
Merkle Bloom LLC

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  • Book : The Internet of Money - Andreas M. Antonopoulos
    Precio:  $55,129.00

    Book : The Internet of Money - Andreas M. Antonopoulos

    -Titulo Original : The Internet of Money-Fabricante : Merkle Bloom LLC-Descripcion Original: While many books explain the how of bitcoin, The Internet of Money delves into the of bitcoin. Acclaimed information-security expert and author of Mastering Bitcoin, Andreas M. Antonopoulos examines and contextualizes the significance of bitcoin through a series of essays spanning the exhilarating maturation of this technology. Bitcoin, a technological breakthrough quietly introduced to the world in 2008, is transforming much more than finance. Bitcoin is disrupting antiquated industries to bring financial independence to billions worldwide. In this book, Andreas explains why bitcoin is a financial and technological evolution with potential far exceeding the label "digital currency." Andreas goes beyond exploring the technical functioning of the bitcoin network by illuminating bitcoin's philosophical, social, and historical implications. As the internet has essentially transformed how people around the world interact and has permanently impacted our lives in ways we never could have imagined, bitcoin--the internet of money--is fundamentally changing our approach to solving social, political, and economic problems through decentralized technology...
  • Book : The Internet Of Money - Andreas M. Antonopoulo (0065)
    Precio:  $54,579.00

    Book : The Internet Of Money - Andreas M. Antonopoulo (0065)

    -Titulo Original : The Internet Of Money Volume Two: A Collection Of Talks By Andreas M. Antonopoulos-Fabricante : Merkle Bloom LL...
  • Libro : Internet Del Dinero (the Internet Of Money) (volume.
    Precio:  $55,669.00

    Libro : Internet Del Dinero (the Internet Of Money) (volume.

    -Titulo Original : Internet Del Dinero (The Internet Of Money) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Merkle Bloom LL...
  • Libro: El Internet del Dinero Volumen Dos
    Precio:  $73,379.00

    Libro: El Internet del Dinero Volumen Dos

    -Titulo Original : El Internet del Dinero Volumen Dos (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Merkle Bloom LLC-Descripcion Original: El Internet del Dinero Volumen Dos: Una colección de charlas es la espectacular secuela del clásico de culto y mejor vendido El Internet del Dinero Volumen Uno por Andreas M. Antonopoulos. El Volumen Dos contiene otras once de las charlas más inspiradoras y estimulantes de Andreas, incluye: Introducción a Bitcoin; Blockchain vs Porquería; Noticias Falsas, Dinero Falso; Las Guerras de Divisas; El Niño Burbuja y la Rata de Alcantarilla; Ciencia de Cohetes y La Aplicación Asesina de Ethereum; y muchas más. ¡El Volumen Dos también incluye toda una nueva sección de preguntas frecuentes...
  • Libro : El Internet Del Dinero Volumen Tres  - Antonopoulos,
    Precio:  $57,299.00

    Libro : El Internet Del Dinero Volumen Tres - Antonopoulos,

    -Titulo Original : El Internet Del Dinero Volumen Tres (Spanish Edition)-Fabricante : Merkle Bloom LLC-Descripcion Original: Si bien muchos libros nos explican el “como” acerca del Bitcoin, la serie de “El Internet Del Dinero” profundiza en el “por que” del Bitcoin.Tras el exito mundial del Volumen Uno y el Volumen Dos de esta serie, esta tercera entrega contiene 12 de las charlas mas inspiradoras y estimulantes durante los ultimos dos años, incluyendo: “Acceso Universal a Servicios Financieros Basicos”; “La Medida del Éxito: Precios o Principios”; “Huyendo del Cartel Bancario Global”; “Codigo Imparable: La Diferencia Entre No Puedo y No Quiero”.En todo el mundo, los gobiernos y las corporaciones buscan cada vez mas una reconstruccion del dinero para que les sirva de mecanismo de control y de maquina de vigilancia. A pesar del surgimiento de una sociedad y una economia globales interconectadas a traves de la expansion del Internet durante decadas, la trayectoria de estas politicas burocraticas presagia consecuencias nefastas para la inclusion financiera y la independencia. Andreas contextualiza la importancia del Bitcoin y las cadenas de bloques abiertas en medio de estos factores sociopoliticos y sociales. Cambios economicos: ¿Que pasaria si se pudiera crear dinero sin una autoridad? ¿Son las monedas corporativas el primer paso hacia el tecno-neo-feudalismo? ¿La verdadera “red oscura” esta dirigida por agencias de inteligencia estatales? ¿Y que pasaria si todo el mundo pudiera tener un banco suizo en su bolsillo? ¿Podemos construir comunidades digitales resistentes a la gentrificacion?En 2013, Andreas M. Antonopoulos comenzo a hablar publicamente sobre Bitcoin y rapidamente se convirtio en uno de los oradores mas buscados del mundo en la industria. Ha impartido docenas de charlas unicas al estilo TED en lugares que van desde el Museo Henry Ford hasta encuentros con entradas agotadas en la Republica Checa y Argentina. En 2014, Antonopoulos escribio el libro pionero, “Mastering Bitcoin” (O’Reilly Media), ampliamente considerado como la mejor guia tecnica jamas escrita sobre esta tecnologia. El 7 de septiembre de 2016, Andreas lanzo su segundo libro, “The Internet of Money Volume One”, en el podcast de “The Joe Rogan Experience” (la entrevista ha sido vista mas de 300.000 veces). El libro de “The Internet of Money” ofrecia algo que se necesitaba desesperadamente: una explicacion de la filosofia, la economia, la politica y la poetica detras de esta tecnologia. ¡Haz que este libro forme parte de tu coleccion! y descubre porque El Internet Del Dinero continuara transformando al mundo y a la mismisima Internet...
  • Book : The Internet Of Money Volume Three A Collection Of...
    Precio:  $56,209.00

    Book : The Internet Of Money Volume Three A Collection Of...

    -Titulo Original : The Internet Of Money Volume Three A Collection Of Talks By Andreas M. Antonopoulos-Fabricante : Merkle Bloom LLC-Descripcion Original: While many books explain the ‘how’ of Bitcoin, The Internet of Money series delves into the ‘why’ of Bitcoin. Following the world-wide success of Volume One and Volume Two, this third installment contains 12 of his most inspiring and thought-provoking talks over the past two years, including:Universal Access to Basic FinanceMeasuring Success: Price or PrincipleEscaping the Global Banking CartelLibre Not LibraUnstoppable Code: The Difference Between Can’t and Won’tAround the world, governments and corporations are increasingly pursuing a reconstruction of money as a system-of-control and surveillance machine. Despite the emergence of an interconnected global society and economy through the decades-long expansion of the internet, the trajectory of these bureaucratic policies foreshadows dire consequences for financial inclusion and independence.Andreas contextualizes the significance of Bitcoin and open blockchains amid these socio-political and economic shifts: What if money could be created without an authority? Are corporate coins the first step towards techno neo-feudalism? Is the real “darknet” run by state intelligence agencies? What if everyone could have a Swiss bank in their pocket? Can we build digital communities resistant to gentrification?In 2013, Andreas M. Antonopoulos started publicly speaking about Bitcoin and quickly became one of the worlds most sought-after speakers in the industry. He has delivered dozens of unique TED-style talks in venues ranging from the Henry Ford Museum to booked-out meetups in the Czech Republic and Argentina.In 2014, Antonopoulos authored the groundbreaking book, Mastering Bitcoin (O’Reilly Media), widely considered to be the best technical guide ever written about the technology. On 7 September 2016, Andreas launched his second book, The Internet of Money Volume One, on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast (the interview has since been viewed more than 300,000 times).The Internet of Money offered something that was desperately needed: an explanation of the philosophy, economics, politics, and poetics behind this technology.Make this book part of your collection and see why the internet of money will continue to transform the world and the internet itself. Review Cryptocurrencies may change the world more than the Internet did and most people are not aware. Andreas does a great job at explaining these otherwise complicated issues in a way that is easy and even fun to understand. -- Wences Casares, CEO of Xapo With eloquence and passion, Andreas makes the case for the transformative power of decentralized technologies. There is nobody on the planet who can convey these concepts with as much accessibility without oversimplifying the technology. And he never forgets the why behind it all. This book is a fantastic collection of Andreas best talks. A must-read for anyone interested in the radical future ahead of us. -- Brian Fabian Crain, Co-Host Epicenter Podcast & CEO Chorus One Andreas M. Antonopoulos doesnt simply lament that we can do better, he details the tools we have available and the route we have already underway. The Internet of Money brings us all together through the telling of a familiar absurdity that is our past and present, while teaching about the future now ahead thanks to a technology that will inspire, infuriate, and liberate for generations to come. -- Joshua McDougall, Director, C4 What does it mean for the internet to have an uncensorable value transfer layer? We dont know yet! We only know it will be revolutionary. While we cant yet see into the foggy future, there is no one better than Andreas Antonopoulos at illuminating the road ahead. You may not agree with all of his predictions and opinions, but you cant ignore them. -- Evan Van Ness, Week in Ethereum News One is hard pressed to find a field more multidisciplinary than that of cryptocurrency. This makes it devilishly hard to explain and understand, becaus...
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