
North Atlantic Books

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  • Book : Spinal Manipulation Made Simple A Manual Of Soft...
    Precio:  $77,059.00
    Expira: 18/05/2023

    Book : Spinal Manipulation Made Simple A Manual Of Soft...

    -Titulo Original : Spinal Manipulation Made Simple A Manual Of Soft Tissue Techniques-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Written by an expert on alternative bodywork, this book presents techniques for manipulating the soft tissues of the back in a safe, simple manner. The method avoids the high velocity, low amplitude thrusting techniques employed by chiropractors. Instead, it utilizes the intuitive sense of somatic bodyworkers combined with the proven theory and technique of Rolfing to provide safe and effective treatment. Maitland shows how to elegantly release joint fixations in the spine, sacrum, pelvis, and ribcage by using subtle soft tissue techniques, rather than the thrusting techniques that pop the joints. This gentler kind of individualized Rolfing work is thoroughly described within an explanation of biomechanics, aided by drawings and photographs which depict techniques and anatomy. About the Author Jeffrey Maitland, Ph.D., is a philosophical counselor and advanced Rolfer. He is a senior instructor and Director of Academic Affairs at the International Rolf Institute. He lives and practices in Scottsdale, Arizona...
  • Book : Pharmako/gnosis Plant Teachers And The Poison Path -.
    Precio:  $154,939.00

    Book : Pharmako/gnosis Plant Teachers And The Poison Path -.

    -Titulo Original : Pharmako/gnosis Plant Teachers And The Poison Path-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: This is the third and final volume of North Atlantic Books’ hard cover edition of Dale Pendells Pharmako trilogy, an encyclopedic study of the history and uses of psychoactive plants and related synthetics first published between 1995 and 2005. The books form an interrelated suite of works that provide the reader with a unique, reliable, and often personal immersion in this medically, culturally, and spiritually fascinating subject. All three books are beautifully designed and illustrated, and are written with unparalleled authority, erudition, playfulness, and range. Pharmako/Gnosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path focuses on plant-based and derivative psychedelic teachers (including ayahuasca, peyote, LSD, and DMT) and on the poison path of substances such as belladonna, ketamine, and ibogaine. Each substance is explored in detail, not only with information on its history, pharmacology, preparation, and cultural and esoteric correspondences, but also the subtleties of each plants effect on consciousness in a way that only poets can do. The whole concoction is sprinkled with abundant quotations from famous writers, creating a literary brew as intoxicating as its subject. The Pharmako series includes the predecessor volumes Pharmako/Poeia (which covers tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, opiates, salvia divinorum, and other substances) and Pharmako/Dynamis (focusing on stimulants and empathogens). Review Essential reading, a modern classic. -Stephen Silberman, Wired Magazine The poet of plantsÉPendel may be America’s answer to Blake, Coleridge and Wordsworth…. -Emily Green, Los Angeles Times Whereas all other drug encyclopaediaists are accompanied by excessive slyness, the seemingly free verse of Dale Pendell is constrained by compulsive accuracy, to paraphrase Zarathustras Hom Yost, by the (scruples) that drive forth truth. -David Flattery, author of Haoma and Harmaline A beat alchemist working textual DJ decks. -Erik Davis, Bookforum About the Author Plant student Dale Pendell established himself as one of the foremost popular exponents of shamanic ethnobotany with his unprecedented Pharmako trilogy. A noted poet, he was the founding editor of the avant-garde magazine Kuksu and a co-founder of the Primitive Arts Institute and has led workshops on ethnobotany and ethnopoetics for the Naropa Institute and the Omega Institute. Pendell was part of the Oracular Madness theme camp at Burning Man for a number of years (his book Inspired Madness: The Gifts of Burning Man was published by Frog Books in 2006). Also an experienced computer scientist, he lives in Californias Sierra foothills...
  • Book : Pharmako/dynamis Stimulating Plants, Potions, And...
    Precio:  $136,259.00

    Book : Pharmako/dynamis Stimulating Plants, Potions, And...

    -Titulo Original : Pharmako/dynamis Stimulating Plants, Potions, And Herbcraft-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: This is the second volume of North Atlantic Books’ hard cover edition of Dale Pendells Pharmako trilogy, an encyclopedic study of the history and uses of psychoactive plants and related synthetics first published between 1995 and 2005. The books form an interrelated suite of works that provide the reader with a unique, reliable, and often personal immersion in this medically, culturally, and spiritually fascinating subject. All three books are beautifully designed and illustrated, and are written with unparalleled authority, erudition, playfulness, and range. Pharmako/Dynamis: Stimulating Plants, Potions, and Herbcraft focuses on stimulants (including coffee, tea, chocolate, and coca and its derivatives) and empathogens (notably Ecstasy). Each substance is explored in detail, not only with information on its history, pharmacology, preparation, and cultural and esoteric correspondences, but also the subtleties of each plants effect on consciousness in a way that only poets can do. The whole concoction is sprinkled with abundant quotations from famous writers, creating a literary brew as intoxicating as its subject. The Pharmako series also includes Pharmako/Poeia (which covers tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, opiates, salvia divinorum, and other substances) and Pharmako/Gnosis (which addresses psychedelics and shamanic plants). Review A poet, ethnobotanist, and amateur chemist, he’s the best writer on drugs to come along since the late Terence McKenna. - The Village Voice Dale Pendell, most elegant eloquent writer on drugs because both scientist and poet, has exuded a book as charming as The Compleat Angler or Brillat-Savarin’s Physiology of Taste. It will be preserved amongst the scriptures of an entheogenic revival that will recognize the scribe Pendell as an inspired prophet and forerunner. -Hakim Bey Dale Pendell’s books are elegant tapestries of accurate chemistry, pharmacology, and botany, interwoven with rich poetical imagery. I use them as textbooks in a large annual undergraduate class which I teach at the University of California in Berkeley. The students love them? -David E. Presti, PhD, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley About the Author Plant student Dale Pendell established himself as one of the foremost popular exponents of shamanic ethnobotany with his unprecedented Pharmako trilogy. A noted poet, he was the founding editor of the avant-garde magazine Kuksu and a co-founder of the Primitive Arts Institute and has led workshops on ethnobotany and ethnopoetics for the Naropa Institute and the Omega Institute. Pendell was part of the Oracular Madness theme camp at Burning Man for a number of years (his book Inspired Madness: The Gifts of Burning Man was published by Frog Books in 2006). Also an experienced computer scientist, he lives in Californias Sierra foothills...
  • Book : Esoteric Anatomy The Body As Consciousness - Burger,.
    Precio:  $106,899.00

    Book : Esoteric Anatomy The Body As Consciousness - Burger,.

    -Titulo Original : Esoteric Anatomy The Body As Consciousness-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: A comprehensive and fascinating study of Polarity Therapy, Esoteric Anatomy, and Somatic Psychology that reveals the vital role of energy in the healing arts Esoteric Anatomy offers a spiritual approach to massage, bodywork, and somatic psychology, demystifying an ancient transpersonal model for understanding energy in nature and working with consciousness in the healing arts. It offers a comprehensive health care system based on understanding the body as a field of conscious energy-a system that promotes healing, health building, and self-actualization. Author and spiritual healer Bruce Burger begins by introducing Polarity Therapy in a series of energy-balancing sessions that can be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy and bodywork. This holistic approach can alleviate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual suffering, including clearing trauma from the cellular memory of the brain. Next, he turns his attention to Esoteric Anatomy in a section of essays that explore the role of energy-or life force-in the healing arts, drawing from the wisdom of ancient India. And finally, Burger builds upon his studies of Polarity Therapy and Esoteric Anatomy to present a unique system of Somatic Psychology that can promote further healing. Thorough, insightful, and complete with illustrations, Esoteric Anatomy is a fascinating course in energy medicine that can guide you toward better health, personal growth, and spiritual transformation. Review When I hold this text, I feel as though I am holding one of the more important documents of our time-an extremely comprehensive and extraordinary map of our subtle anatomy.-Richard Gordon, author of Quantum Touch and Your Healing HandsThis book is a significant addition to holistic-health literature.- John Chitty, R.P.P., President, American Polarity Therapy AssociationWith Esoteric Anatomy, Bruce Burger integrates profound levels of Oriental wisdom and Ayurvedic theories of creation and transformation in a new and convincing way.- Paul Pitchford, author of Healing with Whole Foods: Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition About the Author Bruce Burger, M.A., R.P.P., is the founder of Heartwood Institute, one of the worlds leading centers for professional training in massage and somatic psychology. Located on 240 acres outside Garberville, California, Heartwood is now in its twentieth year as both a utopian community and educational institution. Burger holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and the New School for Social Research. He has been a member of the faculties of the University of Nevada and Rutgers University. Since he left academia in 1972 he has traveled widely and studied in Asia and India...
  • Book : Vision For Life, Revised Edition Ten Steps To Natural
    Precio:  $83,559.00

    Book : Vision For Life, Revised Edition Ten Steps To Natural

    -Titulo Original : Vision For Life, Revised Edition Ten Steps To Natural Eyesight Improvement-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: All parts of the body need exercise for optimal health, and the eyes are no different. Vision for Life presents an approach to eye health for people with 20/20 vision who wish to maintain their perfect vision as well as people who see poorly and would like to improve their eyesight. Clients of the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method experience their own capacity to bring about recovery, reversing the progress of a wide range of degenerative conditions including eye disease. Based in part on the established Bates Method of eyesight improvement and in part on his own professional and personal discoveries, Meir Schneiders pioneering approach has helped thousands of people successfully treat a host of eye problems, including near- and farsightedness, astigmatism, lazy eye, double vision, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, and nystagmus. This revised edition includes a new chapter on childrens eye health and new research and exercises for specific conditions, i.e., glaucoma and nystagmus, near- and farsightedness. Born blind to deaf parents, Schneider underwent a series of painful operations as a young child and was left with 99 percent scar tissue on the lenses of his eyes, resulting in his being declared incurably blind. At the age of seventeen, he discovered how to improve his vision from less than 1 percent to 55 percent of normal vision with the eye exercises presented in this book. Today Schneider drives a car, reads, and enjoys the benefits of full natural vision. He and his clients prove time and time again how much vision can improve with exercise. His contributions to the field of self-healing are recognized by alternative health practitioners and medical doctors alike. In Vision for Life, Schneider shares forty years of discoveries made on his personal and professional journey. The book details simple but effective techniques to gain great vision such as sunning and palming. Such exercises are not only strengthening but also restorative and deeply relaxing. The reader learns how to reverse developing issues before they cause damage or to remedy existing problems, including pathologies such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and optic nerve neuropathy. Review “In this generous book, Meir Schneider shares the secrets-won through his own movingly documented triumph over near-blindness-of strengthening, rejuvenating, and healing the eyes by activating the body’s own intelligence. A man of vision in every sense, he offers a program of exercises that is both inspiring and eminently practicable.” Timothy Crouse, author of The Boys on the Bus “I have been impressed with the work of Meir Schneider for many years, having personally seen improvements in patients’ vision of those who have worked with him. The ability of the visual system to adapt and regain function is still full of mysteries. Through Meir’s work, we are finding some of those mysteries to be realities.” August L. Reader III, MD, FACS, clinical professor of ophthalmology, California Pacific Medical Center “This book isn’t just another useful handbook for those who want to prevent vision problems or already have a condition; it is also an injection of hope.” Sonia Cristina Tinos Carrocine, instructor of Meir Schneider’s Self-Healing Method “As an ophthalmologist, I always search for the best way to treat my patients. Based on the Bates Method, self-healing has complemented my practice in those cases where our traditional medicine has its limitations. The best treatment is the one that is directed to the patient’s needs, and the best medicine is the one that uses all knowledge and not only a part of it. Traditional science and complementary medicine are tools that should be used together, focusing on a more holistic health concept.” Leonardo Verri Paulino, MD, ophthalmologist and anterior segment surgeon at ABC Medical School,...
  • Book : The Resonance Effect How Frequency Specific...
    Precio:  $77,649.00

    Book : The Resonance Effect How Frequency Specific...

    -Titulo Original : The Resonance Effect How Frequency Specific Microcurrent Is Changing Medicine-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: The Resonance Effect is both the authors story of her inspirational journey of having the courage to find her true calling and an account of the development of a remarkable newly rediscovered treatment, frequency specific microcurrent (FSM), that takes advantage of the bodys ability to respond to frequencies in order to heal a number of chronic conditions. Carolyn McMakin, a chiropractor specializing in fibromyalgia and myofascial pain, describes her experience using a two-channel microcurrent device that has achieved astounding results that have changed medicine and created new possibilities for suffering patients over the past twenty years. Nerve pain, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathies, muscle pain, athletic performance, injury repair, joint pain, low back pain, neck pain, kidney stone pain, the kidney stones themselves, liver disease, diabetic wounds, brain and spinal cord injuries, PTSD, depression, shingles, asthma, ovarian cysts, abdominal adhesions, and scarring all respond to specific frequencies. McMakin explains that results are predictable, reproducible, and teachable-all without side effects-offering hope and healing to millions of people. McMakin tells the story of how thousands of patients with conditions that did not respond to other medical therapies recovered from pain and disability through the non-invasive treatment that she developed. For example, asthma resolves with specific frequencies that remove inflammation, allergy reaction, and spasm from the bronchi. One frequency combination eliminates shingles pain in minutes and stops the shingles attack with a single three-hour treatment. Since 2005, a series of frequencies has been used to treat hundreds of PTSD patients. Post-surgical patients use FSM to reduce pain, prevent bruising, and increase healing. NFL, NHL, and Olympic athletes use it to heal injuries and improve performance. McMakin includes case histories that illustrate the efficacy of the treatment and shares the specific frequencies that each condition requires so that patients direct their own treatments. Review “A fantastic read! Whether you are a patient seeking answers or a health care provider looking for breakthroughs, this book will open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. Dr. McMakin has created the long-awaited expose for the emerging field of energy medicine. The stories will inspire you and the information will restore your hope for the future of health care!” -Roger Billica, MD, FAAFP, former NASA space program chief of medical operations “ The Resonance Effect is written by an expert in energy medicine, Dr. Carolyn McMakin. This book is a must for anyone that is interested in both the whys and how tos in the use of energy medicine in healing.” -Jeffrey Bland, PhD, cofounder, Institute for Functional Medicine, and author of The Disease Delusion “This book will resonate with patients, care providers, and anyone who has a loved one suffering pain or health issues. Harmonic resonances, vibrations, oscillations, and frequencies are the vocabulary of a universal language that is FSM. Witnessing for myself the therapeutic effects of frequency specific microcurrent, on humans and horses, I became an ardent supporter of this science-based work. This book is as good a read as any Harry Potter novel, but it’s not magic. It’s science.” -John Sharkey, MSc, clinical anatomist, exercise physiologist, neuromuscular therapist, and author of Healing through Trigger Point Therapy“I specialize in treating patients who are unusually ill with chronic, severe disabilities. When I first came across frequency specific microcurrent in 2009, it was obvious that this was a unique treatment that could help improve and heal many of those patients. I personally observed dozens of patients with cervical-trauma fibromyalgia, large thyroid goiters, PTSD, shingles, imbalances, and toxicities of widely varying forms respond dramatically to this therapy. ...
  • Book : Homeopathic Care For Cats And Dogs, Revised Edition..
    Precio:  $128,549.00

    Book : Homeopathic Care For Cats And Dogs, Revised Edition..

    -Titulo Original : Homeopathic Care For Cats And Dogs, Revised Edition Small Doses For Small Animals-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Most people understand homeopathy as a treatment for people, but as this book shows, our four-legged friends can benefit from it as well. First published in 1999, Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs quickly became a bestseller and an important resource for anyone looking for a more organic approach to caring for their cats and dogs. Using accessible language, author Don Hamilton gives readers an authoritative overview of animal homeopathy, covering history, treatment principles, homeopathic disease theory, and simple methods for using homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs offers expert guidance on home care and diet, how to obtain the information needed to choose a homeopathic remedy, how to dose remedies, how to choose the potency, and when to repeat remedies if necessary. The book lists organ systems by chapter, providing concise descriptions of symptoms, including how to evaluate patients’ illnesses and when to seek veterinary care. Remedy and supplement suggestions follow disease descriptions. Each section contains the principal remedies needed for treatment. The book ends with a materia medica, which gives more comprehensive remedy information for each medicine listed in the book. This updated edition contains a new chapter on the human-animal relationship, timely information on vaccines, as well as new remedy information in every chapter. Review Dr. Don Hamilton is one of the most experienced, creative, and open-minded homeopaths for animals in this country. He brings his years of veterinary practice and perceptive understanding of homeopathy to this book to expand your knowledge and to help the animals in your life. We are fortunate that he is sharing his wisdom. This book should be added to any animal lovers bookshelf. -Cheryl Schwartz, DVM, San Francisco Veterinary Specialists, and author of Four Paws, Five Directions: A Guide to Chinese Medicine for Cats and Dogs Dr. Hamilton offers a clear, comprehensive, solid foundation in veterinary homeopathy that allows it to be accessible to animal guardians. It is an extremely valuable contribution to the field of veterinary homeopathy. -Allen Schoen, DVM, MS, author of Love, Miracles, and Animal Healing and coauthor of Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice This wonderful, compassionate book convinced me to use only veterinarians who use only homeopathy. Read it. -Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, author of D ogs Never Lie About Love and coauthor of When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals“ Homeopathic Care for Cats & Dogs: Small Doses for Small Animals appears in a revised edition updating basic treatments and guidance for caring for pets, and comes from a vet who has practiced for over thirty years. Chapters provide overviews of different systems, from digestive to eyes, and discuss common ailments and their homeopathic options. General collections will find this a popular consumer pick.” - Midwest Book Review “For those of you who are not up-to-date on homeopathic care, you will find all kinds of wonderful things in this book… The information is qualitative and quantitative.” - Misc. Ramblings About the Author Renowned veterinary homeopath Dr. Don Hamilton lectures to veterinarians in the United States and abroad on advanced veterinary homeopathy. He lives on a small farm in rural Northern New Mexico...
  • Book : Quantum-touch 2.0 - The New Human Discovering And...
    Precio:  $61,459.00

    Book : Quantum-touch 2.0 - The New Human Discovering And...

    -Titulo Original : Quantum-touch 2.0 - The New Human Discovering And Becoming-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Quantum-Touch 2.0-The New Human endeavors to significantly enlarge the possibilities of what humans can be and do. In clear, step-by-step instructions, the reader will learn to easily demonstrate that human limits are as yet unknown. Readers can learn to do healing on multiple people at once to reduce their pain in minutes, work on multiple conditions at once, help people shift their own beliefs with the use of energy, and work across time and space. Readers will even learn to safely and visibly adjust the posture of multiple people simultaneously without touching. Science assumes that we are separate, and that our thoughts dont affect the outer reality. This notion is something that each of us can now clearly demonstrate to be untrue. The originator of the Quantum-Touch energy healing method and a popular workshop leader and speaker at conferences and holistic health institutes, Richard Gordon has been developing and refining Quantum-Touch since the publication of his best-selling Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal. Gordon shares his discoveries in this new book, which takes Quantum-Touch to a far more powerful level. To enrich the book with scientific insights and commentary, Gordon sought out coauthors Vickie Wickhorst, PhD, and Chris Duffield, PhD. As academics investigating the convergence of science, technology, and the power of the human energy field, Wickhorst and Duffield serve as perfect guides to help readers, even skeptical ones, uncover their own process of discovery. This book is a must for all world travelers! Review Quantum-Touch 2.0 is probably the most important new publication in the world-a life-transforming book that changes everything. -Cecilia L.W. Chan, PhD, Founding Director, Centre on Behavioral Health, The University Of Hong Kong “QT2 can change the world and how we look at everything. This is empowering and paradigm changing. Not only can I do this-I am this.” -Allan Sachey, DDS “Quantum-Touch 2.0 is real healing! This book will change the world. It brings hope for humanity to thrive and not just survive. I am integrating this work as a new protocol in my practice.” -Prudence Hall, MD “Quantum-Touch 2.0 is true energy medicine. This technique is cutting-edge, and it is easy to learn. I have seen it produce immediate results. Once this information goes global we will experience a major decline in all health challenges.” -Howard Elkin, MD “QT2 is an exciting voyage of discovery. Prepare yourself for miracles!” --Dawson Church, PhD “Quantum-Touch 2.0 is brilliant and a must-read! The techniques are simple and effective. The results are profound. Richard’s vision of the future is thrilling, and sure to have worldwide impact.” --Linda Steele, PhD, Clinical Psychologist “This groundbreaking book provides a beautiful and simple technique that truly heals people. Quantum-Touch 2.0-The New Human teaches us invaluable information about our natural human abilities and powers at a time when humankind needs it most.” --Dr. Rick Jenkins, MD, Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology “QT2 is the simplest healing technique for anyone to learn and practice. It makes possible Richard’s vision for the future. When this healing energy of compassion is practiced widely, the people on this planet will live in harmony.” --Huy Hoang, MD “Quantum-Touch 2.0-The New Human is artfully crafted and shows us that we have no limitations! Richard’s visions are a reflection of his hope and his genius. These simple pragmatic methods can bring us the new future.” --Art Dawson, PhD “Quantum-Touch 2.0-The New Human is a necessary read. I integrate these invaluable teachings into my practice.” --Jeffrey Benton, DC, CTN, author of The Emotional Trauma Release Technique “Quantum-Touch 2.0 is a paradigm-changing surprise. How could we have missed it for thousands of years? This revolutionizes our understanding of how human abilities can create unimagined mirac...
  • Book : The Cannabis Manifesto A New Paradigm For Wellness -.
    Precio:  $75,759.00

    Book : The Cannabis Manifesto A New Paradigm For Wellness -.

    -Titulo Original : The Cannabis Manifesto A New Paradigm For Wellness-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: An authoritative, persuasive, and riveting call for the legalization and responsible use of medical marijuana, The Cannabis Manifesto is a book whose time has come The Cannabis Manifesto is both a call to action and a radical vision of humans relationship with this healing but controversial plant. Steve DeAngelo, the founder of Harborside Health Center, the worlds largest medical-cannabis dispensary, presents a compelling case for cannabis as a wellness catalyst that must be legalized. His view that there is no such thing as recreational cannabis use challenges readers to rethink everything they thought they knew about marijuana. The Cannabis Manifesto answers essential questions about the plant, using extensive research to fuel a thoughtful discussion about cannabis science and law, as well as its biological, mental, and spiritual effects on human beings. With a cultural critics eye peering through the lens of social justice, DeAngelo explains how cannabis prohibition has warped our most precious institutions-from the family, to the workplace, to the doctor’s office and the courtroom. In calling for a realistic national policy on a substance that has been used by half of all Americans, this essential primer will forever change the way the world thinks about cannabis, its benefits, and the laws governing its use. Review “In The Cannabis Manifesto, Steve DeAngelo has written what amounts to the Declaration of Independence for Cannabis.” -Sara Davidson, author of Loose Change“Steve DeAngelo is the earliest pioneer of socially responsible and patient- and community-centric cannabis distribution. If you are wondering if medical cannabis might help you or a friend or family member, or if you have questions about medical cannabis, or if you’re just trying to figure out what this issue entails, let this book be your guide.” -Willie L. Brown, Jr., 41st mayor of San Francisco “I dont know that theres anyone on the planet right now who possesses Steve DeAngelo’s level of business savvy and knowledge of the cannabis plant. When he offers up his wisdom, people should listen and try to soak up as much knowledge as they can. I know I do. -Johnny Green, editor of The Weed Blog Steve DeAngelo is the kind of devoted activist who normally would get hospitals and schools named after him, if he had been advocating something more mainstream. He is articulate, fiercely tenacious, and lives by his own principles, in life and in business. But as our recent history has shown, he might have something more important than a monument-a victory. -Peter Sagal, host of NPR’s Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me “A pioneering voice in the movement to liberate the cannabis plant and those who rely on it for health and wellness, Steve DeAngelo shares his vision for a more just world in this forward-thinking manifesto.” -Aaron Smith, executive director of National Cannabis Industry Association Steve DeAngelo has been an icon in the cannabis movement and industry for a very long time. I dont know that theres anyone on the planet right now that possesses Steves level of business savvy and knowledge of the cannabis plant. When Steve offers up his wisdom, people should listen and try to soak up as much knowledge as they can. I know I do. The Cannabis Manifesto is a book that every cannabis enthusiast should have on their bookshelves. -Johnny Green. editor of the Weed Blog “By willing into existence a lab to test the cannabis provided to patients by his dispensary, Steve DeAngelo jump-started the CBD era in America.” -Fred Gardner, managing editor, OShaughnessys clinical journal “Steve DeAngelo says what needs to be said in this bold and thoughtful manifesto. He’s a role model for budding cannabis entrepreneurs who understand the unique relationship of this nascent industry to the broader struggle for freedom and justice in America.” -Ethan Nadelmann, Founder and Executive director of the ...
  • Book : Holistic Dental Care The Complete Guide To Healthy...
    Precio:  $56,959.00

    Book : Holistic Dental Care The Complete Guide To Healthy...

    -Titulo Original : Holistic Dental Care The Complete Guide To Healthy Teeth And Gums-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: A comprehensive guide to natural, do-it-yourself oral care, Holistic Dental Care introduces simple, at-home dental procedures that anyone can do. Highlighted with fifty-three full-color photos and illustrations, this book offers dental self-care strategies and practices that get to the core of the problems in our mouths--preventing issues from taking root and gently restoring dental health. Based on a whole body approach to oral care, Holistic Dental Care addresses the limits of the traditional approach that treats only the symptoms and not the source of body imbalances. Taking readers on a tour of the ecology of the mouth, dental health expert and author Nadine Artemis describes the physiology of the teeth and the sources of bacteria and decay. Revealing the truth about the artificial chemicals in many toothpastes and mouthwashes, Artemis also discusses the harmful effects of mercury fillings and the much safer ceramic filling options that are available. Covering topics that include healthy nutrition, oral care for children, and the benefits of botanical substances and plant extracts for maintaining oral health, Artemis introduces a comprehensive eight-step self-dentistry protocol that offers an effective way to prevent decay, illness, acidic saliva, plaque build-up, gum bleeding, inflammation, and more. Review Nadine Artemiss well-balanced, well-researched book credibly encourages readers to take control of their own dental health. Plenty to chew on in this stimulating dental compendium. -Kirkus Reviews “Achieving optimal oral health cannot be done exclusively in the dental office; oral hygiene and nutrition are key to preventing major dental work and the consequences it can have on the body. I have helped people at a professional level for thirty years and it is clear that we must give people tools to help themselves at home, for their everyday care. This book helps the dental profession and makes dental care more accessible.” -Lina Garcia, DDS, DMD “Nadine Artemis brings great clarity and insight to the mouth-body connection. Holistic Dental Care is filled with pearls of wisdom that make a difference.” -Stuart M. Nunnally, DDS From the Author Nadine Artemis is the creator of Living Libations, an exquisite line of serums, elixirs and essentials oils for those seeking the purest of the pure botanical health and beauty products on the planet. She is a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets and her products have received rave reviews in The New York Times, The National Post and The Hollywood Reporter. Described by Alanis Morissette as a true-sense visionary, Nadine has formulated a stunning collection of rare and special botanical compounds. An innovative aromacologist, Nadine develops immune enhancing formulas and medicinal blends for health and wellness: her potent dental serums are used worldwide and provide the purest oral care available. Her healing creations, along with her concept of Renegade Beauty, encourage effortlessness, eschew regimes and inspire people to rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness. Nadines fresh paradigm for beauty and her natural approach to health presents a revolutionary vision: it allows the life-force of flowers, dewdrops, plants, sun, and water to be the ingredients of healthy living and lets everything unessential, contrived, and artificial fall away. From the Inside Flap Every once in a while, a book comes along thats fun to read and can make a difference. This is such a book. As a holistic dentist practicing for over twenty-five years, I thought I had read or seen just about everything written about dentistry. I was very pleased when Nadine asked me to write a forward for her book. Knowing her products, I felt that this could be a good thing. Being somewhat tired of reading books about teeth, I put this off for a few weeks. Finally on a rainy day I picked it up. What a surprise...
  • Book : Relearning To See Improve Your Eyesight Naturally! -.
    Precio:  $117,879.00

    Book : Relearning To See Improve Your Eyesight Naturally! -.

    -Titulo Original : Relearning To See Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: In this accessible presentation of the famous Bates method, Thomas R. Quackenbush (who teaches the Bates method in California and Oregon) describes how eyesight can improve naturally, at any age and regardless of heredity. This book is a wonderful tribute to the genius of Dr. Bates, who was a pioneer in discovering how vision becomes blurred and how it restores itself naturally to clarity and acuity. Now 80 years later, his findings and teachings remain light years ahead of our contemporaries. His approach to treating vision problems was truly holistic and the theme throughout this book is very much an extension of that holistic approach. Dr. Quackenbush is to be commended for his dedication in getting the truth out and keeping the torch burning in this bible on vision improvement. Review Relearning to See is a very impressive text!...outstrips all its predecessors...Most complete text that weve ever seen on natural vision improvement. For anyone seeking to improve their eyesight without drugs, surgery or prescription lenses...For anyone seriously interested in vision improvement or the Bates method, Relearning to See is a must have... -Rosemary Jones Relearning to See...has got to be one of the best and most comprehensive books on natural vision improvement and the Bates method ever written...many glorious illustrations...two books for the price of one!...a very well-written book professionally presented. If you only want to buy one book on natural vision improvement, make sure this is the one. -Chen Hanwen About the Author Thomas R. Quackenbush is a West Coast vision educator who, in Relearning to See, gave readers the most thorough and technical description of the Bates Method of natural vision improvement currently in existence. He showed how relearning correct vision habits and skills (sketch, breathe, and blink) could loosen the rigidity of head, eye, and neck muscles that results in blur...
  • Book : Inside Degrees Developing Your Soul Biography Using..
    Precio:  $75,949.00

    Book : Inside Degrees Developing Your Soul Biography Using..

    -Titulo Original : Inside Degrees Developing Your Soul Biography Using The Chandra Symbols (inside Astrology)-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: In much the same way in which he characterized planets and asteroids as powerful, gendered beings in Inside Planets, Ellias Lonsdale gives new depth and nuance to degree analysis, an area often seen as technical or reduced to cliche. The degree symbols are most useful in elaborating a personal birth chart. One can learn about personal cycles from studying the place of a transiting or progressed planet by degree at a given time, revealing collective as well as personal timings. The Zodiac degrees also act as an oracle. One can open the collection anywhere for a given day, or in response to a question. The degrees will reveal what is happening now and, if we are attentive and responsive to the cues, what is required of us. By comparing charts of friends and famous people who are known for certain qualities, one can gradually discriminate among the degrees. These beautifully written and fully imagined readings of the Chandra degree symbols speak to a deep level of personal change and authenticity. About the Author Ellias Lonsdale is the author of Star Rhythms, The Book of Theanna, and Inside Planets. He lectures widely on astrology and is an astrological counselor in Santa Cruz, California...
  • Book : Healing Magic, 10th Anniversary Edition A Green Witch
    Precio:  $60,249.00

    Book : Healing Magic, 10th Anniversary Edition A Green Witch

    -Titulo Original : Healing Magic, 10th Anniversary Edition A Green Witch Guidebook To Conscious Living-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: The green witch’s “down to earth, and inspiring” guide to the art of magical healing through herbal remedies, spells and enchantments, health-enchancing foods, and much more (Rosemary Gladstar) Filled with stories, songs, rituals, recipes, meditations, and trance journeys that outline more than 100 ways to practice the art of magical healing, this guidebook to conscious living by renowned herbalist Robin Rose Bennett makes it easy to follow the path to physical and spiritual health. In the tradition of natural witchcraft, Healing Magic, 10th Anniversary Edition presents step-by-step instructions for conducting earth-centered rituals, preparing herbal remedies, and casting spells to enchant and heal as well as advice on cooking everyday meals incorporating health-enhancing herbs and home remedies. * Find out how to reconnect with the earth and draw on its energy * Interact with the power of the seven chakras of the body * Build an altar * Make use of moon magic and women’s wisdom * Prepare herbal infusions and baths * Work with the medicine wheel * Cast spells for love and wealth No matter what your beliefs, this guidebook will open your heart and mind to everyday magic and the joys of living in tune with the energies of nature. Review “ Healing Magic is a warm and lucid introduction to herbal healing and earth magic, written by a true healer who knows her material and loves her work.”- Starhawk, author of The Spiral Dance and The Earth Path “ Healing Magic reminds me that all things are infused with life. Robin Rose Bennett’s book is a wonderful treasure, clearly written, down to earth, and inspiring.”- Rosemary Gladstar, author of Herbal Healing for Women “ Healing Magic invites us to honor and delight in our sacred senses, to trust our intuition, to value beauty and grace, to become thoroughly intimate with nature in all her aspects.”- Susun S. Weed, author of Healing Wise [Robin Rose Bennetts] work leads us straight to the truth of the interconnectedness of all life. She empowers us to discover the story underneath our health challenges and helps us find the courage to make deeper connections to our bodies - and to nature Herself. -SageWoman Magazine About the Author ROBIN ROSE BENNETT is a compassionate, empowering herbalist and spiritual teacher. The focus of her healing work is to share the generosity of the earth and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life. Since 1986, she has taught at schools, clinics, progressive and holistic organizations, herbal conferences, and is a repeat guest lecturer at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, St Johns Hospital, Montefiore Teaching Hospital, Beth Israels Nursing program, and Brown University Medical School. She is a faculty member of the New York Open Center and the author of two meditation CDs, The Gift of Healing Herbs, Healing Magic, and numerous pieces for Plant Healer Magazine. Bennett has a private consultation practice in New Jersey and teaches as an herbalist-in-residence at a family medical practice in Bronx, NY. She is a long-time proud member of United Plant Savers, the Northeast Herbal Association, and Robin lives in Hewitt, New Jersey...
  • Book : The Book Of Herbal Wisdom Using Plants As Medicines -
    Precio:  $85,739.00

    Book : The Book Of Herbal Wisdom Using Plants As Medicines -

    -Titulo Original : The Book Of Herbal Wisdom Using Plants As Medicines-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Hailed as a “classic” by leading herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, this botanical compendium provides a wide-ranging history of herbalism and useful guidance for healing with herbs Matthew Wood is one of the United States’ most renowned herbalists and the author of Seven Herbs: Plants as Healers, a watershed book in teaching herbal healing as a part of total wellness. With The Book of Herbal Wisdom, he continues and expands this study, creating a must-read guide for anyone who works in the natural health field or is interested in self-healing with herbs. Wood creates a vast and sweeping history of herbalism, drawing on Western botanical knowledge, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese medicine, and Native American shamanic botany. Detailing the history and use of more than forty plants, he shows how each tradition views a plant, as well as its use in cases drawn from his own herbal and homeopathic practice. An initial section describes signatures, similar, and patterns in these traditions, and elements, temperaments, and constitutions. Wood has two objectives: to demonstrate how herbal medicines are agents of healing and wisdom, and to give the reader a useful catalog of plants for medicinal uses. His clinical observations of his patients bear the wry wisdom of the country doctor; his love of plants is evident in lush botanical descriptions, which show the connection between remedies-whether homeopathic, Chinese, or Native American-and the plants from which they are derived. An introduction to centuries of lore about healing from indigenous traditions, The Book of Herbal Wisdom integrates and describes North American Indian medicine, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western herbalism like no other contemporary botanical compendium. Review There are many fine herb books written by our countrys great herbalists gracing the shelves these days. But only once in a while does a classic arise. The Book of Herbal Wisdom is surely that. Written with grace, intelligence, and warmth, this book is richly infused with the gift of wisdom and earns its title at every turn.- Rosemary Gladstar From the Back Cover In The Book of Herbal Wisdom Matthew Wood creates a vast and sweeping history of herbalism, drawing on Western botanical knowledge, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Native American shamanic botony. Detailing the history and use of more than forty plants, he shows how each tradition views a plant, as well as its use in cases drawn from his own herbal and homeopathic practice. An initial section describes signatures, similars, and patterns in these traditions, and elements, temperaments, and constitutions. Wood has two objectives: to demonstrate how herbal medicines are agents of healing and wisdom, and to give the reader a useful catalogue of plants for medicinal uses. His clinical observations of his patients bear the wry wisdom of the country doctor; his love of plants is evident in lush botanical descriptions, which show the connection between remedies - whether homeopathic, Chinese, or Native American - and the plants from which they are derived. The Book of Herbal Wisdom brings to readers centuries of lore about healing from indigenous traditions, at a time when people are exploring empirical enthosciences with a seriousness unparalleled in history. In no other contemporary botanical compendium have North American Indian medicine, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western herbalism been so thoroughly integrated, and so engagingly described. About the Author Matthew Wood is a registered herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild, and has maintained a private practice as an herbalist for twenty years. He is the author of Seven Herbs: Plants as Healers and The Book of Herbal Wisdom, two acclaimed books on the practice of herbal healing. He lives and practices at Sunnyfield Herb Farm in Minnetrista, Minnesota...
  • Book : In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts Close Encounters With..
    Precio:  $69,129.00

    Book : In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts Close Encounters With..

    -Titulo Original : In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts Close Encounters With Addiction-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Review Exclusive: A Letter from Gabor Mate Dear readers,Ive written In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts because I see addiction as one of the most misunderstood phenomena in our society. People--including many people who should know better, such as doctors and policy makers--believe it to be a matter of individual choice or, at best, a medical disease. It is both simpler and more complex than that.Addiction, or the capacity to become addicted, is very close to the core of the human experience. That is why almost anything can become addictive, from seemingly healthy activities such as eating or exercising to abusing drugs intended for healing. The issue is not the external target but our internal relationship to it. Addictions, for the most part, develop in a compulsive attempt to ease one’s pain or distress in the world. Given the amount of pain and dissatisfaction that human life engenders, many of us are driven to find solace in external things. The more we suffer, and the earlier in life we suffer, the more we are prone to become addicted.The inner city drug addicts I work with are amongst the most abused and rejected people amongst us, but instead of compassion our society treats them with contempt. Instead of understanding and acceptance, we give them punishment and moral disapproval. In doing so, we fail to recognize our own deeply rooted problems and thereby forego an opportunity for healing not only for them, the extreme addicts, but also for ourselves as individuals and as a culture.My book, in short, is an attempt to bring light to core issues shrouded in darkness. The many positive responses I’ve received encourage me to believe that I’ve succeeded in making a contribution toward that goal.Best wishes, Gabor MateA Q&A with the Author Question: The title of your book has its origins in the Buddhist Wheel of Life. In the Hungry Ghost Realm, people feel empty and seek solace from the outside, from sources that can never nourish. In what ways is our culture trapped in this realm? What can society learn from drug addicts who take the feelings of lack that everyone has, to the extreme? Gabor Mate: Much of our culture and our economy are based on exploiting people’s sense of emptiness and inadequacy, of not being enough as we are. We have the belief that if we do this or acquire that, if we achieve this or attain that, we’ll be satisfied. This sense of lack and this belief feed many addictive behaviors, from shopping to eating to workaholism. In many respects we behave in a driven fashion that differs only in degree from the desperation of the drug addict.Question: What makes your book so beautiful is its multi-layered, personal approach. You don’t rely solely on your patients’ stories, but also dig into your personal experience with addiction and the relevance of Buddha’s teachings. What were some challenges you faced when writing so frankly about your own addiction and your family? Gabor Mate: In a sense my personal issues are not personal at all--just human. Once I understand something, I want to share it. There is no shame in having flaws--just challenges to keep learning. Many people have told me how much they have appreciated my being open like that--it helps them be open with themselves.Question: Your book ends on a positive note, with the idea that brains do have the ability to change and grow in adult life and even to heal themselves. Does this undermine your previous assertion that you don’t expect most of your severely addicted patients to get clean?Gabor Mate: No, there is no contradiction here. The human brain is exquisitely capable of development, a capacity known as neuroplasticity. But, as with all development, the conditions have to be right. My pessimism about my clients’ future is based not on any limitation of their innate potential, but on their dire social, economic and legal situation and on the essential indifference of policy makers--and of society--to their pligh...
  • Book : Accessing The Healing Power Of The Vagus Nerve...
    Precio:  $74,759.00

    Book : Accessing The Healing Power Of The Vagus Nerve...

    -Titulo Original : Accessing The Healing Power Of The Vagus Nerve Self-help Exercises For Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, And Autism-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: The best-selling book on the topic-now in 15 languages. This practical guide to understanding the cranial nerves as the key to our psychological and physical well-being builds on Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory-one of the most important recent developments in human neurobiology. Drawing on more than thirty years of experience as a craniosacral therapist and Rolfer, Stanley Rosenberg explores the crucial role that the vagus nerve plays in determining our psychological and emotional states and explains that a myriad of common psychological and physical symptoms-from anxiety and depression to migraines and back pain-indicates a lack of proper functioning in the vagus nerve. Through a series of easy self-help exercises, the book illustrates the simple ways we can regulate the vagus nerve in order to initiate deep relaxation, improve sleep, and recover from injury and trauma. Additionally, by exploring the link between a well-regulated vagus nerve and social functioning, Rosenberg’s findings and methods offer new hope that by improving social behavior it is possible to alleviate some of the symptoms at the core of many cases of autism spectrum disorders. Useful for psychotherapists, doctors, bodyworkers, and caregivers, as well as anyone who experiences the symptoms of chronic stress and depression, this book shows how we can optimize autonomic functioning in ourselves and others, and bring the body into the state of safety that activates its innate capacity to heal. Review “Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve is Stanley Rosenberg’s personal expression of his insight into and appreciation of the role that vagal pathways play in the healing process by calming the body and enabling the body to welcome touch. By intuitively understanding this integrated process, Stanley has developed a system of manipulations that promote states of safety, allowing the body to retune the nervous system, thus optimizing behavior, mental health, and physiological homeostasis.… His powerful insights, metaphors, and treatment models are beautifully conveyed and archived.”-From the foreword by Stephen W. Porges, PhD, Distinguished University Scientist, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, and professor of psychiatry, University of North Carolina “Stanley Rosenberg has put his encyclopedic clinical knowledge to work through the lens of the Polyvagal Theory, illuminating the path away from the underlying cause of so much of today’s disease: anxiety. A tour de force.”-Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains “Stanley Rosenberg is one of the world’s most skilled and creative hands-on therapists. His diagnostic and treatment techniques have immediate application for everyone. Read and enjoy this book, and apply the techniques in your life or in your practice.”-James L. Oschman, PhD, author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis “An excellent and most valuable resource, written by one of the true masters in the field.”- Dr. Robert Schleip, director of the Fascia Research Group About the Author STANLEY ROSENBERG is an American-born author and body therapist. A Rolfer since 1983 and a practicing craniosacral therapist since 1987, he studied biomechanical craniosacral therapy for many years under Alain Gehin, trained in craniosacral therapy at the Upledger Institute and in biodynamic craniosacral courses with Giorgia Milne, studied applications for treating children with Benjamin Shield, and took courses in osteopathy with Jean-Pierre Barral.For many years he led a school in Denmark, teaching structural integration, myofascial release, release of scar tissue, biomechanical craniosacral therapy, visceral massage, and biotensegrity. He is the author of four books, published in Denmark: Nevermore Pain in the Back, Nevermore Stiff Neck, Pain Relief with Osteomassage, and Hwa Yu Tai Chi. In addition to his work as a body therapist, he has worked in theater- training actors in yoga, acrobatics, and voice-at v...
  • Book : The Modern Herbal Dispensatory A Medicine-making...
    Precio:  $81,369.00

    Book : The Modern Herbal Dispensatory A Medicine-making...

    -Titulo Original : The Modern Herbal Dispensatory A Medicine-making Guide-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: The definitive, full-color guide to making and using approximately 250 herbal medicines at home, with instructions for everything from harvesting to administering low-cost, DIY remedies. This comprehensive, full-color guide provides detailed, easy-to-follow instructions for making and using approximately 250 herbal medicines at home, including practical tips and numerous effective formulas developed and tested by the authors, both expert herbalists with years of experience. Readers who appreciate the health-giving properties of herbal medicines but are discouraged by the high price of commercial products can now make their own preparations for a fraction of the cost. The authors tell you everything you need to know about harvesting, preparing, and administering herbs in many different forms, including fresh, bulk dried herbs, capsules, extracts in water, alcohol, glycerin, vinegar and oil, and even preparations like essential oils and flower essences. The book also covers topical applications of herbs as salves, lotions, poultices, tooth powders, ear drops, and more, and includes an extensive chapter on herbal hydrotherapy. The Modern Herbal Dispensary explains why different preparations of the same herb will obtain better results, demonstrating how capsules, teas, tinctures, or glycerites of the same plant will not have exactly the same effect on the body. Leading herbalists Thomas Easley and Steven Horne have tested and proven the herbal formulas they offer, along with suggestions for treating more than one hundred illnesses. They lay out the principles of herbal formulation and also provide instructions on how to prepare single herbs, a procedure that has been largely ignored in other references. More comprehensive than any other guide, thoroughly researched, beautifully illustrated, and presented with ease of use in mind, this book will take its place as the premier reference for those who want to produce all the herbal remedies they need, and to save money in the process. Review “This is a phenomenal addition to the herbal bookshelf. It fills the need for a large, comprehensive herbal formulary-the likes of which we have not seen for a hundred years-yet it is so much more than that: a complete guide to the serious use of herbs from the field and forest to the single remedy or formula in clinic.”-Matthew Wood, author of The Earthwise Herbal books“This is now the standard medicine-making textbook for schools of herbal medicine. It contains more methods and more forms than anything else in print, all clearly explained and demonstrated, with bonus materials on herbal energetics and materia medica.”-Paul Bergner, director, North American Institute of Medical Herbalism, editor, Medical Herbalism journal “The Modern Herbal Dispensatory relies on the solid foundation that comes from direct interaction with living, breathing botanicals. To this it adds a specificity gleaned from twenty-first century science: clear guidelines rooted in chemistry and physiology provide definitive answers to questions of extraction method, solvent, timing, and formulation. If you’ve ever wondered which extraction method to use for a given plant, or felt reluctant to try advanced techniques like percolation, this clear and concise reference guide will become a trusted companion. A must-have for herbal educators, clinicians, and manufacturers alike!” -Guido Mase, cofounder and codirector, Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism“Thomas Easley and Steven Horne have done it once again. In the Modern Herbal Dispensatory, historic traditions of medicine making have been captured and shared in a way that empowers the modern lay herbalist to capture the benefits of botanical medicine in the most accessible and potent form. Weaving together folk teachings and scientific perspectives, this book bridges the spectrum of herbal medicine to provide an inspiring, detailed, and practical handbook for herbalists at all levels of e...
  • Book : In An Unspoken Voice How The Body Releases Trauma And
    Precio:  $74,739.00

    Book : In An Unspoken Voice How The Body Releases Trauma And

    -Titulo Original : In An Unspoken Voice How The Body Releases Trauma And Restores Goodness-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Unraveling trauma in the body, brain and mind-a revolution in treatment. Now in 17 languages. In this culmination of his life’s work, Peter A. Levine draws on his broad experience as a clinician, a student of comparative brain research, a stress scientist and a keen observer of the naturalistic animal world to explain the nature and transformation of trauma in the body, brain and psyche. In an Unspoken Voice is based on the idea that trauma is neither a disease nor a disorder, but rather an injury caused by fright, helplessness and loss that can be healed by engaging our innate capacity to self-regulate high states of arousal and intense emotions. Enriched with a coherent theoretical framework and compelling case examples, the book elegantly blends the latest findings in biology, neuroscience and body-oriented psychotherapy to show that when we bring together animal instinct and reason, we can become more whole human beings. Review “In An Unspoken Voice uses the authors experiences as a clinician and a student of comparative brain research to explore the nature and impact of trauma on the body and brain… Case study examples blend biology and body-oriented psychotherapy in a fine collection of insights highly recommended for college-level psychotherapy holdings.” -Midwest Book Review “In this masterpiece Peter Levine has captured the essence of trauma as residing in the ‘unspoken voice’ of our bodies. Combining a thorough study of animal ethology, brain research, and indigenous healing rituals with vast clinical knowledge, Levine provides a marvelous and original perspective on how trauma results in injuries that can be transformed and healed by attention to the natural healing powers of that reside deep within every human being.” -Bessel van der Kolk, MD, medical director and founder of the Trauma Center at Justice Ressource Institute, director of the National Complex Trauma Treatment Network, and professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine With this book Peter Levine secures his position in the forefront of trauma healing, as theorist, practitioner, and teacher. All of us in the therapeutic community-physicians, psychologists, therapists, aspiring healers, interested laypeople-are ever so much richer for this summation of what he himself has learned. -Gabor Mate, MD, author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction “Peter Levine’s work is visionary common sense, pure and simple.” -Laura Huxley, lifetime partner and collaborator of Aldous Huxley “Peter Levine’s first book, Waking the Tiger, changed the world of trauma treatment: somatic therapy, specifically Somatic Experiencing®, the name of the specific approach he developed, no longer alternative fringe practice, became a major player in the world of the mainstream psychotherapies. Like an anthropologist acquainting us with a different culture that he has made his own, Levine, in his new book, In an Unspoken Voice, systematically and engagingly initiates us into the ways of the body and the nervous system that animates it: how it works, what makes it tick, how to make friends with it, how to understand it, how to communicate with it and, last but not least, how to treat it and release it (and with it, us) from the hold of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). No longer unspoken, all that is held in the body--in trauma and in health, in psychosomatic illness and in resilience-is described, articulated and made coherent. The result is a masterful, fluent book that seamlessly moves between evolution, science, Polyvagal theory, mind-body practice, impassioned defense of our animal natures, self-disclosure and specific step-by-step guide to treating trauma and restoring resilience. It is erudite, it is impassioned, it is learned and it is accessible.” -Diana Fosha, PhD, director of The AEDP Institute, co-editor of The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development and Clinical Practice, a...
  • Book : The Wild Edge Of Sorrow Rituals Of Renewal And The...
    Precio:  $55,629.00

    Book : The Wild Edge Of Sorrow Rituals Of Renewal And The...

    -Titulo Original : The Wild Edge Of Sorrow Rituals Of Renewal And The Sacred Work Of Grief-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: The work of the mature person is to carry grief in one hand and gratitude in the other and be stretched large by them. Noted psychotherapist Francis Weller provides an essential guide for navigating the deep waters of sorrow and loss in this lyrical yet practical handbook for mastering the art of grieving. Describing how Western patterns of amnesia and anesthesia affect our capacity to cope with personal and collective sorrows, Weller reveals the new vitality we may encounter when we welcome, rather than fear, the pain of loss. Through moving personal stories, poetry, and insightful reflections he leads us into the central energy of sorrow, and to the profound healing and heightened communion with each other and our planet that reside alongside it. The Wild Edge of Sorrow explains that grief has always been communal and illustrates how we need the healing touch of others, an atmosphere of compassion, and the comfort of ritual in order to fully metabolize our grief. Weller describes how we often hide our pain from the world, wrapping it in a secret mantle of shame. This causes sorrow to linger unexpressed in our bodies, weighing us down and pulling us into the territory of depression and death. We have come to fear grief and feel too alone to face an encounter with the powerful energies of sorrow. Those who work with people in grief, who have experienced the loss of a loved one, who mourn the ongoing destruction of our planet, or who suffer the accumulated traumas of a lifetime will appreciate the discussion of obstacles to successful grief work such as privatized pain, lack of communal rituals, a pervasive feeling of fear, and a culturally restrictive range of emotion. Weller highlights the intimate bond between grief and gratitude, sorrow and intimacy. In addition to showing us that the greatest gifts are often hidden in the things we avoid, he offers powerful tools and rituals and a list of resources to help us transform grief into a force that allows us to live and love more fully. Review “In The Wild Edge of Sorrow Francis Weller offers his readers a breath-taking and dramatic journey of inner discovery into personal pain resolution, planetary healing, and soul development. It is an essential publication-one that offers precious guidance and insight for those who are strong enough, as well as mature enough, to probe and challenge the darkness.” -Spirituality Today “The Wild Edge of Sorrow marries uncommon compassion with clear-eyed discernment in its invitation to the reader to become a soul activist in a soul-devouring culture. It is a comprehensive manual for conscious grieving and opening to the unprecedented joy and passion that result from embracing our sorrow.” -Carolyn Baker, PhD, author of Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse and Collapsing Consciously “The Wild Edge of Sorrow is extraordinary, and explores the ongoing pain of separation from community and nature that we all feel. Reading Weller’s book, Ive realized that we have a lot of unprocessed grief to share. This book will be a gift to many.” -Charles Eisenstein, author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible “Weller guides us into the difficult geography of sorrow and helps us find our way back to our souls. He brings much-needed medicine to a culture that relies upon distraction and anesthesia to cope with the daily losses that surround us.” -Malidoma Some, author of The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose Through Nature, Ritual, and Community “This book rings a shivering bell of hope: that, when lifted by ritual and fellowship, the moist ground of grief actually contains a treasury of gifts that are our ancestral birthright. A delightful wisdom shines through every page of The Wild Edge of Sorrow.” -Martin Shaw, author of A Branch From The Lightning Tree “This book is not only a map to navigate some of the most tender and difficult regions of the psyche, but a work of literary art.” -Kim Rose...
  • Book : Dissociation Made Simple A Stigma-free Guide To...
    Precio:  $63,509.00

    Book : Dissociation Made Simple A Stigma-free Guide To...

    -Titulo Original : Dissociation Made Simple A Stigma-free Guide To Embracing Your Dissociative Mind And Navigating Daily Life-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: Dissociation 101: The go-to guide for understanding your dissociative disorder, breaking the stigma, and healing from trauma-related dissociation. Guided by clinical counselor Jamie Marich-a trauma-informed clinician living with a dissociative disorder herself-this book tells you everything you need to know about dissociation...but were too afraid to ask. Here, you’ll learn: What dissociation is-and why it’s a natural response to trauma How to understand and work with your “parts”-the unique emotional and behavioral profiles that can develop from personality fragmentation There’s nothing shameful about dissociating-that, in fact, we can all dissociate Skills and strategies for living your best, authentic, and most fulfilled life What to look for in a therapist: choosing a healer who sees you and gets it Foundational elements of healing from trauma, including PTSD and C-PTSD With practical guided exercises like “The Dissociative Profile” and “Parts Mapping,” this book is written for those diagnosed with dissociative disorders, clinicians and therapists who treat trauma and dissociation, and readers who are exploring whether they may have dissociative symptoms or a condition like dissociative identity disorder (DID). Dissociation Made Simple breaks it all down accessibly and comprehensively, with empowerment and support-and without stigma, judgment, or shame. Review ... a refreshing and necessary addition to the clinical discussion of trauma and dissociation.-EMMA SUNSHAW, creator of the System Speak podcast and author of If Tears Were Prayers The fresh approach we’ve needed ... that challenges the status quo of treatment and the stigma around mental health and addiction.-ANNA DAVID, best-selling author of Party Girl I will recommend this book to my clients.-VERONICA VALLI, author of Soberful and cohost of the Soberful podcast Marich’s honesty about her personal experiences combined with her professional knowledge serve to demystify and de-pathologize a common adaptive survival response and to provide readers with hope and embodied self-compassion. -JANE CLAPP, author and founder of Jungian Somatics An honest look at the realities dissociative survivors face-within and outside of the mental health care system.-ADRIAN A. FLETCHER, PsyD, MA, psychologist, writer, and empowerment speaker living and thriving with dissociative identities As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and complex trauma with dissociative identity disorder (DID), Ive been waiting for this book.-LARRY RUHL, artist, advocate, and author of the best-selling memoir Breaking the Ruhls Dr. Jamie Marich is the rebel pilot that the trauma field desperately needs.... all readers will find value in this book.-JUSTINE MASTIN, MA, LMFT, LADC, E-RYT 200, coauthor of Starship Therapise This book offers solutions that empower, motivate, and inspire us to stay the course on our healing journey.-ANNA PIRKL, coauthor of Transforming Trauma with Jiu-Jitsu If you are looking for a sensitive and respectful work on dissociation . . . you will find it here. This is the book for us.-DR. ANDRÉ MAURÍCIO MONTEIRO, Espaçao da mente, Brazil Groundbreaking. . . . A must-read for anyone looking to improve their mental health and break free from the stigma of dissociation.-ERICA HORNTHAL, LCPC, BC-DMT, author of Body Aware [This book] approaches the topic on a human level with real-life examples, avoiding academic jargon and providing straightforward ways of looking at dissociation.-ANN GOELITZ, PhD, LCSW, author of From Trauma to Healing A must-read for any clinician working with trauma, as well as anyone who experiences dissociation or who has a relationship with someone who does.” -PAUL FOXMAN, PhD, author of Dancing with Fear Dissociation Made Simple has taken my understanding as a trauma-informed somatic therapist to a whole new level. Bravo to Jamie Marich. -STEPHANIE CITRON, PhD, clinical psychologist and trainer Dr. M...
  • Book : Refusing Compulsory Sexuality A Black Asexual Lens On
    Precio:  $56,669.00

    Book : Refusing Compulsory Sexuality A Black Asexual Lens On

    -Titulo Original : Refusing Compulsory Sexuality A Black Asexual Lens On Our Sex-obsessed Culture-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: For readers of Ace and Belly of the Beast: A Black queer feminist exploration of asexuality--and an incisive interrogation of the sex-obsessed culture that invisibilizes and ignores asexual and A-spec identity. Everything you know about sex and asexuality is (probably) wrong. The notion that everyone wants sex--and that we all have to have it--is false. It’s intertwined with our ideas about capitalism, race, gender, and queerness. And it impacts the most marginalized among us. For asexual folks, it means that ace and A-spec identity is often defined by a queerness that’s not queer enough, seen through a lens of perceived lack: lack of pleasure, connection, joy, maturity, and even humanity. In this exploration of what it means to be Black and asexual in America today, Sherronda J. Brown offers new perspectives on asexuality. She takes an incisive look at how anti-Blackness, white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and capitalism enact harm against asexual people, contextualizing acephobia within a racial framework in the first book of its kind. Brown advocates for the “A” in LGBTQIA, affirming that to be asexual is to be queer--despite the gatekeeping and denial that often says otherwise. With chapters on desire, f*ckability, utility, refusal, and possibilities, Refusing Compulsory Sexuality discusses topics of deep relevance to ace and a-spec communities. It centers the Black asexual experience--and demands visibility in a world that pathologizes and denies asexuality, denigrates queerness, and specifically sexualizes Black people. A necessary and unapologetic reclamation, Refusing Compulsory Sexuality is smart, timely, and an essential read for asexuals, aromantics, queer readers, and anyone looking to better understand sexual politics in America...
  • Book : The Four Pivots Reimagining Justice, Reimagining...
    Precio:  $56,809.00

    Book : The Four Pivots Reimagining Justice, Reimagining...

    -Titulo Original : The Four Pivots Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: “Reading this courageous book feels like the beginning of a social and personal awakening...I can’t stop thinking about it.”-Brene Brown, PhD, author of Atlas of the Heart For readers of Emergent Strategy and Dare to Lead, an activists roadmap to long-term social justice impact through four simple shifts. We need a fundamental shift in our values--a pivot in how we think, act, work, and connect. Despite what we’ve been told, the most critical mainspring of social change isn’t coalition building or problem analysis. It’s healing: deep, whole, and systemic, inside and out. Here, Shawn Ginwright, PhD, breaks down the common myths of social movements--a set of deeply ingrained beliefs that actually hold us back from healing and achieving sustainable systemic change. He shows us why these frames don’t work, proposing instead four revolutionary pivots for better activism and collective leadership: Awareness: from lens to mirror Connection: from transactional to transformative relationships Vision: from problem-fixing to possibility-creating Presence: from hustle to flow Supplemented with reflections, prompts, cutting-edge research, and the author’s own insights and lived experience as an African American social scientist, professor, and movement builder, The Four Pivots helps us uncover our obstruction points. It shows us how to discover new lenses and boldly assert our need for connection, transformation, trust, wholeness, and healing. It gives us permission to create a better future--to acknowledge that a broken system has been predefining our dreams and limiting what we allow ourselves to imagine, but that it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Are you ready to pivot...
  • Book : Complete Calisthenics, Second Edition The Ultimate...
    Precio:  $85,219.00

    Book : Complete Calisthenics, Second Edition The Ultimate...

    -Titulo Original : Complete Calisthenics, Second Edition The Ultimate Guide To Bodyweight Exercise-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: The ultimate guide to bodyweight exercises for anyone interested in taking their workouts to the next level without the use of weights, machines, or expensive gym memberships Complete Calisthenics is an essential guide for anyone interested in losing weight, building core strength, and taking their workouts to the next level. Author and trainer Ashley Kalym has designed a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to calisthenics using only ones own bodyweight for resistance. Readers will learn how to execute a wide range of exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, core development movements, and lower-body routines. Also included are easy-to-follow instructions for the planche, the front and back lever, handstands, handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, leg training, and other key exercises. Complete Calisthenics includes essential information on workout preparation, simple props, nutrition, and an assortment of diverse training routines. New to this second edition are enhanced muscle-building exercises, instructions for optimal rest and recovery, and an assortment of original recipes. Kalym also includes samples from his personal food diary. With over 500 instructional photos, Complete Calisthenics takes readers on a path to creating physical endurance, agility, and power. The book is suitable for every level of athlete, from beginner to experienced...
  • Book : The Language Of Breath Discover Better Emotional And.
    Precio:  $70,049.00

    Book : The Language Of Breath Discover Better Emotional And.

    -Titulo Original : The Language Of Breath Discover Better Emotional And Physical Health Through Breathing And Self-awareness--with 20 Holistic Breathwork Practices-Fabricante : North Atlantic Books-Descripcion Original: For breathwork fans who want to go deeper-20 science-backed breathing practices to boost your energy, unlock your mind-body connection, and heal from chronic stress Breathwork expert Jesse Coomer reveals how to breathe our way to better health, increased vitality, and mental clarity by unlocking The Language of Breath. Using powerful, proven breathwork exercises, Coomer delivers a new paradigm to the world of breathwork: one that reconnects us to our innate mind-body wisdom and bridges the evolutionary disconnect between our bodies, brains, and the stressors of modern-day life. By engaging with our breath as a language that we can listen to and learn, we can: Combat the dysregulation, disconnection, and stressors of our always-on, hamster-wheel culture Learn why contorting our natural sleep, wake, and eating cycles to fit modern-day schedules is making us sick Use breathwork to reset and reclaim our natural agency and innate wisdom Guard against the physical effects of overwork and chronic stress With practical exercises and simple techniques, this book provides a step-by-step approach to using breath as a tool for self-discovery and transformation. From overcoming stress and anxiety to managing chronic illness, The Language of Breath is a must-read for anyone seeking to harness the power of their own breath to live a healthier, happier life...
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