
Ishi Press

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  • Libro : Winnie-the-Pooh en Espanol Traduccion Winnie-the-...
    Precio:  $45,709.00
    Expira: 13/03/2024

    Libro : Winnie-the-Pooh en Espanol Traduccion Winnie-the-...

    -Titulo Original : Winnie-the-Pooh En Espanol Traduccion Winnie-the-Pooh Translated Into Spanish (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Ishi Pres...
  • Libro : Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez, celebrado en La...
    Precio:  $68,329.00

    Libro : Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez, celebrado en La...

    -Titulo Original : Torneo Internacional De Ajedrez, Celebrado En La Habana De 1913: Celebrado En La Habana Del 15 De Febrero Al 6 De Marzo De 1913 (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: José Raúl Capablanca fue un ajedrecista cubano, campeón mundial de ajedrez de 1921 a 1927. En 1913 jugó en La Habana y terminó segundo detrás de Frank Marshall, habiendo perdido una de las partidas contra el norteamericano después de tener una posición ventajosa. Reuben Fine afirmó que Capablanca había exigido al alcalde el desalojar a todos los espectadores para que no lo vieran en el mal estado de ánimo mientras perdía. Esta historia ha circulado en libros y en la Red; sin embargo, el libro de Edward G. Winter (véase aquí) documenta que la historia de Fine no tiene ningún fundamento. Demuestra en cambio que los 600 espectadores presentes, que naturalmente apoyaban a su compatriota, le dieron a Marshall una fuerte ovación. Las notas del mismo Marshall corroboran esta versión: Cuando oyó el griterío de la multitud creyó que lo iban a linchar, por lo que pidió una escolta de seguridad para que lo llevara rápidamente a su hotel. Después le contaron lo que había sucedido en realidad. a Habana 1913, por José Raúl Capablanca. Este es el único libro del torneo, escribió. Fue publicado originalmente en español en 1913 en La Habana. Edward Invierno tradujo al Inglés, y apareció como una reimpresión British Chess Magazine, Trimestral Nº 18, en 1976...
  • Libro : La Nausea Jean-paul Sartre  - Sartre, Jean-Paul
    Precio:  $91,759.00

    Libro : La Nausea Jean-paul Sartre - Sartre, Jean-Paul

    -Titulo Original : La Nausea Jean-Paul Sartre (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: La nausea es una novela filosofica y algo autobiografico de Jean-Paul Sartre, publicado en 1938. El existencialismo sartreano sostiene que en el hombre la existencia precede a la esencia. Asi, Antoine Roquentin, el protagonista de esta primera novela de Sartre, experimenta la nausea que provoca el mundo real: se enfrenta a las cosas y a las personal con la terrible conviccion de que cada uno de sus actos y elecciones lo define. Fue el decimo escritor frances seleccionado como Premio Nobel de Literatura, en 1964, pero lo rechazo explicando en una carta a la Academia Sueca que el tenia por regla declinar todo reconocimiento o distincion y que los lazos entre el hombre y la cultura debian desarrollarse directamente, sin pasar por las instituciones. Fue pareja de la tambien filosofa Simone de Beauvoir. Con este libro, su primera novela, Sartre alcanzo una fama que se desarrollara mas adelante. En 1950, esta novela esta incluido en la lista del Gran Premio de las mejores novelas...
  • Book : Fundamentos Del Ajedrez - Capablanca, José Raúl
    Precio:  $124,539.00

    Book : Fundamentos Del Ajedrez - Capablanca, José Raúl

    -Titulo Original : Fundamentos Del Ajedrez-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: Jose Raul Capablanca (La Habana, 19 de noviembre de 1888 - Nueva York, 8 de marzo de 1942) fue un ajedrecista cubano, campeon mundial de ajedrez de 1921 a 1927. Las ideas de Capablanca siguen teniendo vigencia en el concierto mundial del ajedrez. Sus imagenes constituyen una poderosa ayuda para el estudiante de los secretos del tablero...
  • Libro : Cocori  - Gutierrez, Joaquin
    Precio:  $46,969.00

    Libro : Cocori - Gutierrez, Joaquin

    -Titulo Original : Cocori (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: Cocori, del escritor costarricense Joaquin Gutierrez, Es Una novela Publicada y se ha Convertido En Una de las obras traducidas Mas de la literatura de Costa Rica. Es Un relato Que se ha Mantenido Como lectura favorita de los costarricenses A Pesar de Haber Sufrido Campanas de desprestigio. Cocori es un niño que habita en un pueblo es la costa caribeña de Costa Rica, en una zona donde tiene contacto con el mar, y a la vez con toda la naturaleza del bosque tropical. Cierto dia, un barco se acerca al puerto, y Cocori tiene la oportunidad de subir en el para conocer a sus tripulantes. Entre ellos, esta una niña rubia. Con una curiosidad muy infantil, Cocori se sorprende por el cabello de la niña, ya que nunca ha visto personas que no sean de raza negra, y la niña, inocentemente, piensa que la piel de Cocori se ha llenado de hollin y por eso se ha oscurecido, pues nunca ha visto personas que no sean de tez blanca...
  • Book : Madame Curie A Biography Of Marie Curie By Eve Curie.
    Precio:  $118,559.00

    Book : Madame Curie A Biography Of Marie Curie By Eve Curie.

    -Titulo Original : Madame Curie A Biography Of Marie Curie By Eve Curie-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: In terms of practical accomplishments helping to better the lives of people today, Madame Marie Curie far exceeds the achievements of any other modern or scientific person. Anybody who is in a hospital that uses an X-Ray machine is using technology developed by Marie Curie. Any cancer patient who is undergoing radiation treatment to prolong life is using a procedure discovered by Marie Curie. Anybody who turns on a light bulb in their house is likely using power from a nuclear power plant based on discoveries made by Marie Curie. The list of discoveries made by Marie Curie goes on and on, not the least of which it was the discoveries of Marie Curie of nuclear fission that made the Atomic Bomb and other nuclear weapons possible. Yet except for a few academics and watchers of The Discovery Channel, the name of Marie Curie is largely unknown. Ask a hundred men on the street if they know who Marie Curie is or was, not more than one of them will have ever heard her. If you ask the same group if they have ever heard of Albert Einstein, all of them will have heard of him. Yet, Albert Einstein was only concerned with theoretical physics and his own theories. None of his discoveries have yet been proven or confirmed. None have been made into a machine like the common X-Ray Machine now seen in all major hospitals. Marie Curie suffered from a form of discrimination experienced by almost all women of academic accomplishment. Her discoveries were not taken seriously or were often credited to some man in her background. Always it was assumed that the real work was done by some man and that the woman was just a wall flower...
  • Book : My 60 Memorable Games Selected And Fully Annotated By
    Precio:  $129,919.00

    Book : My 60 Memorable Games Selected And Fully Annotated By

    -Titulo Original : My 60 Memorable Games Selected And Fully Annotated By Bobby Fischer-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: Bobby Fischer (March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008) is regarded as the greatest chess player the world has ever known. He won the US Open Championship at age 13, the US Championship at age 14, became a grandmaster and a candidate for the World Chess Championship at age 15, and defeated Boris Spassky in an epic battle for the World Chess Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1972. In this book, he describes and fully annotates his battles on the way to the top. This book is widely regarded as the best chess book ever written...
  • Book : Human Sexual Response - William H. Masters
    Precio:  $129,919.00

    Book : Human Sexual Response - William H. Masters

    -Titulo Original : Human Sexual Response-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: This is the Bible of the Sex Revolution of the 1960s, to such an extent that one cannot say whether this book caused the Sex Revolution or the Sex Revolution led to the creation of this book. This book asked and answered questions that had rarely been addressed and had never been answered before. What happens to the woman during the sexual process? Prior to this book, nobody knew the answer. It can be observed that when a woman becomes sexually aroused, her vagina becomes lubricated through vaginal fluids. Where does this arousal take place? Does it happen just in the clitoris or does it also take place deep within the walls of the vagina? These are questions that Masters and Johnson penetrated...
  • Book : The Doctors Quick Weight Loss Diet - Stillman M.D.,..
    Precio:  $104,809.00

    Book : The Doctors Quick Weight Loss Diet - Stillman M.D.,..

    -Titulo Original : The Doctors Quick Weight Loss Diet-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: The Stillman diet became the rage back in the 1960s and 1970s. Why? Because it works! Unless you’ve always been slim, chances are you’ve heard of the famous “ONE Pound A Day” weight loss diet created by Dr. Irwin Maxwell Stillman and Samm S. Baker. You probably know someone who has tried it with great success, if you haven’’t done so yourself. Don’t delay try it now because it works!! After all, it’’s a diet that sounds too good to be true. To shift those pounds quickly you simply need to start the day with bacon and eggs, snack on chunks of cheese and a variety of fish or meats, top coffee with cream and feast on steaks fried in butter or lobster. Not exactly the typical foods youd find on the shopping lists of most slimmers whove grown up with the idea that a low-fat diet is the best way to lose weight. But like all things that sound too good to be true, there’’s a catch. And in the case of the famous Stillman’s diet, it means that filling up on high-fat foods needs to be balanced by giving up most carbs including bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cake -- even fruit, milk and some veg’s. But you never feel hungry and it’s an enjoyable and satisfying and more importantly a safe and effective weight loss plan. ONE POUND A DAY guaranteed just follow the diet...
  • Book : Escape From Freedom - Fromm, Erich
    Precio:  $111,019.00

    Book : Escape From Freedom - Fromm, Erich

    -Titulo Original : Escape From Freedom-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: lf a man cannot stand freedom, he will probably turn Fascist. This, in the fewest possible words, is the essential argument in this modem classic, ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM. The author, Erich Fromm, is a distinguished psychologist, late of Berlin and Heidelberg, now of New York City. He applies the psychoanalytical method to the illness of our civilization which expresses itself in an abject submission to dictatorship. It is true that the rise of democracy set men free and brought to an end the authority of the medieval state and the medieval church. But it brought into existence a society where a man feels isolated from his fellows, where relationships in an industrial age are impersonal, where insecurity replaces a sense of belonging. This sense of isolation may drive an individual to one of various forms of escape. lt may drive a people to seek escape in blind devotion to a Leader, in utter submission to an all-powerful State, into a barbarous and sadistic program of aggression against minority groups or neighbor nations. Few- books since the rise of the dictators have thrown such light upon our times. Few books have penetrated so clearly into the causes of Fascism and Nazism - and into the inherent qualities of a democracy. In his psychoanalysis of the social scene, the author makes a new contribution to psychology by modifying the basic concepts of Freud in placing a purely biological orientation by a cultural one. To all who see that democracy today faces its gravest hour, Dr Fromm illustrates the essential character of the danger and the nature of democracys responsibility. By its brilliant exposition of the modern social scene ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM will help clarify many of todays most perplexing problem...
  • Book : Animal Farm George Orwell - Large Print Edition -...
    Precio:  $49,619.00

    Book : Animal Farm George Orwell - Large Print Edition -...

    -Titulo Original : Animal Farm George Orwell - Large Print Edition-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: Animal Farm is the greatest, most famous and most popular work by George Orwell. It describes a revolution that takes place when the animals on a farm decide that they can run the farm better and more productively than the humans.Because of the election of our new president, the books by George Orwell have experienced a revival in interest. This has led to this reprinting in this large print edition with 18 point type to make it easier for people to read.Those with a knowledge of history quickly discover that this is not just a funny story. It is a parody describing events in the actual history of the Soviet Union starting with the October 1917 revolution that led to the creation of the Soviet state.The events of this book parallel actual events that took place in the early years of the Soviet Union, such as the splitting into two groups. One group eventually becomes dominent led by a pig named Napoleon who is clearly based on Stalin. The other group is led by a pig named Snowball who along with his followers is eventually thrown out and killed. Snowball seems to be based on Trotsky, who was assassinated in 1940.One saying that has come out of this book is, “All the Animals are Equal, but some are more equal than others....
  • Book : The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka Large Print Edition -..
    Precio:  $46,969.00

    Book : The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka Large Print Edition -..

    -Titulo Original : The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka Large Print Edition-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: Metamorphosis is a strange story about a man who woke up in bed one morning to find himself having been transformed into a “horrible vermin”. From the description of his armor-like back and his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections, it appears that he is now an insect such as a beetle or a cockroach. First published in 1915 in German as Die Verwandlung, this book is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world. It has been translated many times and made into movies, TV shows and even comic books. About the Author Franz Kafka was born in 3 July 1883 in Prague in what is now the Czech Republic. He spent most of his working life working as an insurance claims adjuster. While not working, he spent most of his time writing. Essentially, writing was a hobby although eighteen of his short stories including this one were published by literary journals while he was alive. He died of tuberculosis on 3 June 1924 at age 40. He was virtually unknown during his own lifetime. He left his works at his death to Max Brod, with instructions to burn his lifes work. However, Brod started publishing them instead and Kafka soon became famous as a writer, Although Kafka never married and had no children, he had relations with several women and lived with some of them. Some aspects of this story seem autobiographical, as Gregors relations with his younger sister and his parents seem similar to Kafkas own relations with his parents and his younger sisters. Most studies of this work focus on the psychological aspects. Kafkas most famous work, in addition to The Metamorphoses, is The Trial. It tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote tribunal, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader. When this sort of trial happens in modern life, we call it Kafkaesque. Kafka was Jewish and had three younger sisters all of whom died during the Holocaust. After the end of the war, Kafka had became famous and court battles developed over who had the rights to his manuscripts. His surviving relatives immigrated to Israel where the courts took jurisdiction over them and predictably ruled that they belonged to the State of Israel. Even today, many if not most of Kafkas works remain unpublished. Some have disappeared. They are probably in the hands of private collectors. Some have been sold at public auctions showing that they are still worth millions...
  • Book : Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - Hill,...
    Precio:  $111,289.00

    Book : Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - Hill,...

    -Titulo Original : Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude-Fabricante : Ishi Press-Descripcion Original: The Powers of the Mind - Your Mind - Are Unlimited. Have You Ever Really Understood Them, and What They Can Mean in Your Life? Here, you will discover an amazing plan based on the concept: what the mind can conceive and believe - the mind can achieve. It shows you how to rid your mind of cobwebs-think clearly and explore the subconscious for new ideas; how to set your sights on a goal and attain it, through persistent thinking and positive action. Here, too, is practical advice on how to find satisfaction in your job; how to raise your energy level and how to master the technique of get-up-and-go, A chapter, Youve Got a Problem? Thats Good! shows how to meet problems head on, pluck out the good elements, and use them to advantage. In simple, straightforward language here are 5 self-motivators, that provide a springboard to success . . 6 steps to cheerfulness. A vital factor in human relationships . . . 3 ways to rid yourself of guilt, a common barrier to success. Honest answers to your personal analysis questionnaire - based on 17 principles for success-reveal your success pattern, your ambitions. And the chances of making them come true. Filled to the brim with tried, tested rules and personal case histories, this book will go with you on your journey to success - but you must put the principles to work. Start now, on your way to success in business, at home and in your social life. Here is your guide, Read what others have done, how they have done it, and remember that you can do it, too...
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