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  • Book : Light On Yoga: The Bible Of Modern Yoga - B. K. S....
    Precio:  $67,339.00

    Book : Light On Yoga: The Bible Of Modern Yoga - B. K. S....

    -Titulo Original : Light On Yoga: The Bible Of Modern Yoga-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: The definitive guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga--the ancient healing discipline for body and mind--by its greatest living teacher. provides complete descriptions and illustrations of all the positions and breathing exercises. Features a foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. Illustrations throughout...
  • Book : The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln - Gluckel
    Precio:  $75,529.00

    Book : The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln - Gluckel

    -Titulo Original : The Memoirs Of Gluckel Of Hameln-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: Begun in 1690, this diary of a forty-four-year-old German Jewish widow, mother of fourteen children, tells how she guided the financial and personal destinies of her children, how she engaged in trade, ran her own factory, and promoted the welfare of her large family. Her memoir, a rare account of an ordinary woman, enlightens not just her children, for whom she wrote it, but all posterity about her life and community. Gluckel speaks to us with determination and humor from the seventeenth century. She tells of war, plague, pirates, soldiers, the hysteria of the false messiah Sabbtai Zevi, murder, bankruptcy, wedding feasts, births, deaths, in fact, of all the human events that befell her during her lifetime. She writes in a matter of fact way of the frightening and precarious situation under which the Jews of northern Germany lived. Accepting this situation as given, she boldly and fearlessly promotes her business, her family and her faith. This memoir is a document in the history of women and of life in the seventeenth century...
  • Book : A Pigeon and a Boy: A Novel - Meir Shalev
    Precio:  $67,569.00

    Book : A Pigeon and a Boy: A Novel - Meir Shalev

    -Titulo Original : A Pigeon And A Boy: A Novel-Fabricante : Schocke...
  • Book : Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide - Aryeh Kaplan
    Precio:  $65,529.00

    Book : Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide - Aryeh Kaplan

    -Titulo Original : Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide-Fabricante : Schocke...
  • Book : Letters To Milena (the Schocken Kafka Library) -...
    Precio:  $56,259.00

    Book : Letters To Milena (the Schocken Kafka Library) -...

    -Titulo Original : Letters To Milena (the Schocken Kafka Library)-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: Review The voice of Kafka in Letters to Milena is more personal, more pure, and more painful than in his fiction: a testimony to human existence and to our eternal wait for the impossible. [This is] a marvelous new edition of a classic text. -Jan KottAn extraordinary document-touching, horrifying, brilliant, sickly, heartbreaking, and infinitely convoluted . . . It reveals him most clearly (which is relative, and Kafka remains mystifying enough), and it is-aside from the beauty of the letters themselves-the most significant key we have for a reading of the authors novels and short stories. -The New York Times In no other work does Franz Kafka reveal himself as in Letters to Milena, which begins as a business correspondence but soon develops into a passionate but doomed epistolary love affair. Kafkas Czech translator, Milena Jesenska, was a gifter and charismatic twenty-three-year-old who was uniquely able to recognize Kafkas complex genius and his even more complex character. For thirty-six-year-old Kafka, she was a living fire, such as I have never seen. It was to Milena that he revealed his most intimate self and, eventually, entrusted his diaries for safekeeping. About the Author FRANZ KAFKA was born in Prague in 1883 and died of tuberculosis in a sanatorium near Vienna in 1924. After earning a law degree in 1906, he worked for most of his adult life at the Workers Accident Insurance Institute in Prague. Only a small portion of Kafkas writings were published during his lifetime. He left instructions for his friend and literary executor Max Brod to destroy all of his unpublished work after his death, instructions Brod famously ignored. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. [April 1920]Meran-­Untermais, Pension OttoburgDear Frau MilenaThe rain which has been going on for two days and one night has just now stopped, of course probably only temporarily, but nonetheless an event worth celebrating, which I am doing by writing to you. Incidentally the rain itself was bearable; after all, it is a foreign country here, admittedly only slightly foreign, but it does the heart good. If my impression was correct (evidently the memory of one single meeting, brief and half-­silent, is not to be exhausted), you were also enjoying Vienna as a foreign city, although later circumstances may have diminished this enjoyment, but do you also enjoy foreignness for its own sake? (Which might be a bad sign by the way, a sign that such enjoyment should not exist.)I’m living quite well here, the mortal body could hardly stand more care, the balcony outside my room is sunk into a garden, overgrown and covered with blooming bushes (the vegetation here is strange; in weather cold enough to make the puddles freeze in Prague, blossoms are slowly unfolding before my balcony), moreover this garden receives full sun (or full cloud, as it has for al- most a week)-­lizards and birds, unlikely couples, come visit me: I would very much like to share Meran with you, recently you wrote about not being able to breathe, that image and its meaning are very close to one another and here both would find a little relief.With cordial greetings,F Kafka***[April 1920]Meran-­Untermais, Pension OttoburgDear Frau MilenaI wrote you a note from Prague and then from Meran. I have not received any answer. It so happens the notes did not require a particularly prompt reply and if your silence is nothing more than a sign of relative well-­being, which often expresses itself in an aversion to writing, then I am completely satisfied. However, it is also possible-­and this is why I am writing-­that in my notes I somehow hurt you (what a clumsy hand I must have had, if that should have happened against all my intentions) or else, which would of course be much worse, the moment of quiet relaxation you described has again passed and bad times have again descended upon you. In case the first is true I don...
  • Book : Open Heart - Wiesel, Elie
    Precio:  $46,219.00

    Book : Open Heart - Wiesel, Elie

    -Titulo Original : Open Heart-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: Review “In Open Heart’s brief chapters of spare descriptions and quiet dialogue, Wiesel reviews with eloquent and poignant clarity the entirety of his own history.” -San Francisco Chronicle“Wiesel is an asset to humankind. He has turned despondency into a message of approval and optimism. Wiesel packages equal parts beauty and astonishing description in an impossibly concise manner. Few authors have possessed such capacity for succinctness and brevity with magnificent dexterity.” -New York Journal of Books “An absorbing, clear-eyed reflection on Wiesel’s own mortality and a candid account of a life lived. Open Heart is Wiesel at his most vulnerable and his most determined, and his thoughts and ideas have never been so lucidly conveyed.” -The Rumpus “The reader becomes a quiet observer of Wiesel’s thoughts, which are plagued by the question: ‘Am I ready to die?’ His answer, clearly, is no. What seems like a quick and easy read actually delves deeply into the philosophical and makes you wonder: Will I be ready when it’s my time?” -The Free Lance-Star A profoundly and unexpectedly intimate, deeply affecting summing up of life so far, from one of the most cherished moral voices of our time. Eighty-two years old, facing emergency heart surgery and his own mortality, Elie Wiesel reflects back on his life. Emotions, images, faces, and questions flash through his mind. His family before and during the unspeakable Event. The gifts of marriage, children, and grandchildren that followed. In his writing, in his teaching, in his public life, has he done enough for memory and for the survivors? His ongoing questioning of God-where has it led? Is there hope for mankind? The world’s tireless ambassador of tolerance and justice gives us a luminous account of hope and despair, an exploration of the love, regrets, and abiding faith of a remarkable man. Translated from the French by Marion Wiesel About the Author ELIE WIESEL was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. The author of more than fifty internationally acclaimed works of fiction and nonfiction, he was Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and University Professor at Boston University for forty years. Wiesel died in 2016. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. 1June 16, 2011.“It’s your heart,” says the gastroenterologist after performing an endoscopy on me.I am surprised: “Not my stomach?”For some time now, acid reflux has been one of my nightmares. My longtime general practitioner also feels it has contributed to the various health problems that have afflicted me for the past several years.My wife, Marion, and I have just returned from Jerusalem, where, every year, we spend the holiday of Shavuot with close friends. In keeping with the tradition to which I have remained faithful, friends and I spent the night in a yeshiva in the Old City studying biblical and Talmudic laws and commentaries dating from the Middle Ages.This time, in Jerusalem, it had all gone well. No terrorist attacks. No border incidents. Even my cursed migraines seemed to respect the sanctity of this night, of this city unlike any other. But now, back in New York, suddenly my body revolts. The new piercing pain in my shoulders rises all the way to my jaw. I swallow a double dose of Nexium, the medicine I take for acid reflux. This time without success.“No, neither the stomach nor the esophagus,” replies the doctor after a moment of silence. “It’s certainly the heart.” Ominous words, inducing fear and the promise of more pain. Or worse.2as soon as he receives his colleague’s message, my primary care doctor, a cardiologist, reaches me at home. On the phone, he appears to be out of breath; he speaks in a tense, emphatic voice, louder than usual. I have the feeling that he is trying to contain or even hide his nervousness, his concern. Clearly, he is unhappy to have to give me this bad news that will change so many things for me . . .“I...
  • Book : The Diaries Of Franz Kafka (the Schocken Kafka...
    Precio:  $129,179.00

    Book : The Diaries Of Franz Kafka (the Schocken Kafka...

    -Titulo Original : The Diaries Of Franz Kafka (the Schocken Kafka Library)-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: An essential new translation of the author’s complete, uncensored diaries-a revelation of the idiosyncrasies and rough edges of one of the twentieth century’s most influential writers. “An invaluable addition to Kafka’s oeuvre.”-The New York Times Dating from 1909 to 1923, the handwritten diaries contain various kinds of writing: accounts of daily events, reflections, observations, literary sketches, drafts of letters, accounts of dreams, as well as finished stories. This volume makes available for the first time in English a comprehensive reconstruction of the diary entries and provides substantial new content, including details, names, literary works, and passages of a sexual nature that were omitted from previous publications. By faithfully reproducing the diaries’ distinctive-and often surprisingly unpolished-writing in Kafka’s notebooks, translator Ross Benjamin brings to light not only the author’s use of the diaries for literary experimentation and private self-expression, but also their value as a work of art in themselves. Review “Essential . . . The new volume, in a sensitive and briskly idiomatic translation by Ross Benjamin, offers revelation upon revelation. It’s an invaluable addition to Kafka’s oeuvre. -The New York Times “Momentous . . . Life also bursts into literature at the level of form, and in Kafka’s diaries even the words are acrobatic. As Ross Benjamin notes in the thoughtful introduction to his new translation, his aim is to capture the extent to which the diaries were a laboratory for Kafka’s literary production and thereby catch the author in the act of writing. He has succeeded. Everything in the diaries thrashes . . . [They] are the intimate incisions of an author who could write only by etching words into the flesh.” -The New Yorker “Readers will welcome this new edition of the Diaries, complete, uncensored, in a fluent translation by Ross Benjamin, and supplemented with 78 pages of invaluable notes, the fruit of half a century of Kafka scholarship.” -J. M. Coetzee, author of Disgrace “Max Brod, Franz Kafka’s intimate friend and fellow writer, was, it is now understood, both his savior and his betrayer. Without his rescue of Kafka’s at-risk papers, there would be almost no Kafka at all; but in the presence of Brod’s mediating intrusions as editor, have we ever really known Kafka’s authentic voice? This new and scrupulously faithful translation of the Diaries brings us, unembellished by theory, the true inner life of the twentieth century’s most complex and enigmatic literary prophet, whose very name has come to us as symbol and vision of innocent vulnerability in the face of irrational force. Yet warns: beware interpretation!” -Cynthia Ozick, author of Antiquities “Franz Kafka’s inner life has always been a bit of a mystery. The expurgated diaries in their original German and English versions hinted at his complicated, often confused relationship to sex, politics, illness, and being Jewish. This readable new translation of the complete German version of the diary transforms the silent Kafka of a century ago into a Kafka not only of his times but of ours.” -Sander Gilman, author of Franz Kafka, The Jewish Patient “Thirty two years after their original publication in German, Franz Kafkas complete Diaries are here in Ross Benjamins outstanding translation. A boon for the American reader! The previous edition of the Diaries was egregiously censored by Max Brod who eliminated whatever, in his misdirected view, could detract from the saintly image of his friend which he chiseled for posterity. Now we have in English some of the most intimate reflections and literary experiments of one of the towering geniuses of modern literature.” -Saul Friedlander, author of Franz Kafka: The Poet of Shame and Guilt “A fresh, unadulterated translation of Kafka’s notebooks, dense with introspection and writerly despair . . . The attraction of Kafka’s diaries has always been his cor...
  • Book : The Trial A New Translation Based On The Restored...
    Precio:  $48,589.00

    Book : The Trial A New Translation Based On The Restored...

    -Titulo Original : The Trial A New Translation Based On The Restored Text (the Schocken Kafka Library), Book Cover May Vary-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: A brilliant translation of one of the most important novels of the twentieth century, revealing a tale that is as full of energy and power as it was when it was first written. From the author of The Metamorphosis. Written in 1914, The Trial is the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, Kafkas nightmare has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers. This new edition is based upon the work of an international team of experts who have restored the text, the sequence of chapters, and their division to create a version that is as close as possible to the way the author left it. Review Kafkas legalese is alchemically fused with a prose of great verve and intense readability. -James Rolleston, professor of Germanic languages and literatures, Duke University Breon Mitchells translation is an accomplishment of the highest order that will honor Kafka far into the twenty-first century. -Walter Abish, author of How German Is It Praise for The Castle: translated by Mark Harman from the restored text The new Schocken edition of The Castle represents a major and long-awaited event in English- language publishing. It is a wonderful piece of news for all Kafka readers who, for more than half a century, have had to rely on flawed, superannuated editions. Mark Harman is to be commended for his success in capturing the fresh, fluid, almost breathless style of Kafkas original manuscript. -Mark M. Anderson, Columbia University Semantically accurate to an admirable degree, faithful to Kafkas nuances, responsive to the tempo of his sentences and to the larger music of his paragraph construction. For the general reader or for the student, it will be the translation of preference for some time to come. -J. M. Coetzee, The New York Review of Books There is a great deal to applaud in Harmans translation. It gives us a much better sense of Kafkas uncompromising and disturbing originality as a prose master than we have heretofore had in English. -Robert Alter, The New Republic From the Inside Flap Written in 1914, The Trial is one of the most important novels of the twentieth century: the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, Kafkas nightmare has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers. This new edition is based upon the work of an international team of experts who have restored the text, the sequence of chapters, and their division to create a version that is as close as possible to the way the author left it. In his brilliant translation, Breon Mitchell masterfully reproduces the distinctive poetics of Kafkas prose, revealing a novel that is as full of energy and power as it was when it was first written. From the Back Cover 914, The Trial is one of the most important novels of the twentieth century: the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, Kafkas nightmare has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers. This new edition is based upon the work of an international team of experts who have restored the text, the sequence of chapters, and their division to create a version that is as close as possible to the way the author left...
  • Book : Franz Kafka The Complete Stories - Franz Kafka
    Precio:  $60,999.00

    Book : Franz Kafka The Complete Stories - Franz Kafka

    -Titulo Original : Franz Kafka The Complete Stories-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: The complete stories of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, the author of The Metamorphosis and The Trial. “An important book, valuable in itself and absolutely fascinating. The stories are dreamlike, allegorical, symbolic, parabolic, grotesque, ritualistic, nasty, lucent, extremely personal, ghoulishly detached, exquisitely comic, numinous, and prophetic.” -The New York Times The Complete Stories brings together all of Kafka’s stories, from the classic tales such as “The Metamorphosis,” “In the Penal Colony,” and “A Hunger Artist” to shorter pieces and fragments that Max Brod, Kafka’s literary executor, released after Kafka’s death. With the exception of his three novels, the whole of Kafka’s narrative work is included in this volume. “[Kafka] spoke for millions in their new unease; a century after his birth, he seems the last holy writer, and the supreme fabulist of modern man’s cosmic predicament.” -from the Foreword by John Updik...
  • Book : Lioness Golda Meir And The Nation Of Israel -...
    Precio:  $88,849.00

    Book : Lioness Golda Meir And The Nation Of Israel -...

    -Titulo Original : Lioness Golda Meir And The Nation Of Israel-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: “Golda Meir-immigrant, Zionist, feminist, and wartime prime minister of Israel-claimed far more than one woman’s share of history. In Lioness, Francine Klagsbrun superbly captures Golda’s courage and unrelenting commitment to the founding and survival of a Jewish state.” -John A. Farrell, author of Richard Nixon: The Life Winner of the 2017 National Jewish Book Award/Everett Family Foundation Book of the Year, this is the definitive biography of the iron-willed leader, chain-smoking political operative, and tea-and-cake serving grandmother who became the fourth prime minister of Israel. Born in tsarist Russia in 1898. Golda Meir immigrated to America in 1906 and grew up in Milwaukee. where from the earliest years she displayed the political consciousness and organizational skills that would eventually catapult her into the inner circles of Israels founding generation. Moving to mandatory Palestine in 1921 with her husband, the passionate socialist joined a kibbutz but soon left and was hired at a public works office by the man who would become the great love of her life. A series of public service jobs brought her to the attention of David Ben-Gurion, and her political career took off. Fund-raising in America in 1948, secretly meeting in Amman with King Abdullah right before Israels declaration of independence, mobbed by thousands of Jews in a Moscow synagogue in 1948 as Israels first representative to the USSR, serving as minister of labor and foreign minister in the 1950s and 1960s, Golda brought fiery oratory, plainspoken appeals, and shrewd-making to the cause to which she had dedicated her life-the welfare and security of the State of Israel and its people. As prime minister, Golda negotiated arms agreements with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger and had dozens of clandestine meetings with Jordans King Hussein in the unsuccessful pursuit of a land-for-peace agreement with Israels neighbors. But her time in office ended in tragedy, when Israel was caught off guard by Egypt and Syrias surprise attack on Yom Kippur in 1973. Resigning in the wars aftermath, Golda spent her final years keeping a hand in national affairs and bemusedly enjoying international acclaim. Francine Klagsbruns superbly researched and masterly recounted story of Israels founding mother gives us a Golda for the ages...
  • Book : Victory Parade (pantheon Graphic Library) - Corman,..
    Precio:  $104,319.00

    Book : Victory Parade (pantheon Graphic Library) - Corman,..

    -Titulo Original : Victory Parade (pantheon Graphic Library)-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: The author of the Eisner-nominated graphic novel Unterzakhn now gives us a heart-wrenching, phantasmagorical tale of love, loss, and trauma both personal and global, set during World War II in Brooklyn, New York, and in the newly liberated Buchenwald concentration camp. One of a group of women working as welders in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, Rose Arensberg has fallen in love with a disabled veteran while awaiting the return of her husband, Sam, a soldier in the American army serving in Europe. As we follow the bittersweet, heartbreaking stories of Rose and her fellow Rosie-the-Riveters, were immersed in the day-to-day challenges of life on the home front as seen through the eyes of these resilient women, as well as through the eyes of Eleanor, Rose’s impressionable young daughter, and Ruth, the German Jewish refugee Rose has taken into their home. Ruth’s desperate attempt to exorcise the nightmare of growing up in pre-war Nazi Germany takes her into the world of professional women wrestlers-with devastating consequences. And Sam’s encounters with the horrors of a liberated concentration camp follow him home to Brooklyn in the form of terrifying flashbacks that will leave him scarred forever. Victory Parade paints a deeply affecting portrait of how individuals and civilizations process mass trauma. Magnificently drawn by Leela Corman, it’s an Expressionist journey through the battlefields of the human heart and the mass graves of genocide...
  • Book : The Sunflower On The Possibilities And Limits Of...
    Precio:  $52,819.00

    Book : The Sunflower On The Possibilities And Limits Of...

    -Titulo Original : The Sunflower On The Possibilities And Limits Of Forgiveness (newly Expanded Paperback Edition)-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: A Holocaust survivors surprising and thought-provoking study of forgiveness, justice, compassion, and human responsibility, featuring contributions from the Dalai Lama, Harry Wu, Cynthia Ozick, Primo Levi, and more. You are a prisoner in a concentration camp. A dying Nazi soldier asks for your forgiveness. What would you do? While imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, Simon Wiesenthal was taken one day from his work detail to the bedside of a dying member of the SS. Haunted by the crimes in which he had participated, the soldier wanted to confess to--and obtain absolution from--a Jew. Faced with the choice between compassion and justice, silence and truth, Wiesenthal said nothing. But even years after the way had ended, he wondered: Had he done the right thing? What would you have done in his place? In this important book, fifty-three distinguished men and women respond to Wiesenthals questions. They are theologians, political leaders, writers, jurists, psychiatrists, human rights activists, Holocaust survivors, and victims of attempted genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, China and Tibet. Their responses, as varied as their experiences of the world, remind us that Wiesenthals questions are not limited to events of the past...
  • Book : The Metamorphosis And Other Stories (the Schocken...
    Precio:  $49,379.00

    Book : The Metamorphosis And Other Stories (the Schocken...

    -Titulo Original : The Metamorphosis And Other Stories (the Schocken Kafka Library)-Fabricante : Schocken-Descripcion Original: From one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, the author of The Metamorphosis and The Trial: A collection that brings together the stories he allowed to be published during his lifetime, including his best-known tale of a man who wakes up transformed into an insect. To Max Brod, his literary executor, Kafka wrote: “Of all my writings the only books that can stand are these.” “Kafka’s survey of the insectile situation of young Jews in inner Bohemia can hardly be improved upon: ‘With their posterior legs they were still glued to their father’s Jewishness and with their wavering anterior legs they found no new ground.’ There is a sense in which Kafka’s Jewish question (‘What have I in common with Jews?’) has become everybody’s question, Jewish alienation the template for all our doubts. What is Muslimness? What is femaleness? What is Polishness? These days we all find our anterior legs flailing before us. We’re all insects, all Ungeziefer, now.” -Zadie Smith, bestselling author of White Teeth and On Beaut...
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