVERSALES DEL DESARROLLO PERSONAL: Accede a los codigos de la sabiduria atemporal para reprogramar tu cerebro y manifestar la abundancia en todos los ambitos de tu vida Este es un pequeño libro unico. Revela siete leyes secretas que han estado bien guardadas durante siglos. MEJOR QUE LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN, cuando dominas estas 7 leyes, dominas tu realidad, no importa lo mal que se ponga la economia o lo mucho que se agote tu saldo bancario. Dominar estas 7 leyes es la clave que falta para deshacerse de todas sus luchas en torno al dinero, la buena salud, las relaciones satisfactorias, la energia, el entusiasmo por la vida y la abundancia ilimitada. Tuve el privilegio de conocer a un maestro excepcional que me enseño algunos de sus secretos que nos llevan a descubrir el poder del ser y del espiritu. Estas son las leyes para aprender a manifestar nuestra fuerza interior, para crear en nuestro universo lo que deseamos. Me refiero a esta capacidad casi magica de atraer coincidencias significativas a nuestras vidas. Y hacer que las cosas que deseamos aparezcan de forma casi inexplicable. Lleno de sabiduria atemporal y pasos practicos que puedes aplicar inmediatamente, este libro se basa en las ultimas investigaciones en los campos de la ciencia de la REPETICIÓN, la epigenetica, la biologia de las creencias, la neurociencia, la psicologia, la hipnosis, el condicionamiento conductual y la fisica cuantica para desmitificar el exito y reprogramar tu cerebro para manifestar la abundancia en todas las areas de tu vida. El Universo existe en perfecta armonia y orden en virtud de estas Leyes. Las antiguas enseñanzas misticas, esotericas y secretas que datan de hace mas de 5.000 años, desde el Antiguo Egipto hasta la Antigua Grecia, tienen como hilo conductor estas siete Leyes Hermeticas del Universo. Una vez que comprendas, apliques y te alinees con estas siete Leyes Universales, experimentaras una transformacion en cada area de tu vida mas alla de lo que jamas te hayas atrevido a imaginar. Las Leyes gobernantes no buscan ni castigarte ni recompensarte. Son impersonales, operan automaticamente a lo largo de lineas inconscientes sin tu participacion consciente. participacion consciente...
  • Libro : Liberacion De La Resurreccion Y El Avivamiento De...
    Precio:  $57,399.00

    Libro : Liberacion De La Resurreccion Y El Avivamiento De...

    -Titulo Original : Liberacion De La Resurreccion Y El Avivamiento De Los Tribunales Del Cielo Oraciones Y Declaraciones Que Reviven Las Cosas Muertas-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: ¿Necesitas experimentar Resurreccion o Avivamiento en algun area de tu vida? Muchos seguidores de Jesus andan como sonambulos en sus vidas cristianas. Portan una sonrisa, asisten a las reuniones de su iglesia y hacen todo lo posible por salir adelante, pero en realidad no esperan que sus oraciones sean respondidas, ni esperan tener victorias o cambios milagrosos en sus situaciones. ¿Por que? La decepcion y desilusion. La Biblia lo llama “esperanza demorada”. Lo que anhelabamos no sucedio, y nos quedamos con esperanzas y sueños que estan muertos. Pero recuerda: ¡servimos al Dios de resurreccion y avivamiento! Robert Henderson es el autor de la exitosa serie Los Tribunales del Cielo, y en su nuevo libro te desafia a orar por reveses milagrosos en toda situacion que parezca irremediable. La resurreccion resuena como un veredicto desde los Tribunales del Cielo, porque solo Dios hace revivir a lo que esta muerto. Este poderoso libro te mostrara como: Descubrir los siete secretos para ver revivir las cosas muertas en tu vida. Identificar el espiritu de sabotaje en tu vida - y cancelar su influencia. Hacer “Decretos Lazaro” sobre aquellas situaciones que Jesus quiere resucitar y revivir. Desmantelar el espiritu de muerte - e impedir que impacte cada area de tu vida. Recibir conmovedores ejemplos biblicos del poder de resurreccion desatado en situaciones imposibles. Acabar con el dolor de la decepcion y posicionarte para recibir respuestas a tus oraciones. La resurreccion no es un acontecimiento de una sola vez; debe ser lo normal en la vida cristiana. ¡Estamos llenos de la vida y el poder de resurreccion de Jesus! Hemos sido comisionados por el Jesus Resucitado para ver Su poder milagroso sobrenatural revocar cualquier plan del enemigo que ha tratado de robar, matar y destruir. About the Author Robert Henderson is a global apostolic leader who operates in revelation and impartation. His teaching empowers the body of Christ to see the hidden truths of Scripture clearly and apply them for breakthrough results. Driven by a mandate to disciple nations through writing and speaking, Robert travels extensively around the globe, teaching on the apostolic, the Kingdom of God, the Seven Mountains and most notably, the Courts of Heaven. He has been married to Mary for 40 years. They have six children and five grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Waco, TX...
  • Libro : Cultivando Una Relacion Intima Con Dios Experimente
    Precio:  $62,419.00

    Libro : Cultivando Una Relacion Intima Con Dios Experimente

    -Titulo Original : Cultivando Una Relacion Intima Con Dios Experimente Y Disfrute Sus Beneficios Sobrenaturales-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: About the Author Brandon Sanderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He lives in Utah with his wife and children and teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University. He is the author of such bestsellers as the Mistborn® trilogy and its sequels, The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and The Bands of Mourning; the Stormlight Archive novels The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance; and other novels, including The Rithmatist, Steelheart, and Skyward. In 2013, he won a Hugo Award for Best Novella for The Emperors Soul, set in the world of his acclaimed first novel, Elantris. Additionally, he was chosen to complete Robert Jordans Wheel of Time® sequence. In 2005, Brandon Sanderson debuted with Elantris, an epic fantasy unlike any other then on the market. To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Tor is reissuing Elantris in a special edition, a fresh chance to introduce it to the myriad readers who have since become Sanderson fans. This new edition begins with a preface by author Dan Wells, the first person to read the completed novel, and a new afterword by Sanderson explaining how he came to write the book and its place in the Cosmere, the unified universe of all his Tor novels. Also included is an expanded version of the Ars Arcanum appendix, with more of the technical details of the books magic that fans can never get enough of. Elantris was truly a milestone both for Sanderson and for the genre of epic fantasy. It deserves this special treatment, something Tor has done only once before, with Orson Scott Cards Enders Game. Sanderson fans old and new will be excited to discover it. Other Tor books by Brandon Sanderson The Cosmere The Stormlight Archive The Way of Kings Words of Radiance Edgedancer (Novella) Oathbringer The Mistborn trilogy Mistborn: The Final Empire The Well of Ascension The Hero of Ages Mistborn: The Wax and Wayne series Alloy of Law Shadows of Self Bands of Mourning Collection Arcanum Unbounded Other Cosmere novels Elantris Warbreaker The Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians The Scriveners Bones The Knights of Crystallia The Shattered Lens The Dark Talent The Rithmatist series The Rithmatist Other books by Brandon Sanderson The Reckoners Steelheart Firefight Calamity Review “Elantris is a new Ben Hur for the fantasy genre, with a sweeping, epic storyline and well-drawn and sympathetic characters.” Kevin J. Anderson, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Dune: The Battle Of Corrin “While every new fantasy author is hailed as unique, new, and different, Brandon Sandersons Elantris does indeed provide an absorbing adventure in a unique, different, and well-thought-out fantasy world, with a few nifty twists as well.” L. E. Modesitt, Jr. “Brandon Sanderson is the real thing--an exciting storyteller with a unique and powerful vision. Elantris is one of the finest debuts Ive seen in years.” David Farland “Brandon Sandersons Elantris is a marvelous, magic monster of a book, packed full of intrigue and daring, based around a killer high concept. When the city of the gods becomes a city of the damned, who and what do you believe in? The story twists and turns, characters bait traps for one another as they vie for secular and religious power, and no one is necessarily who or what they seem. Royal houses rise and fall, the fate of all Humanity is in the balance, and maybe, just maybe . . . the gods are coming back. All this and a genuinely touching love story too.” Simon R. Green, the New York Times bestselling author of the Deathstalker, Nightside and Hawk & Fisher series From the Back Cover ELANTRIS WAS THE CITY OF THE GODS What power could have cursed it? in 2005, Brandon Sanderson, fantasys new master storyteller, carried readers away to a truly original world of magic and intrigue, with the rigor of the best science fiction [and] magnificent characters [that] make this novel unforgettable (Orson Scott Card). Elantris delightful...
  • Libro : Profetas Y Profecia Personal La Voz Profetica De...
    Precio:  $57,139.00

    Libro : Profetas Y Profecia Personal La Voz Profetica De...

    -Titulo Original : Profetas Y Profecia Personal La Voz Profetica De Dios Hoy -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Hay Mas Ejemplos de la Profecia Personal en la Escritura Que de Cualquier Otro Tema Biblico ...Profetas y Profecia Personal, es el libro mas importante que he leˆdo sobre la profecia, y estoy profundamente agradecido con Bill Hamon, mi amigo cercano por haberme traido a la luz. Su experiencia con la profecia es amplia y profunda. No conozco a otra persona que este mas capacitada para escribir un libro sobre la profecia que Bill Hamon. -Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Canciller, Instituto de Liderazgo Wagner Profetas y Profecia Personal, La Voz Profetica de Dios Hoy, expone en forma amplia la restauracion de la Profecia Personal a la Iglesia y es el unico libro de su clase. Las temas tratados incluyen: La Perspectiva Correcta de la Profecia Personal La Naturaleza de la Profecia Personal Decisiones Importantes y Mudanzas Pautas Para Manejar la Profecia Personal Los Propositos de Dios para los Profeta...
  • Book : Mommy, Why Dont We Celebrate Halloween? - Hacon...
    Precio:  $45,329.00

    Book : Mommy, Why Dont We Celebrate Halloween? - Hacon...

    -Titulo Original : Mommy, Why Dont We Celebrate Halloween?-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Do you know the truth behind the dressing up and trick-or-treating that are important parts of this holiday? If not, you need to read this book with your child. Halloween comes every year-and so does the question: “Mommy, Why Don’t We Celebrate Halloween?” Most likely, your child has either asked you this, or will ask you in the future. This is why you should be ready to explain Halloween to a kid, sharing the dangers of Halloween and discussing Halloween as a pagan holiday. This book will help your child have a Christian perspective on Halloween, making it clear why you don’t celebrate the holiday. It reveals, in story form, the truth behind the activities that have become such an accepted part of Halloween traditions. Children who read this book and talk about it with their parents will learn how the fun of Halloween harms them. They will also learn what to say to others who do not understand the true meaning of Halloween...
  • Book : Accessing The Courts Of Heaven Positioning Yourself..
    Precio:  $30,549.00

    Book : Accessing The Courts Of Heaven Positioning Yourself..

    -Titulo Original : Accessing The Courts Of Heaven Positioning Yourself For Breakthrough And Answered Prayers-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Begin Your Supernatural Journey into the Courts of Heaven What does it mean to make your case in the “courts of Heaven?” In recent years, God has raised up Robert Henderson as a prophetic voice, calling Christians to pursue breakthrough by using the courts of Heaven prayer blueprint. In this all-new message, Henderson gives you practical keys that will enable you to boldly access the courts of Heaven and state your prayer cases with confidence. You will: * Understand the three dimensions of prayer. * Discover the 3 keys to unlocking your breakthrough in the courts of Heaven. * Learn the 6 prophetic declarations that Jesus’ blood makes on your behalf. * Cancel the devil’s accusations by releasing the supernatural power of your testimony. Learn how to access the courts of Heaven, make your case, and watch as prayers are answered, miracles are released, and long awaited breakthroughs come to fruition! From the Publisher With a passion to see the Lord’s Kingdom come to earth in a tangible way, Robert Henderson is a man of undistracted devotion. Whether it is through the apostolic teaching gift that he has been given; the demonstration of signs and wonders or the governmental authority that flows from the Throne of God. Robert’s teaching ministry through preaching and writing has gone around the world and impacted many believers. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Mary for over 34 years. They have six children and four grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Midlothian, TX. About the Author Robert Henderson is a global apostolic leader who operates in revelation and impartation. His teaching empowers the body of Christ to see the hidden truths of Scripture clearly and apply them for breakthrough results. Driven by a mandate to disciple nations through writing and speaking, Robert travels extensively around the globe, teaching on the apostolic, the Kingdom of God, the Seven Mountains and most notably, the Courts of Heaven. He has been married to Mary for 40 years. They have six children and five grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Waco, TX...
  • Book : Angel Armies Releasing The Warriors Of Heaven -...
    Precio:  $53,899.00

    Book : Angel Armies Releasing The Warriors Of Heaven -...

    -Titulo Original : Angel Armies Releasing The Warriors Of Heaven-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Discover How to Partner With Your Invisible Allies! The world is curious about angels! Pop culture places great emphasis on these invisible beings, nearly idolizing them. But, have you ever wondered: What do angels do and how do their tasks affect me? Through Bible-based revelation-combined with his dynamic, personal encounters with the angelic realm-Tim Sheets invites you to experience the unseen world of Heavens mighty warriors. Discover how angels: PARTNER with Christians to bring transformation and deliverance to entire regions. SUPERNATURALLY work with your prayers to release Heavens answers and allow breakthrough in your life. BATTLE in the spirit realm to give assistance, provide protection, and bring deliverance. From Genesis through Revelation, Scripture is filled with angelic encounters: Jacob, Daniel, Mary, John-and even Jesus Himself-were all assisted or visited by angels. Angels are more than invisible guardians of the Heavens-they are fierce soldiers commissioned to overthrow the powers of darkness. LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH THESE DIVINE WARRIORS AND WATCH HEAVENS POWER TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE, YOUR REGION, AND YOUR WORLD TODAY! From the Publisher Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis Church in Middletown. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. About the Author Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor of The Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio, the founder of Awakening Now Prayer Network, and author. He travels extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and other nations, carrying his heart and vision for awakening and reformation. He teaches and ministers in conferences, Bible colleges, seminars and churches, releasing the authority of the believer and an anointing for signs, wonders, and miracles...
  • Libro : El Arte Perdido De Practicar Su Presencia Su Camino.
    Precio:  $68,899.00

    Libro : El Arte Perdido De Practicar Su Presencia Su Camino.

    -Titulo Original : El Arte Perdido De Practicar Su Presencia Su Camino Hacia La Verdadera Intimidad Con Dios -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Me has dado a conocer la senda de la vida; me llenaras de alegria en tu presencia, y de dicha eterna a tu derecha. Salmo 16:11Su corazon ha sido creado para la presencia de Dios y no esta completo sin ella. Los negadores trataran de convencerlo de que la presencia de Dios es subjetiva y dificil de hallar, pero sus voces callan ante el deseo interior de una union con su Señor y Creador.Como respuesta creible a aquellos que quieren llenar ese vacio interior, se ha escrito El arte perdido de practicar su presencia. El viaje del autor James Goll hacia la presencia de Dios lo llevo a estar cara a cara con angeles y con el Señor mismo.Con todo gozo descubrira como el Señor busca esta union de la misma forma en que usted busca su presencia. Tambien:* Descubrira el placer de la meditacion silenciosa.* Aprendera a esperar y a observar con su Señor.* Experimentara el gozo de la oracion contemplativa.* Entendera el fuego del amor de Dios.* Aprendera sobre los viajes de otros que buscaron y encontraron la dulzura de la presencia de Dios.La sabiduria que contiene este libro le otorgara, minuto a minuto, confianza y esperanza mientras realiza su viaje hacia el gozo y el placer de la presencia de Dios...
  • Libro : Cuando El Cielo Invade La Tierra Teens Tu Guia Hacia
    Precio:  $65,149.00

    Libro : Cuando El Cielo Invade La Tierra Teens Tu Guia Hacia

    -Titulo Original : Cuando El Cielo Invade La Tierra Teens Tu Guia Hacia El Poder Sobrenatural De Dios -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: ¡Enciende Tu Poder! ...el Espiritu de aquel que levanta a Jesus de entre los muertos vive en ustedes... - Romanos 8:11 Dios esta cambiando radicalmente las cosas, ¡y quiere usarlo para introducir lo sobrenatural en un mundo roto! Este libro te ayudara en tu relacion con Dios, y comenzaras a experimentar señales, maravillas, sanidades y milagros sobrenaturales. Asi como lo sobrenatural fue natural para Jesus, tambien lo sera para ti. Preparate para aprender a: Caminar en la autoridad de Jesus para transformar las situaciones imposibles en tu vida. Vivir desde tu identidad en Cristo, como hijo o hija real de Dios que ha sido lleno del Espiritu Santo. Liberar tu herencia espiritual y ver como lo sobrenatural se vuelve natural en tu vida. El mismo Espiritu que levanto a Jesus de los muertos vive dentro de ti. ¡Esto hace que esa vida cristiana debilucha desaparezca y puedas liberar el poder del mundo de Dios en el tuyo...
  • Libro : Cuando Ve Al Invisible Puede Hacer Lo Imposible  -..
    Precio:  $68,899.00

    Libro : Cuando Ve Al Invisible Puede Hacer Lo Imposible -..

    -Titulo Original : Cuando Ve Al Invisible Puede Hacer Lo Imposible -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Para Dios todo es Posible(Mateo 19:26)La mayoria de los cristianos quieren alcanzar lo imposible para el Señor, pero no muchos se dan cuenta de ¡cuan posible es hacer lo imposible!En Cuando ve al Invisible puede hacer lo imposible, Oral Roberts, comparte sus secretos mas poderosos acerca de vivir una vida de milagros, asi como el lo ha hecho por mas de sesenta años de ministerio.Usted descubrira extraordinarios secretos tales como:Como ver al Invisible.Como convertirse en original y cumplir su destino.Como un toque de Dios puede cambiar su vida.Como ver a Dios como fuente de todas las cosas.Como el conocimiento de la revelacion lo conducira al exito incomparable.Estas verdades funcionaran para todos, ¡incluso para usted! Son verdades preciosas que trascienden el tiempo, la cultura y las normas sociales.Cuente con ellas para ayudarles a ¡hacer lo imposible...
  • Book : Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship Your Destiny..
    Precio:  $114,429.00

    Book : Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship Your Destiny..

    -Titulo Original : Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship Your Destiny Awaits You-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Take the voyage of a lifetime...for a lifetime!As the young, hard-nosed, newly appointed captain of a commercial fishing boat, Jack Frost returned after the first week as “Top Hook”-he had out-fished all the others. But he also harpooned his mentor’s heart on the way to the top.Captain Frost’s exciting and dangerous adventures take you from Cape Horn to Antarctica to the shores of North Carolina and Poland as he describes his journey from a sinking ship of slavery to his maiden voyage of sonship.Learn how to throw your “orphan” attitude overboard and anchor your heart in God’s inheritance of blessings and prosperity. Identify the counterfeit sources of comfort and affection in your life:* Passions & Possessions.* Position & Performance.* People & Places.* Power. Christen and launch your life’s ship alongside the One who can calm every storm-every time...
  • Book : Teach Us To Pray (large Print Edition) Prayer That...
    Precio:  $119,999.00

    Book : Teach Us To Pray (large Print Edition) Prayer That...

    -Titulo Original : Teach Us To Pray (large Print Edition) Prayer That Accesses Heaven And Changes Earth-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Learn how to access heaven and release it into the earth!Jesus’ disciples heard every message, witnessed every miracle and deliverance and healing and we don’t see one recorded time where they asked Him, “Teach us to preach,” or “Teach us to heal,” or “Teach us to deliver.” After spending three and a half years with the Son of God in the flesh, they cried out to Him, “We want Your prayer life… Teach Us to Pray!” They understood that Jesus’ public life of ministry was the result of His private life of prayer with the Father.It’s in light of this reality that we must begin to shift all of our discipleship and training of the next generation. We are living in turbulent days, therefore we must get back to the foundational realities of intimate connection with heaven. We must come out of the swirl of noise and busyness and distraction and reconnect to heaven so that we will see heaven’s invasion into the earth.Corey Russell has given himself to 30-plus hours of prayer a week for the last 20 years, and longs to take the lessons he has learned through all the seasons of life and impart them to as many as will receive.Discover how:To tune out the noise, distractions, and busyness of our culture and cultivate hours at the feet of JesusTo allow the Lord to remove all of the props we build our lives on and hear His voiceTo ascend to the throne of God and see His power manifested in our families, our circumstances, and our worldTo persevere in prayer when you hit walls of resistanceTo be sent with authority and power and compassion into the world around youTo build a life of consistent prayer that hosts the anointing of prayerTo go from being an echo of someone else’s message to becoming a voice in your generationTo develop a deeper intimacy with the Holy SpiritTeach Us to Pray will ignite your prayer life from one that is filled with boredom into one that is filled with power...
  • Book : Do Not Leave Quietly A Call For Everyday People To...
    Precio:  $53,609.00

    Book : Do Not Leave Quietly A Call For Everyday People To...

    -Titulo Original : Do Not Leave Quietly A Call For Everyday People To Rise Up And Defeat Evil-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: What does it mean to leave quietly? It means making the worst mistake of your life. By leaving quietly, you inflict unspeakable harm on your children and grandchildren.The battle is raging. Two realms are seeking to influence the natural world-light and darkness. There is no middle ground. Depending on how you participate in life, either Heaven or Hell will advance its agenda into the Earth. The Holy Spirit is trying to show us what is at stake. He is trying to create something that will stop an evil every bit as hideous as Hitler. His voice is crying out to everyone, from celebrity pastors to Christian billionaires to everyday believers. He is ordering us to toss aside petty squabbles and build a movement that can destroy the nameless horror we face.Mario Murillo is a bestselling author, popular blogger, and minister of the Gospel. As an evangelist for nearly 50 years, Murillo has weathered many cultural shifts, but his message has remained steadfast. In the midst of our current cultural climate, God is seeking to raise an army of prophetic people whose voices shape the direction of the nation.Do Not Leave Quietly is a prophetic war cry for every reader to:Be ignited with a holy resolve to stop the enemy’s plans.Expose and defeat woke and cancel cultures, and win the war on our freedom.Activate the key to seeing signs and wonders to impact your community.Advance the light of God’s Kingdom in the spheres of influence you are called to impact.Lord, let me use the rest of my life to strike terror into the heart of evil! Say that prayer. Make it your own. If you can do that with faith and sincerity, then you are ready to read this book. From the Publisher Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the riot-torn University of California at Berkeley. He was rejected until a desperate prayer season resulted in supernatural power. It began with preaching that was different than students had heard before. Then the students began to report healings in the Name of Jesus. A 4-day crusade in San Jose, California, lasting 6 months with a total of over 250,000 people, birthed an international ministry that is reaching millions! About the Author Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the riot-torn University of California at Berkeley. He was rejected until a desperate prayer season resulted in supernatural power. It began with preaching that was different than students had heard before. Then the students began to report healings in the name of Jesus. A 4-day crusade in San Jose, California, lasting 6 months with a total of over 250,000 people, birthed an international ministry that is reaching millions...
  • Book : Revelations From Heaven A True Account Of Death, The.
    Precio:  $60,479.00

    Book : Revelations From Heaven A True Account Of Death, The.

    -Titulo Original : Revelations From Heaven A True Account Of Death, The Afterlife, And 31 Supernatural Discoveries (an Nde Collection)-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: What was it like to be face to face with Jesus?What does Heaven look like?And what did Randy Kay learn from his afterlife encounter?As a human development researcher, medical advisor, and director of clinical support, Randy Kay was not given to fantastical ideas about the spirit realm or embellished “divine encounters.”But after clinically dying in the hospital, Randy Kay had a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus in Heaven.In his first book, Dying to Meet Jesus, Randy shared this experience, but not the supernatural insights and profound discoveries he received. Now, Randy senses a timely assignment from the Holy Spirit to answer the question so many readers have asked: what did you learn while you were in Heaven?In Revelations from Heaven, Randy leads you into a heavenly encounter of your own, revealing 31 revelations that God is unveiling to you. These insights include…Emboldened Prayer:A biblical perspective on encounters in Heaven and how they embolden our prayer lives.Conversations with Jesus: Insights that were exchanged while Randy communicated with Jesus in Heaven.Angelic and Demonic Activity:How there is a very real, invisible realm battling over the souls of humanity.Race and Ethnicity in Heaven: In eternity, how do people see one another and how does God see them?The Sights, Sounds, and Senses of Heaven: In Heaven, the five senses are enhanced and there are new senses that earthly language cannot explain.Heaven’s Perspective on Sadness and Grief: How tears are kept and collected in bottles.The Difference Between “Paradise” and Heaven:When a believer dies, where do they really go?Take hold of the amazing truths that Heaven has released through Randy’s incredible experience, and see for yourself the powerful life-change that can accompany Revelations from Heaven. From the Publisher Randy Kay, a CEO and strategic business leader, knows firsthand through his own near-death experience how God can transform suffering into joy and pain into purpose. His breakthrough research on thriving in life has spanned several decades, uncovering practical ways to overcome trials and attain Gods purpose in your life. Randy and his wife Renee make their home in Carlsbad, California. About the Author Randy Kay, a CEO and strategic business leader, knows firsthand through his own near-death experience how God can transform suffering into joy and pain into purpose. His breakthrough research on thriving in life has spanned several decades, uncovering practical ways to overcome trials and attain Gods purpose in your life. Randy and his wife, Renee, make their home in Carlsbad, California...
  • Book : Lion Bites (large Print Edition) Daily Prophetic...
    Precio:  $142,119.00

    Book : Lion Bites (large Print Edition) Daily Prophetic...

    -Titulo Original : Lion Bites (large Print Edition) Daily Prophetic Words That Awaken The Spiritual Warrior In You!-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Live every day like a victorious warrior! Through this unique daily interactive experience, you will become spiritually alive and successfully operate in the supernatural. Welcome to a lifestyle of deep revelation!Lion Bites is a daily prophetic “call to arms!” Jesus, who scripture calls the Lion of Judah, wants you to be a Holy Spirit-filled warrior, equipped to destroy strongholds of darkness with senses that are highly tuned, trained, alert, and ultra-sensitized to the Spirit’s every move.Carrying the full weight of Scripture and God’s rhema word, these 365 prophetic words bring you into new dimensions of revelation that, when applied, will produce victory in your everyday life! Every day includes an action, a prayer, or a decree, bringing you into Heavenly experiences that will shift you into a true heart-to-heart connection with God.You will feel mentored by this seasoned team of prophets, teachers and seers, as they spiritually activate you and train you in a new way of life where spiritual encounters with the Lord are normal.Spend every day in this life-changing devotional book, and hear the Lion of Judah roaring victory over your life...
  • Book : Woman Thou Art Loosed! Classic Edition Healing The...
    Precio:  $80,879.00

    Book : Woman Thou Art Loosed! Classic Edition Healing The...

    -Titulo Original : Woman Thou Art Loosed! Classic Edition Healing The Wounds Of The Past-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: You were meant to live free, healed, and whole!And when Jesus saw her, he called her to Him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. Luke 13:12 KJVDo you feel imprisoned by past failures-like you just can’t break free from all the guilt, condemnation, and shame? Does your heart long to experience true joy and lasting wholeness? It’s time to start living the free and flourishing life that God has always intended for you.For over 20 years, T.D. Jakes’ classic bestseller, Woman, Thou Art Loosed!, has brought hope and healing to countless women. No matter where you find yourself today-insecure teenager, battered wife, hopeless woman, or broken female soul-you can experience a better tomorrow!In these healing pages you will receive:* Keys to finding freedom from the pain of the past.* Deliverance from low self-esteem and self-hatred.* Healing for a wounded or broken heart.* Hope for a bright and glorious future.There is freedom available for you-regardless of the tragedy, trauma, and disappointments that life has brought.Let today be the first day on your journey towards complete healing and deliverance! About the Author T. D. Jakes is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than forty books and is the CEO of TDJ Enterprises, LLP. His television ministry program The Potter’s Touch is watched by 3.3 million viewers every week. He has produced Grammy Award-winning music as well as hit films such as Heaven Is For Real, Miracles from Heaven, and Jumping the Broom. A master communicator, he hosts MegaFest, Woman Thou Art Loosed, and other conferences attended by tens of thousands...
  • Book : Woman Thou Art Loosed! Healing The Wounds Of The Past
    Precio:  $115,209.00

    Book : Woman Thou Art Loosed! Healing The Wounds Of The Past

    -Titulo Original : Woman Thou Art Loosed! Healing The Wounds Of The Past-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Live in Freedom!The healing balm that well-known pastor and author T.D. Jakes shares in Woman, Thou Art Loosed! soothes all manner of traumas, tragedies, and disappointments. Whether you are a single parent, a battered wife, an abused teenager, or an insecure woman, there is a cure for every crisis!In this soft word for the sensitive ear, there is deep cleansing for those inaccessible areas of the feminine heart. The wisdom in this book fights back the infections of life. Woman, Thou Art Loosed! breaks the shackles off the neck of every woman who dares to read it...
  • Book : The Illustrated Dictionary Of Dream Symbols A...
    Precio:  $121,619.00

    Book : The Illustrated Dictionary Of Dream Symbols A...

    -Titulo Original : The Illustrated Dictionary Of Dream Symbols A Biblical Guide To Your Dreams And Visions-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Here is a book you will refer to again and again. Clear, authoritative and as complete as possible, this book will help to open a new world of communication between you and the Lord you love.See What Others are Saying About This Great Book:“When used through the Holy Spirit, it (this book) can help the reader take away the frustration of not knowing what dreams mean and avoid the dangers of misinterpretation.”-Joseph Ewen, Founder and Leader of Riverside Church Network, Banff, Scotland, UK“This book is a treasure chest, loaded down with revelation and the hidden mysteries of God that have been waiting since before the foundation of the earth to be uncovered.” -Bishop Ron Scott, Jr., President, Kingdom Coalition International, Hagerstown, MD“The Illustrated Dictionary of Dream Symbols is much more than a book of dream symbols; it has also added richness to our reading of God’s Word.”-Robert and Joyce Ricciardelli, Directors, Visionary Advancement Strategies Seattle, W...
  • Book : Understanding The Dreams You Dream Biblical Keys For.
    Precio:  $71,649.00

    Book : Understanding The Dreams You Dream Biblical Keys For.

    -Titulo Original : Understanding The Dreams You Dream Biblical Keys For Hearing Gods Voice In The Night-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: God frequently talks through dreams. The Bible reveals that in the past, dreams were the most common way God talked to His people. The people in the Bible communicated with God through prayer, and He answered them in dreams. God does not change, neither has the way He communicates with His children.Unlike the early Christians, todays believers often treat dreams like junk mail. In doing so, they often throw away the very answers they asked for when they prayed for counsel and guidance.Understanding the Dreams You Dream is written from a Christian perspective to help Christians understand the symbolic language of dreams. Deliberately written without technical jargon, this book can be easily understand and used by everyone. It is the only complete, one-volume Christian reference book for interpreting dreams on the market today. Book Description For those who have ever had a dream in which they think God was speaking to them, this practical guide, written from the Christian perspective, helps readers understand the symbolic language of dreams. About the Author Ira and Judy Milligan founded Servant Ministries, Inc. in 1986. They present life-changing seminars including: Dreams and Their Interpretation; Counseling and Inner Healing; Spiritual Warfare; and Prophets and Personal Prophecy. Ira has been a guest lecturer at Oral Roberts University...
  • Book : Waiting And Dating A Sensible Guide To A Fulfilling..
    Precio:  $58,019.00

    Book : Waiting And Dating A Sensible Guide To A Fulfilling..

    -Titulo Original : Waiting And Dating A Sensible Guide To A Fulfilling Love Relationship-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: About the Author Dr. Myles Munroe was a beloved statesman and internationally renowned bestselling author, lecturer, life coach, and government consultant. His legacy continues to impact countless lives&;individually launching people into lives of discovered purpose and unlocked potential, and corporately ushering the global church into a greater revelation of demonstrating the Kingdom of God. He, along with his wife, Ruth Ann, served as senior pastors of Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship. They have two children, Charisa and Chairo.     DONT kiss dating goodbye-there is a much better way!Dr. Myles Munroe’s guide to waiting and dating offers sound and humorous advice on dating that will help believers prepare for a long and happy marriage.In an age where culture’s views on dating, courtship, and premarital romance are increasingly at odds with God’s Word, the late Myles Munroe-internationally acclaimed teacher and bestselling author-offers crystal clear wisdom and biblical truth for a satisfying love relationship.In this user-friendly handbook to biblical dating, you will learn the importance of:Having a shared faith in God.The priority of personal wholeness.True, godly friendship.Dispelling myths about finding the right person.Discerning a God-given relationship.The principles in this book will help you turn what can sometimes be a stressful, uncertain time of life into a joy-filled journey. If you want to grow in the Lord and prepare for the commitment of marriage with that special someone, this book is essential, fun, and full of hope! Book Description Dont Kiss Dating Goodbye! There is a much better way! Dr. Myles Munroe -- internationally acclaimed teacher and conference speaker with several best-selling books to his credit -- offers a balanced, biblical view for every believer who wants a prosperous and fulfilling marriage relationship. He offers some of the best advice on the subject of finding the one with whom you will spend the rest of your life...
  • Libro : Como Orar Cuando Hay Crisis  - Evans, Michael
    Precio:  $47,539.00
    Expira: 06/09/2023

    Libro : Como Orar Cuando Hay Crisis - Evans, Michael

    -Titulo Original : Como Orar Cuando Hay Crisis -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: De la profundidad de un pozo negro a la colina Este libro es para aquellos que no saben que hacer cuando pasan por momentos de turbulencias. Desde los comienzos la humanidad ha luchado enfrentando las adversidades de la tribulacion. Calamidades, crisis personales, pruebas que aterrorizan, caminos sin salida,son las cosas que hay que enfrentar en medio del andar por la vida. Para muchos esas desdichas son tuneles sin escape, donde se pierde la esperanza y se agotan las oraciones. El rey David rezo en medio de su mas oscura noche, y Dios le contesto. Aqui encontrara la esperanza perdida, la oracion que le devolvera la fe para seguir creyendo, porque Dios contesta no solo la oracion de David, sino tambien la suya. Dios lo oira en medio del conflicto...
  • Book : The Makers Diet Shoppers Guide Meal Plans For 40 Days
    Precio:  $53,399.00

    Book : The Makers Diet Shoppers Guide Meal Plans For 40 Days

    -Titulo Original : The Makers Diet Shoppers Guide Meal Plans For 40 Days - Shopping Lists - Recipes-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: Practical steps for losing weight the best way! The Maker’s Way! So you’ve started living a life of health according to The Maker’s Diet, but you want more. This companion resource provides you with the nuts-and-bolts knowledge you need to succeed on your 40-day health experience. This book will not only give you the practical advice you need for success, but also encourage you and your family to live out the three phases of your Bible-based health plan. This detailed guide will help you: *Develop meal plans for 40 days *Prepare foods using healthy, tasty recipes *Create shopping lists featuring healthy ingredients Featuring information not found anywhere else, this book is an indispensable tool for fully experiencing The Maker’s Diet. It offers you daily help in the places you need it most: the kitchen, the dinner table, and the grocery store...
  • Book : The Makers Diet For Weight Loss 16-week Strategy For.
    Precio:  $81,199.00

    Book : The Makers Diet For Weight Loss 16-week Strategy For.

    -Titulo Original : The Makers Diet For Weight Loss 16-week Strategy For Burning Fat, Cleansing Toxins, And Living A Healthier Life!-Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: The Best Way to Lose Weight! The Maker’s Way! Designed as a follow-up to his New York Times best-seller, The Maker’s Diet, Jordan Rubin takes his nutritional strategies to the next level in this 16-week program calculated to help you not only achieve your weight-loss goals, but maintain them in the future. By addressing your whole person-body, mind, emotions, and spirit-The Maker’s Diet for Weight Loss will help you reach a weight that makes you look good and feel great about yourself as you: * Eat for your body type, age, gender, and region * Maximize nutrients while reducing calories * Eliminate toxins inside and outside your body * Learn the best ways to “cheat” without getting off track With sold medical advice from Bernard Bulwer, MD, an advanced fellow at one of the premier teaching hospitals at Harvard Medical School, The Maker’s Diet for Weight Loss presents a holistic approach to weight loss that will change your life forever...
  • Libro : El Fin De La Iglesia Que Conocemos El Factor 166  -.
    Precio:  $72,689.00

    Libro : El Fin De La Iglesia Que Conocemos El Factor 166 -.

    -Titulo Original : El Fin De La Iglesia Que Conocemos El Factor 166 -Fabricante : Destiny Image Publishers-Descripcion Original: La Iglesia del siglo XXI es llamada a experimentar las cosas sobrenaturales de Dios, ¡ de tal manera que provoque celos hasta de la Iglesia de los Hechos de los Apostoles! Lea este libro si tiene hambre de: * Una vida cristiana fructifera, * una aventura poderosa en Dios para toda la vida, * que lo sobrenatural sea parte de su experiencia diaria normal y rutinaria, * que Dios sea liberado de las cajas religiosas y de las limitaciones mentales, * que Dios invada las calles, los barrios, las escuelas y los mercados, * que cada dia sea lleno de una vida sobrenatural autentica...
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