
Productivity Press

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  • Libro : Kanban: Y JUST-IN-TIME EN TOYOTA  - Japan Managem...
    Precio:  $190,879.00

    Libro : Kanban: Y JUST-IN-TIME EN TOYOTA - Japan Managem...

    -Titulo Original : Kanban-Fabricante : Productivity Pres...
  • Book : Achieving Successful Business Outcomes Driving High..
    Precio:  $160,929.00

    Book : Achieving Successful Business Outcomes Driving High..

    -Titulo Original : Achieving Successful Business Outcomes: Driving High Performance & Effective Transformations In A Continuously Evolving Business Environment-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Achieving Successful Business Outcomes: Driving High Performance & Effective Transformations in a Continuously Evolving Business Environment Navigating in space is exponentially more difficult than navigating on the road - because there are too many directions to investigate, too many unknowns to be prepared for and infinite pathways to chart in the galactic system. So it is with business. Business environments are extremely demanding and change continuously, precipitated by innumerable actors and conditions. Business success cannot be predicated on the pedigree of a leader or a prescribed theory alone, as start-ups have amply proven. Large companies have tried to copy nimble-footed start-ups while start-ups, after achieving a certain size, have been forced to adapt to unchartered territory. Disruptions seems to be the order of the day. This book is about achieving successful business outcomes. An aircraft has a complex dashboard of dials, where only a critical few need to be monitored continuously, and other subsets warrant attention only during specific phases of the flight. A well-modeled business can be managed successfully using a similar strategy. But the larger question is how to model a business, with closely correlated variables, to represent the reality of the environment and to allow for devising, formulating and adjusting business strategy and actions in real-time. The author uses a simple but well-researched STA-Triangle (space, time and action) model to achieve this purpose. The core of the STA model is to help navigate effectively in a rapidly changing business environment. Unlike traditional business studies that use a single lens to define business rules or organizational practices, it uses the combination of space, time and action as the driver of outcomes - something fundamental and core to human thinking across the ages. This book contains both theoretical and practical applications - the former helps propel further research and analysis and the latter helps practicing leaders confidently drive their firms forward in any environmental conditions. It will also help causal readers understand how the future is evolving and how different organizations are responding to this change. The author includes more than a hundred supporting examples and tools that help create highly incisive and unique views for calibrating strategy and execution. Visit the authors website at alokksinha Review Alok K Sinha is a name to remember, and ‘Achieving Successful Business Outcomes’ is a tour-de-force. The book is Sinhas impressive intellectual take on essential corporate strategies for the 21st century. Distilled from decades of Sinhas pragmatic business experience, reinventing enterprise after enterprise, this book is not for the faint-hearted. Its the missing manual for CXOs who want to understand the reasons their growth strategies are faltering and how to reinvigorate them. Steven Sonsino, author of ‘Leadership Unplugged’ and ‘The Seven Failings of Really Useless Leaders’ Alok has hit the nail on the head! The future demands an entirely new approach to strategic thinking - and MUST be multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and exponential! This does not mean it is devoid of structure…quite the opposite in fact he offers us a comprehensive, relevant and structured way to synthesise the complex forces shaping our future world. It is crucial for leaders to comprehend the interdependencies between a wide range of forces that impact on our future choices and options. More importantly, how these can be used to create optionality and market differentiation. This is a valuable and important contribution to our future relevance toolkit! Anton Musgrave, Futurist and Senior Partner, Future World International A timely and compelling book that demystifies what it takes to drive change in a volatile and turbulent business environment. Sinha draws on his rich experience a...
  • Libro : Tpm En Industrias De Proceso  - Suzuki, Tokutaro
    Precio:  $429,009.00
    Expira: 28/09/2023

    Libro : Tpm En Industrias De Proceso - Suzuki, Tokutaro

    -Titulo Original : Tpm En Industrias De Proceso -Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: El mejor libro sobre TPM que hemos editado hasta la fecha! El enfoque TPM resulta en mejoras dramaticas en calidad, costo de producci?n y entrega de productos. En este libro, nueve autores le ensenan todos los detalles que usted necesita para implementar el TPM, y ejemplos de industrias textiles, quimicas, de alimentos, entre otras. Una de las grandes ventajas de este libro es que le ayuda a conocer la implementacion del TPM a traves de la perspectiva de consultores especializados y reconocidos. Contenido: Vision general del TPM en las industrias de proceso * Maximizacion de la eficacia de la producci?n * Mejora orientada * Mantenimiento Autonomo * Mantenimiento planificado * Gestion temprana * Mantenimiento de calidad * Promocion de tecnicas de operacion y mantenimiento * TPM en los departamentos administrativos y de apoyo * Creacion de un entorno grato y seguro * Actividades de pequenos grupos TPM * Medicion de la eficacia del TPM ...
  • Book : 5s Para Todos 5 Pilares De La Fabrica Visual -...
    Precio:  $174,739.00

    Book : 5s Para Todos 5 Pilares De La Fabrica Visual -...

    -Titulo Original : 5S Para Todos: 5 Pilares De La Fabrica Visual-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Las 5S son el lugar de comienzo para cualquier actividad o programa de mejora en su lugar de trabajo. Aqui esta la clave del exito para cualquier proceso de cambio que quiera usted implementar en la fabricaci?n. Este libro le ayuda a ensenarle a sus operarios las bases de las 5S: organizar,ordenar, asear, limpieza rutinaria y disciplina. Incluye ilustraciones, gu?as de pgina, resumenes, preguntas y respuestas para asegurar asimilacion de los conceptos...
  • Libro : Una Revolution En La Production El Sistema Smed, 3a.
    Precio:  $302,489.00

    Libro : Una Revolution En La Production El Sistema Smed, 3a.

    -Titulo Original : Una Revolution En La Production: El Sistema SMED, 3a Edicion (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Los Japoneses consideran a Shigeo Shingo el decano de los consultores de productividad y calidad. Ha comunicado su enfoque hacia la mejora fundamental a millaresde trabajadores, directores, y altos ejecutivos en cientos de companias tales como Toyota, Honda y Matsuchita. En eltranscurso de su carrera, el Sr. Shingo escribi ms deveinte libros los cuales revelan la profundidad de su pensamiento sobrelos principios de la ingeneria industrial; expresi?n de sudedicaci?n a la mejora de la productividad y la calidad en cadaaspecto de la fabricaci?n. El Sr. Shingo desea que entendamos porqu? fabricamos como lo hacemos -- de manera que podamos entenderc?mo debemos cambiar. Argumentando a part?r de la teorfa XY de direcci?n de McGregor, Shingo adems demanda respetogenuino para la humanidad y creatividad de los trabajadores y solicita seles de una tarea que les desaffe y utilice sus capacidades. Este libro es una lectura obligada para todo gerente ingenieroque quiera competir con ?xito en los mercados internacionales. La parte ms importante del Justo a Tiempo es el cambio rpido de todos. Muestra c?mo reducir, en forma drstica, los tiempos de cambios en un promedio de 98%!!...
  • Book : 5s For Operators 5 Pillars Of The Visual Workplace...
    Precio:  $141,869.00

    Book : 5s For Operators 5 Pillars Of The Visual Workplace...

    -Titulo Original : 5s For Operators 5 Pillars Of The Visual Workplace (for Your Organization!)-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Hiroyuki Hirano’s five pillars of the visual workplace: sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain are the most fundamental and often overlooked aspects in continuous improvement initiatives. Together, these concepts form the framework of the 5S System, a set of principles whose simplicity often betrays its powerful impact on the workplace. So much of the 5S System seems like common sense, that it is astonishing how often such seemingly simple practices are absent in manufacturing operations. That is why Productivity Press is proud to bring you 5S for Operators: 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace, a hands-on book that explains the principles, rationale and implementation details of the 5S System. Easy-to-read and apply, each section of the text is loaded with questions, outlines, summaries, diagrams and illustrations. Most importantly, 5S for Operators provides the foundational knowledge that is essential for implementing not just the 5S System, but overall manufacturing improvements like shorter equipment changeovers, just-in-time inventory, total quality management and total productive maintenance. Since its publication in 1996, 5S for Operators has been and continues to be hugely popular, consistently ranking among Productivitys list of top-sellers, and its popularity is not hard to understand. 5S has proven its worth in one company after another, consistently reducing waste, guaranteeing product quality, ensuring safety and increasing the bottom line. With 5S for Operators, the 5S System can have the same profound effect on your operations. To introduce the 5S system and sell its use to executives as well as workers, consider purchasing: 5S System: An Introduction DVD (Catalog no. PP5934) Adhering to the principle of efficiency that defines this revolutionary and proven system, this video succinctly explains what is involved, who should participate, and what it will take to get started. Review I recommend this book to every supervisor who wants a commonsense, inexpensive method for improving quality, productivity, and morale within their department. Jaymie Randel, Training Coordinator, Douglas and Lomason Co. 06/01/04 This book should be read and studied by all shopfloor managers, supervisors, leaders, and associates looking for a direction to success. Steven Warywoda, Plant Manager, Douglas & Lomason Co. 06/01/0...
  • Book : Lean Production Simplified A Plain-language Guide To.
    Precio:  $186,849.00
    Expira: 09/04/2024

    Book : Lean Production Simplified A Plain-language Guide To.

    -Titulo Original : Lean Production Simplified A Plain-language Guide To The Worlds Most Powerful Production System-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Following in the tradition of its Shingo Prize-winning predecessors, Lean Production Simplified, Third Edition gives a clear overview of the structure and tools of the Lean production system. Written for the practitioner by a practitioner, it delivers a comprehensive insiders view of Lean management. The author helps readers grasp the system as a whole, as well as the factors that animate it, by organizing the book around an image of a house of Lean production. Illustrating the eight kinds of waste, this updated edition of a bestseller:Describes the craft and mass production systems that preceded Lean production including the contributions of Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry FordExplains the concepts of visual management, Five S, and Total Productive MaintenanceAddresses just-in-time delivery of parts and productsExamines the jidoka principleCovers the nervous system of Lean management, hoshin planningIllustrates the culture of Lean managementThis edition deepens and extends the previous edition with case studies on Lean outside the factory in settings such as health care, IT, finance, design, engineering, and beyond. The case studies are based on personal experience of actual work in organizations generating real results.Lean Production Simplified, Third Edition covers each of the components of Lean within the context of the Lean production system. The authors straightforward common sense approach makes this book an easily accessible, on-the-floor resource for every team member.Watch Shingo Prize-winning author Pascal Dennis discuss Lean Production Simplified, Third Edition s:// Review There is a need for a book exactly like this, and Pascal has the experience, knowledge, and passion to write it. Pascal Dennis is one of many Westerners who, during the past 20 years, have gained firsthand experience with ‘Lean production’ or the Toyota Production System (TPS). At Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, one of Toyota’s early and successful efforts to transplant TPS outside the confines of Toyota City in Japan, Pascal received personalized mentoring from his trainer from Toyota City about each of the processes, systems, and philosophies explained in this book. John Shook, Senior Advisor, Lean Enterprise Institute; President, TWI Network, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, USAPraise for the Shingo Prize-Winning Second Edition:Lean Production Simplified is both enlightening and informative for all levels of ‘Lean learners.’ It is written from a very human perspective. Many prior publications focus on the ‘Lean bag of tools’ or the softer cultural aspects of Lean. Dennis contribution is a well integrated blend of both giving the reader not only a systemic understanding of Lean, but also the clear skill development required for leadership at all levels. Wherever you are on your journey to Lean, Lean Production Simplified will provide further knowledge and insight to help achieve the next level on the eternal path to perfection. Anne Stevens, VP, North America Vehicle Operations, Ford Motor CompanyThis book is just too important! In this age of global competition threatening to annihilate all but the very Leanest, Pascal Dennis masterwork, Lean Production Simplified: A Plain-Language Guide to the Worlds Most Powerful Production System, is a must-read. Midway through my career, after working at five large North American manufacturing companies, its absolutely crystal clear that the three which ‘died’ would have survived if only theyd known of and successfully implemented The Toyota Production System. Michael A. J. Davis, Executive VP, Waterville TG, Inc.Lean Production Simplified goes beyond being a ‘primer’ for the Toyota Production System - it is ‘Lean thinking’ at its best, revealed and explained. Pascal Dennis has drawn from his own experience at Toyota to help the reader understand the meaning behind their language of success, with the whys and hows explained clearl...
  • Book : Creating A Lean Culture Tools To Sustain Lean...
    Precio:  $223,429.00
    Expira: 08/12/2022

    Book : Creating A Lean Culture Tools To Sustain Lean...

    -Titulo Original : Creating A Lean Culture Tools To Sustain Lean Conversions, Third Edition-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Winner of a Shingo Research and Professional Publication AwardThe new edition of this Shingo Prize-winning bestseller provides critical insights and approaches to make any Lean transformation an ongoing success. It shows you how to implement a sustainable, successful transformation by developing a culture that has your stakeholders throughout the organizational chart involved and invested in the outcome. It teaches you how to successfully navigate the politics in cross-functional process improvement projects, and to engage executives in ways that are personally meaningful to them. If you are a leader at any level in an organization undergoing or considering a Lean transformation, this is where you should start and finish … and start again.Read the Reviews:This book became an instant classic in the literature of professional operations. In this third edition, David Mann updates and expands his teaching with five additional years of valuable experience and expertise derived from his very active, multi-industry consultancy. I have benefitted greatly from his writing and wholeheartedly recommend this book to be top-of-the desk of any serious Lean practitioner or performance transformation leader. Raymond C. Floyd, two-time Shingo Prize Winner, President and CEO, Plasco Energy GroupDavid Mann builds substantially on his seminal work on the Lean management system. The book is full of new insight and polishes the most important ideas about Lean management. The new chapter on engaging executive leadership alone is worth the price of the book. Peter Ward, Richard M. Ross Professor and Chair, Department of Management Science, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State UniversityThis book has long been my ‘go-to’ guide on Lean management practices that help create a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. I have recommended the book to countless healthcare leaders who rave about how helpful it is in translating Lean principles into daily management behaviors. The healthcare examples make it even more relevant as a must read for any hospital leader who aims to move beyond Lean tools.. Mark Graban, author of Lean Hospitals, co-author of Healthcare Kaizen and The Executive Guide to Healthcare KaizenAs more companies outside the manufacturing sector pursue Lean transformations, Creating a Lean Culture is as critical a resource as ever. Breaking down silos and navigating tricky internecine politics remain a momentous challenge, and Mann’s case-based insights are an invaluable tool. Peg Pennington, Executive Director, Center for Operational Excellence, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State UniversityDavid has once again taken the topics that trip us up and put structure and guidance around them. His new work on executive involvement is worth the price of the book all by itself. Many of us have struggled with this topic and David provides a path to success. Elizabeth M. King, Vice President Organizational Effectiveness, ESCO CorporationNew in the Third Edition:Contains new chapter on engaging executives in Lean initiativesIncludes 21 new case studiesPresents new examples from the healthcare and process industriesIncludes additional gemba worksheets for learning and teaching LeanProvides expanded coverage of Lean applications in complex cross functional value stream process improvement projectsWatch David Mann discuss how the latest edition of Creating a Lean Culture can help you and your organization succeed. :// youtube /watch?v=zX7jrtV3cBA& Review This book became an instant classic in the literature of professional operations. In this third edition, David Mann updates and expands his teaching with five additional years of valuable experience and expertise derived from his very active, multi-industry consultancy. I have benefitted greatly from his writing and wholeheartedly recommend this book to be top-of-the desk of any serious Lean practitioner or p...
  • Book : A Factory Of One Applying Lean Principles To Banish..
    Precio:  $123,479.00

    Book : A Factory Of One Applying Lean Principles To Banish..

    -Titulo Original : A Factory Of One Applying Lean Principles To Banish Waste And Improve Your Personal Performance-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Most business readers have heard of the Lean principles developed for factories a set of tools and ideas that have enabled companies to dramatically boost quality by reducing waste and errors producing more while using less. Yet until now, few have recognized how relevant these powerful ideas are to individuals and their daily work. Every person at a desk, drafting table, workstation, or operating table must (like a factory) deal with the challenge of reducing the waste that creeps into their work. The same Lean principles that have improved efficiencies on the factory floor can be just as powerful in fact, far more so in helping individuals boost personal performance. Winner of a 2013 Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award!A Factory of One: Applying Lean Principles to Banish Waste and Improve Your Personal Performance describes how you can foster a new mindset and improve your performance by applying Lean methods to your work. It translates powerful Lean tools such as visual management, flow, pull, 5S, and kaizen to your daily work, revealing how they can help to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and link you ever more closely to customer value. This practice will help you develop better self-awareness, more disciplined problem-solving skills, and the ability to self-correct errors. This book not only provides the tools, but also teaches you how to find the root causes underlying your inefficiencies so you can eliminate them permanently. It will enable you to immediately improve personal productivity while developing the skills needed for continuous improvement. It includes real-world examples that illustrate how these principles have been successfully applied across a range of industries. Providing the perfect mix of what-to-do with why-to-do it, the text details a step-by-step approach to applying Lean principles to your work. Listen to what Daniel Markovitz has to say about his new book, A Factory of One. Part One Part Two View the books website at afactoryofone .View the author’s website at timebackmanagement . Review Dan Markovitz brings a thoughtful and supremely practical perspective to the fundamental scarcity faced by us all: time. His approach blends conceptual frameworks and concrete specifics a powerful and useful combination to reduce the noise and clutter in our lives and work. Markovitz can help us all to be more effective! Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and co-author of Built to Last and Great by ChoiceNo matter what your role is in your company, or whether youre an independent consultant or even unemployed, you will love Dan Markovitzs new book, A Factory of One. This gem will improve even the most efficient persons work life in powerful ways. The introduction alone got me motivated to adopt those practices that he writes and arent yet part of my standard work. ... Its short, sweet, and to the point. Youre never left wanting more, but you never wish the author would get on with it. ... relates powerful Lean manufacturing tools such as visual management, flow, pull, 5S, and kaizen to daily work, revealing how they improve efficiency, reduce waste, and link the individual worker ever more closely to customer value. This practice helps business professionals develop greater self-awareness, more disciplined problem-solving skills, and a heightened ability to self-correct errors.Read Dans book--and then apply the tips he gives. Karen Martin, Principal, Karen Martin & Associates; and keynote speaker, ASQ Lean and Six Sigma Conference 2012 About the Author Daniel Markovitz is president of TimeBack Management ( timebackmanagement ), a consulting firm that radically improves individual and team performance by identifying and eliminating root cause impediments to productivity. He is a faculty member at the Lean Enterprise Institute and teaches at the Stanford University Continuing Studies Program. He also leads a problem...
  • Book : Creating A Lean Culture Tools To Sustain Lean...
    Precio:  $770,019.00

    Book : Creating A Lean Culture Tools To Sustain Lean...

    -Titulo Original : Creating A Lean Culture Tools To Sustain Lean Conversions, Third Edition-Fabricante : Productivity Press-Descripcion Original: Winner of a Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award The new edition of this Shingo Prize-winning bestseller provides critical insights and approaches to make any Lean transformation an ongoing success. It shows you how to implement a sustainable, successful transformation by developing a culture that has your stakeholders throughout the organizational chart involved and invested in the outcome. It teaches you how to successfully navigate the politics in cross-functional process improvement projects, and to engage executives in ways that are personally meaningful to them. If you are a leader at any level in an organization undergoing or considering a Lean transformation, this is where you should start and finish and start again.Read the Reviews:This book became an instant classic in the literature of professional operations. In this third edition, David Mann updates and expands his teaching with five additional years of valuable experience and expertise derived from his very active, multi-industry consultancy. I have benefitted greatly from his writing and wholeheartedly recommend this book to be top-of-the desk of any serious Lean practitioner or performance transformation leader. Raymond C. Floyd, two-time Shingo Prize Winner, President and CEO, Plasco Energy GroupDavid Mann builds substantially on his seminal work on the Lean management system. The book is full of new insight and polishes the most important ideas about Lean management. The new chapter on engaging executive leadership alone is worth the price of the book. Peter Ward, Richard M. Ross Professor and Chair, Department of Management Science, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State UniversityThis book has long been my go-to guide on Lean management practices that help create a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. I have recommended the book to countless healthcare leaders who rave about how he Review This book became an instant classic in the literature of professional operations. In this third edition, David Mann updates and expands his teaching with five additional years of valuable experience and expertise derived from his very active, multi-industry consultancy. I have benefitted greatly from his writing and wholeheartedly recommend this book to be top-of-the desk of any serious Lean practitioner or performance transformation leader. Raymond C. Floyd, two-time Shingo Prize Winner, President and CEO, Plasco Energy GroupDavid Mann builds substantially on his seminal work on the Lean management system. The book is full of new insight and polishes the most important ideas about Lean management. The new chapter on engaging executive leadership alone is worth the price of the book. Peter Ward, Richard M. Ross Professor and Chair, Department of Management Science, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State UniversityThis book has long been my ‘go-to’ guide on Lean management practices that help create a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. I have recommended the book to countless healthcare leaders who rave about how helpful it is in translating Lean principles into daily management behaviors. The healthcare examples make it even more relevant as a must read for any hospital leader who aims to move beyond Lean tools..--- Mark Graban, author of Lean Hospitals, co-author of Healthcare Kaizen and The Executive Guide to Healthcare KaizenAs more companies outside the manufacturing sector pursue Lean transformations, Creating a Lean Culture is as critical a resource as ever. Breaking down silos and navigating tricky internecine politics remain a momentous challenge, and Mann’s case-based insights are an invaluable tool. Peg Pennington, Executive Director, Center for Operational Excellence, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State UniversityDavid has once again taken the topics that trip us up and put structure and guidance around them. His new work on executive involvement i...
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